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Grammar Writing Techniques 6 min2023-03-22 00:00

5-Letter Words That Start With S: Word List

5 letter words that start with s

When you’re playing popular word games, such as Scrabble, Wordle, or Quordle, you might look for some five-letter words starting with S. 

If that happens, we’ve got you covered. 

In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of five-letter words that start with S and some tips for winning Wordle. 

Top 5-Letter Words Starting With S

So, you’ve figured out the first letter of the word you’re looking for is an S. What comes next? 

We’ve broken our list into sections based on the next letters. If you’ve already identified a potential second letter in your word, find that in the sections below. 

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

5-Letter Words That Start With SA, SC, or SE 

If you’re sure the next letter in your word is A, C, or E, here’s a list of options for you to pick from. 

  • Sabed

  • Saber

  • Sabin

  • Sable

  • Sabot

  • Sabra

  • Sabre

  • Sacks

  • Sacra

  • Sadhe

  • Sadhu

  • Sadis

  • Sadly

  • Safer

  • Sager

  • Saggy

  • Sagos

  • Sahib

  • Saice

  • Saids

  • Saiga

  • Saint

  • Saith

  • Saker

  • Sakis

  • Salad

  • Salal

  • Salat

  • Salep

  • Salet

  • Sally

  • Salmi

  • Salol

  • Salon

  • Salpa

  • Salps

  • Salsa

  • Salts

  • Salty

  • Salve

  • Salvo

  • Samba

  • Samps

  • Sands

  • Sandy

  • Saner

  • Santo

  • Sapid

  • Sapor

  • Sappy

  • Saran

  • Sards

  • Sarge

  • Sargo

  • Sarks

  • Sarky

  • Sarod

  • Sasin

  • Sassy

  • Satay

  • Sated

  • Satem

  • Sates

  • Satin

  • Satis

  • Satyr

  • Sauce

  • Sauch

  • Saucy

  • Saugh

  • Sault

  • Sauna

  • Saury

  • Saute

  • Saved

  • Saver

  • Savin

  • Savor

  • Savvy

  • Sawed

  • Sawer

  • Sayed

  • Sayer

  • Scald

  • Scale

  • Scall

  • Scalp

  • Scaly

  • Scamp

  • Scant

  • Scape

  • Scare

  • Scarf

  • Scarp

  • Scart

  • Scary

  • Scaup

  • Scelp

  • Scena

  • Scend

  • Scene

  • Scent

  • Schav

  • Schwa

  • Scion

  • Scoff

  • Scold

  • Scone

  • Scoop

  • Scoot

  • Scopa

  • Scope

  • Score

  • Scorn

  • Scots

  • Scour

  • Scout

  • Scowl

  • Scrag

  • Scram

  • Scrap

  • Scree

  • Screw

  • Scrim

  • Scrip

  • Scrod

  • Scrub

  • Scrum

  • Scuba

  • Scudi

  • Scudo

  • Scuff

  • Sculk

  • Scull

  • Sculp

  • Scups

  • Scurf

  • Scute

  • Seamy

  • Seats

  • Sebum

  • Secco

  • Sects

  • Sedan

  • Sedge

  • Sedum

  • Seedy

  • Seely

  • Seepy

  • Segni

  • Segno

  • Segos

  • Segue

  • Seifs

  • Seine

  • Seise

  • Seism

  • Seize

  • Selah

  • Sells

  • Selva

  • Semis

  • Sends

  • Sengi

  • Senna

  • Sense

  • Sente

  • Senti

  • Sepal

  • Sepia

  • Sepic

  • Sepoy

  • Septs

  • Serac

  • Serai

  • Seral

  • Seres

  • Serge

  • Serif

  • Serin

  • Serow

  • Serry

  • Serum

  • Serve

  • Servo

  • Setae

  • Setal

  • Seton

  • Setts

  • Setup

  • Seven

  • Sever

  • Sewed

  • Sewer

5-Letter Words That Start With SH, SI, or SK

SH is a common start for many words. We’ve also got some examples of words starting with SI or SK for you to check. 

  • Shack

  • Shade

  • Shads

  • Shady

  • Shaft

  • Shake

  • Shako

  • Shaky

  • Shale

  • Shall

  • Shame

  • Shank

  • Shape

  • Shard

  • Share

  • Shark

  • Sharp

  • Shave

  • Shawl

  • Shawm

  • Sheaf

  • Shear

  • Sheas

  • Sheen

  • Sheep

  • Sheer

  • Sheet

  • Shelf

  • Shell

  • Shend

  • Sheol

  • Shied

  • Shiel

  • Shier

  • Shift

  • Shill

  • Shims

  • Shine

  • Shins

  • Shiny

  • Ships

  • Shire

  • Shirk

  • Shirr

  • Shirt

  • Shiva

  • Shive

  • Shlep

  • Shlub

  • Shoal

  • Shoat

  • Shock

  • Shoes

  • Shogi

  • Shogs

  • Shoji

  • Shone

  • Shook

  • Shoot

  • Shore

  • Shorn

  • Short

  • Shote

  • Shout

  • Shove

  • Shown

  • Showy

  • Shoyu

  • Shred

  • Shrew

  • Shrub

  • Shrug

  • Shuck

  • Shuln

  • Shunt

  • Shush

  • Shyer

  • Shyly

  • Sibyl

  • Sided

  • Sidhe

  • Sidle

  • Siege

  • Sieve

  • Sight

  • Sigil

  • Sigma

  • Signa

  • Sikas

  • Siker

  • Silex

  • Silky

  • Silly

  • Silty

  • Silva

  • Simar

  • Simas

  • Simpy

  • Since

  • Sinew

  • Singe

  • Sinhs

  • Sinus

  • Sired

  • Siren

  • Sires

  • Sisal

  • Sitar

  • Sited

  • Situs

  • Sixte

  • Sixth

  • Sixty

  • Sizar

  • Sized

  • Skald

  • Skate

  • Skean

  • Skeet

  • Skegs

  • Skein

  • Skelp

  • Skene

  • Skeps

  • Skews

  • Skies

  • Skiff

  • Skill

  • Skimp

  • Skims

  • Skink

  • Skins

  • Skint

  • Skirl

  • Skirr

  • Skirt

  • Skite

  • Skits

  • Skive

  • Skoal

  • Skort

  • Skosh

  • Skuas

  • Skulk

  • Skull

  • Skunk

  • Skyed

  • Skyey

5-Letter Words That Start With SL, SM, or SN

The letters L, M, and N appear in many five-letter words, so why not try some of these words?  

  • Slack

  • Slain

  • Slake

  • Slang

  • Slank

  • Slant

  • Slash

  • Slate

  • Slave

  • Sleek

  • Sleep

  • Sleet

  • Slept

  • Slice

  • Slick

  • Slide

  • Slime

  • Slimy

  • Sling

  • Slink

  • Slipe

  • Sloop

  • Slope

  • Slosh

  • Sloth

  • Sloyd

  • Slubs

  • Slued

  • Sluff

  • Slump

  • Slung

  • Slunk

  • Slurb

  • Slurp

  • Slush

  • Slyer

  • Slyly

  • Slype

  • Smack

  • Small

  • Smalt

  • Smarm

  • Smart

  • Smash

  • Smaze

  • Smear

  • Smell

  • Smelt

  • Smile

  • Smirk

  • Smite

  • Smith

  • Smock

  • Smoke

  • Smoky

  • Smolt

  • Smote

  • Snack

  • Snafu

  • Snail

  • Snake

  • Snaky

  • Snare

  • Snarf

  • Snark

  • Snarl

  • Snash

  • Snath

  • Sneak

  • Sneck

  • Sneer

  • Snell

  • Snick

  • Snide

  • Sniff

  • Snips

  • Snobs

  • Snood

  • Snook

  • Snoop

  • Snoot

  • Snore

  • Snort

  • Snout

  • Snowy

  • Snubs

  • Snuck

  • Snyes

5-Letter Words That Start With SO, SP, or SQ

We’ve identified many words starting with SO, SP, or SQ. The letter Q is a high-scoring tile in Scrabble, so we recommend checking the options below to see if you can make any of them in your game.

  • Soapy

  • Soave

  • Sober

  • Socas

  • Socko

  • Socle

  • Soddy

  • Sodic

  • Sofar

  • Sofas

  • Softa

  • Softy

  • Soggy

  • Solan

  • Solar

  • Solas

  • Soldi

  • Soldo

  • Solei

  • Solid

  • Solon

  • Solum

  • Solus

  • Solve

  • Somas

  • Sonar

  • Sonde

  • Sones

  • Sonic

  • Sonny

  • Sonsy

  • Sooey

  • Sooth

  • Sooty

  • Sophy

  • Sopor

  • Soppy

  • Soras

  • Sorbs

  • Sorer

  • Sores

  • Sorgo

  • Sorry

  • Sorts

  • Sorus

  • Sotol

  • Sough

  • Souks

  • Sound

  • Soupy

  • Souse

  • South

  • Sowed

  • Sower

  • Space

  • Spade

  • Spaed

  • Spahi

  • Spake

  • Spall

  • Spang

  • Spare

  • Spark

  • Spasm

  • Spate

  • Spawn

  • Speak

  • Spean

  • Spear

  • Speck

  • Speed

  • Speel

  • Speer

  • Spell

  • Spelt

  • Spend

  • Spent

  • Sperm

  • Spica

  • Spice

  • Spick

  • Spicy

  • Spied

  • Spiel

  • Spier

  • Spiff

  • Spike

  • Spiky

  • Spile

  • Spill

  • Spilt

  • Spine

  • Spins

  • Spiny

  • Spire

  • Spirt

  • Spiry

  • Spite

  • Spitz

  • Spivs

  • Splat

  • Splay

  • Split

  • Spoil

  • Spoke

  • Spoof

  • Spook

  • Spool

  • Spoon

  • Spoor

  • Spore

  • Sport

  • Spout

  • Sprag

  • Sprat

  • Spray

  • Spree

  • Sprig

  • Sprit

  • Sprue

  • Spuds

  • Spued

  • Spume

  • Spumy

  • Spurn

  • Spurt

  • Sputa

  • Squab

  • Squad

  • Squat

  • Squeg

  • Squib

  • Squid

5-Letter Words That Start With ST

The most common second letter after S is T. Check out these words starting with ST. 

  • Stack

  • Stade

  • Staff

  • Stage

  • Stagy

  • Staid

  • Stain

  • Stair

  • Stake

  • Stale

  • Stalk

  • Stall

  • Stamp

  • Stand

  • Stane

  • Stang

  • Stank

  • Staph

  • Stare

  • Stark

  • Start

  • Stash

  • State

  • Stats

  • Stave

  • Stays

  • Stead

  • Steak

  • Steal

  • Steam

  • Steed

  • Steek

  • Steel

  • Steep

  • Steer

  • Stein

  • Stela

  • Stele

  • Stems

  • Steno

  • Stent

  • Steps

  • Stere

  • Stern

  • Stets

  • Stich

  • Stick

  • Stied

  • Sties

  • Stiff

  • Stile

  • Still

  • Stilt

  • Stime

  • Sting

  • Stink

  • Stint

  • Stipe

  • Stirk

  • Stirp

  • Stoae

  • Stoai

  • Stoas

  • Stock

  • Stogy

  • Stoic

  • Stoke

  • Stole

  • Stoma

  • Stomp

  • Stone

  • Stony

  • Stood

  • Stook

  • Stoop

  • Stope

  • Stops

  • Stopt

  • Store

  • Stork

  • Storm

  • Story

  • Stoup

  • Stour

  • Stout

  • Stove

  • Stowp

  • Strap

  • Straw

  • Stray

  • Strep

  • Strew

  • Stria

  • Strip

  • Strop

  • Stroy

  • Strum

  • Strut

  • Stuck

  • Study

  • Stuff

  • Stull

  • Stump

  • Stung

  • Stunk

  • Stunt

  • Stupa

  • Stupe

  • Sturt

  • Style

  • Styli

5-Letter Words That Start With SU, SW, or SY

Don’t overlook the letters U, W, or Y when considering potential winning words. Here’s a list of words that start with SU, SW, or SY.

  • Suave

  • Suber

  • Sucky

  • Sucre

  • Suede

  • Sugar

  • Sughs

  • Suing

  • Suint

  • Suite

  • Suits

  • Sulci

  • Sulfa

  • Sulfo

  • Sulks

  • Sulky

  • Sully

  • Sumac

  • Sumis

  • Summa

  • Sunns

  • Sunny

  • Sunup

  • Super

  • Supes

  • Supra

  • Surah

  • Sural

  • Suras

  • Surds

  • Surer

  • Surfy

  • Surge

  • Surgy

  • Surly

  • Surra

  • Sushi

  • Swage

  • Swain

  • Swale

  • Swami

  • Swamp

  • Swamy

  • Swang

  • Sward

  • Sware

  • Swarf

  • Swarm

  • Swart

  • Swash

  • Swear

  • Sweat

  • Swede

  • Sweep

  • Sweer

  • Sweet

  • Swell

  • Swept

  • Swift

  • Swill

  • Swine

  • Swing

  • Swink

  • Swipe

  • Swirl

  • Swish

  • Swiss

  • Swith

  • Swoon

  • Swoop

  • Sword

  • Swore

  • Sworn

  • Swung

  • Sycee

  • Sycon

  • Sylis

  • Sylph

  • Sylva

  • Synch

  • Synod

  • Synth

  • Syrup

  • Sysop

The Best 5-Letter Word Starting With S for Wordle

The letter S is a common start for five-letter words that might be the winning word in Wordle. If you’re looking for a starting word, it’s a good idea to use S as the first letter and select a word that has plenty of vowels. 

Here are some examples of five-letter words that contain vowels:

  • Saint

  • Saute

  • Setup

  • Shine

  • Sneak

  • Soave

  • Stoai

  • Suite

popular wordle starting words

Some of the most popular starting words are SALET, SLANT, and SLATE. Using these as examples, you could also try STALE. These words all contain some of the most common letters found in five-letter words, which gives you the best chance of identifying correct letters. 

5-Letter S Words Conclusion

There you have it. A list of five-letter words starting with S you can use for your word games. We hope our tips for starting words for Wordle will help you win the game. 

If Scrabble is your game, the highest-scoring five-letter words that begin with S are SQUAB, SQUIB, SMAZE, and SPITZ, which will each score you 16 points.

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.