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Grammar Parts Of Speech 6 min2023-06-08 00:00

Adjectives That Start With N: 500+ N Adjectives

adjectives that start with n

If you want to write an alliteration using descriptive words that start with N, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll give you 500+ adjectives that start with N so you can use them to add a little more sparkle to your writing.   

N Words to Describe Someone

Here are some adjectives that start with N you can use to describe a person.

adjectives that start with N list

  • Naïve (definition: innocent and unaffected)

  • Naked (definition: not wearing clothes)

  • Nameless (definition: without a name)

  • Narcissistic (definition: self-centered and egotistical)

  • Narcoleptic (definition: having a sleep disorder called narcolepsy)

  • Narrow-bodied (definition: lean and thin)

  • Narrow-minded (definition: intolerant and prejudiced)

  • Nasty (definition: unpleasant and spiteful)

  • Nationalistic (definition: expressing strong identification with one's nation)

  • Native (definition: originating from a particular place)

  • Natural (definition: authentic and unprocessed)

  • Naughty (definition: mischievous and rule breaking)

  • Nauseated (definition: feeling sick)

  • Nauseous (definition: feeling sick)

  • Neanderthal (definition: uncivilized and uncouth)

  • Nearsighted (definition: myopic)

  • Neat (definition: tidy and organized)

  • Neater (definition: more organized and tidy)

  • Neatest (definition: most organized and tidy)

  • Neckless (definition: lacking a neck)

  • Needy (definition: requiring assistance or support)

  • Nefarious (definition: wicked and evil)

  • Negative (definition: unfavorable and pessimistic)

  • Neglected (definition: not given proper attention)

  • Neglectful (definition: failing to give proper attention or care)

  • Negligent (definition: careless and lax)

  • Neighborly (definition: friendly and helpful to neighbors)

  • Nepalese (definition: from Nepal)

  • Nepali (definition: from Nepal)

  • Nerdy (definition: intellectually focused)

  • Nerveless (definition: lacking vigor)

  • Nervous (definition: easily agitated or anxious)

  • Nervy (definition: courageous and confident)

  • Neurotic (definition: overly anxious or obsessive)

  • Neutral (definition: impartial or unbiased)

  • Newborn (definition: recently born)

  • Nice (definition: pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nicer (definition: more pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nicest (definition: most pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nigerian (definition: from Nigeria)

  • Nimble (definition: quick and agile)

  • Niminy-piminy (definition: excessively refined and fussy)

  • Nipponese (definition: from Nippon)

  • No-nonsense (definition: straightforward and sensible)

  • Noble (definition: of high social class)

  • Nocturnal (definition: sleeping during the day)

  • Noiseless (definition: making no sound)

  • Noisome (definition: disagreeable and unpleasant)

  • Noisy (definition: loud and disruptive)

  • Nomadic (definition: not sedentary)

  • Nominated (definition: in the running for an award)

  • Nonbelligerent (definition: peaceful and not aggressive)

  • Non-violent (definition: peaceful and not aggressive)

  • Nonagenarian (definition: a person in their 90s)

  • Nonaggressive (definition: not hostile or confrontational)

  • Nonchalant (definition: calm and relaxed)

  • Noncombatant (definition: not engaged in fighting a war)

  • Noncommittal (definition: not expressing or revealing commitment or opinion)

  • Nonconforming (definition: not following prevailing norms)

  • Nondescript: (definition: lacking distinctive or interesting qualities)

  • Nordic (definition: from the Nordic countries)

  • Norman (definition: from Normandy)

  • Norse (definition: from Norway)

  • Norwegian (definition: from Norway)

  • Noseless (definition: lacking a nose)

  • Nosey (definition: showing too much curiosity about other people)

  • Nostalgic (definition: sentimental and wistful)

  • Nosy (definition: showing too much curiosity about other people)

  • Notable (definition: remarkable and noteworthy)

  • Noted (definition: well-known and respected)

  • Noteworthy (definition: deserving of attention or notice)

  • Noticeable (definition: easily seen or observed)

  • Notorious (definition: famed in a negative way)

  • Nubile (definition: young and sexually attractive)

  • Nude (definition: wearing no clothes)

  • Numb (definition: lacking feeling)

Character Traits That Start With N

If you want to describe someone’s personality, you can use adjectives that start with N that specifically refer to character traits.

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  • Naïve (definition: innocent and unaffected)

  • Narcissistic (definition: self-centered and egotistical)

  • Narrow-minded (definition: intolerant and prejudiced)

  • Nasty (definition: unpleasant and spiteful)

  • Nationalistic (definition: expressing strong identification with one's nation)

  • Natural (definition: authentic and unprocessed)

  • Neat (definition: tidy and organized)

  • Neater (definition: more organized and tidy)

  • Neatest (definition: most organized and tidy)

  • Needy (definition: requiring assistance or support)

  • Nefarious (definition: wicked and evil)

  • Negative (definition: unfavorable and pessimistic)

  • Neglectful (definition: failing to give proper attention or care)

  • Negligent (definition: careless and lax)

  • Neighborly (definition: friendly and helpful to neighbors)

  • Nerdy (definition: intellectually focused)

  • Nervous (definition: easily agitated or anxious)

  • Nervy (definition: courageous and confident)

  • Neurotic (definition: overly anxious or obsessive

  • Nice (definition: pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nicer (definition: more pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nicest (definition: most pleasant and enjoyable)

  • Nimble (definition: quick and agile)

  • Nonchalant (definition: calm and relaxed)

  • Nondescript: (definition: lacking distinctive or interesting qualities)

  • Nosy (definition: showing too much curiosity about other people)

Nice Adjectives That Start With N

Now, let’s look at some positive adjectives that start with N.

n adjectives list

  • Nacreous

  • Nail-biting

  • Nationwide

  • Native

  • Natural

  • Neat

  • Neater

  • Neatest

  • Necessary

  • Needed

  • Neighborly

  • Neoteric

  • Nervy

  • Never-ending

  • Never-failing

  • New

  • Newest

  • Newsworthy

  • Nice

  • Nicer

  • Nicest

  • Nifty

  • Nimble

  • Nobby

  • Noble

  • Noetic

  • Noiseless

  • Nonviolent

  • Nonjudgmental

  • Nonlethal

  • Nonpartisan

  • Nonperishable

  • Nonprofit

  • Nonstop

  • Nontaxable

  • Nonvenomous

  • Normal

  • Normative

  • Nostalgic

  • Notable

  • Noted

  • Noteworthy

  • Noticeable

  • Nourished

  • Nourishing

  • Nouveau

  • Novel

  • Now

  • Nuanced

  • Nubile

  • Number-one

  • Numerous

  • Numinous

  • Nurturing

  • Nutritious

  • Nutritive

Full List of Adjectives Starting With N

There are many other adjectives starting with N that don’t fit neatly into the categories above.

So, in this section, we’ll give you a full list of all the adjectives that start with N.

  • Nacreous

  • Nagging

  • Naiant

  • Naif

  • Naive

  • Naked

  • Nameless

  • Namibian

  • Nanocephalic

  • Napoleonic

  • Nappy

  • Narcissistic

  • Narcoleptic

  • Narcotic

  • Narcotising

  • Narcotized

  • Narcotizing

  • Narial

  • Narrative

  • Narrow

  • Narrow-bodied

  • Narrow-minded

  • Nary

  • Nasal

  • Nascent

  • Nasopharyngeal

  • Nasty

  • Natal

  • National

  • Nationalist

  • Nationalistic

  • Nationwide

  • Native

  • Nativist

  • Nativistic

  • Natriuretic

  • Natty

  • Natural

  • Naturalistic

  • Naughty

  • Nauruan

  • Nauseated

  • Nauseating

  • Nauseous

  • Nautical

  • Naval

  • Navicular

  • Navigable

  • Navy-blue

  • Nazarene

  • Nazi

  • Neanderthal

  • Neanderthalian

  • Neapolitan

  • Near

  • Nearby

  • Nearsighted

  • Neat

  • Neater

  • Neatest

  • Nebular

  • Nebulose

  • Nebulous

  • Necessary

  • Necessitous

  • Neck-deep

  • Neckless

  • Nectariferous

  • Nectarous

  • Nee

  • Needed

  • Needful

  • Needlelike

  • Needless

  • Needy

  • Nefarious

  • Negative

  • Neglected

  • Neglectful

  • Negligent

  • Negligible

  • Negotiable

  • Negro

  • Neighboring

  • Neighborly

  • Neither

  • Neo

  • Neoclassic

  • Neocortical

  • Neoliberal

  • Neolithic

  • Neonatal

  • Neoplastic

  • Neotenic

  • Neotenous

  • Neoteric

  • Nepalese

  • Nepali

  • Nephritic

  • Nephrotoxic

  • Nerdy

  • Neritic

  • Nerveless

  • Nervous

  • Nervy

  • Nescient

  • Nestorian

  • Net

  • Nether

  • Nethermost

  • Netlike

  • Nett

  • Netted

  • Nettlesome

  • Networklike

  • Neural

  • Neuralgic

  • Neurasthenic

  • Neurobiological

  • Neuroendocrine

  • Neurogenic

  • Neurologic

  • Neurological

  • Neuromotor

  • Neuromuscular

  • Neuronal

  • Neuronic

  • Neurotic

  • Neurotropic

  • Neuter

  • Neutral

  • Never-ending

  • Never-failing

  • New

  • Newborn

  • Newfangled

  • Newfound

  • Newsworthy

  • Newtonian

  • Next

  • Nicaraguan

  • Nice

  • Nicene

  • Nidicolous

  • Nidifugous

  • Niffy

  • Nifty

  • Nigerian

  • Niggling

  • Nigh

  • Nighted

  • Nightlong

  • Nightly

  • Nightmarish

  • Nihilistic

  • Nilotic

  • Nilpotent

  • Nimble

  • Nimble-minded

  • Nipponese

  • Nippy

  • Nisi

  • Nitid

  • Nitric

  • Nitwitted

  • No-frills

  • No-nonsense

  • No-win

  • Noachian

  • Nobby

  • Noble

  • Nocent

  • Nociceptive

  • Noctilucent

  • Nocturnal

  • Nodular

  • Nodulated

  • Noduled

  • Nodulose

  • Noetic

  • Noiseless

  • Noisome

  • Noisy

  • Nomadic

  • Nominal

  • Nominalistic

  • Nominated

  • Nominative

  • Nomothetic

  • Non-responsive

  • Non-returnable

  • Non-transferable

  • Nonabrasive

  • Nonabsorbent

  • Nonadaptive

  • Nonaddictive

  • Nonadhesive

  • Nonadjacent

  • Nonabsorbent

  • Nonagenarian

  • Nonaggressive

  • Nonalcoholic

  • Nonaligne

  • Nonarbitrary

  • Nonassertive

  • Nonautonomous

  • Nonbearing

  • Nonbelligerent

  • Noncaloric

  • Noncausal

  • Noncellular

  • Nonchalant

  • Nonclassical

  • Noncollapsible

  • Noncombatant

  • Noncombustible

  • Noncommercial

  • Noncommissioned

  • Noncommittal

  • Noncommunicable

  • Noncompetitive

  • Noncompliant

  • Nonconducting

  • Nonconductive

  • Nonconforming

  • Nonconformist

  • Nonconsecutive

  • Noncontagious

  • Noncontinuous

  • Noncontroversial

  • Nonconvergent

  • Noncritical

  • Noncrucial

  • Noncrystalline

  • Noncyclic

  • Noncyclical

  • Nondeductible

  • Nondenominational

  • Nondescript

  • Nondestructive

  • Nondigestible

  • Nondisposable

  • None

  • Nonelective

  • Nonequivalent

  • Nonessential

  • Nonexclusive

  • Nonexempt

  • Nonexistent

  • Nonexplosive

  • Nonfat

  • Nonfatal

  • Nonfictional

  • Nonfigurative

  • Nonflammable

  • Nonflowering

  • Nonfunctional

  • Nongranular

  • Nongregarious

  • Nonhereditary

  • Nonhierarchical

  • Nonhuman

  • Nonindustrial

  • Noninfectious

  • Noninflammatory

  • Nonintegrated

  • Nonintellectual

  • Noninterchangeable

  • Nonintersecting

  • Noninvasive

  • Nonionic

  • Nonionized

  • Nonjudgmental

  • Nonleaded

  • Nonlegal

  • Nonlethal

  • Nonlinear

  • Nonlinguistic

  • Nonliteral

  • Nonliterary

  • Nonliving

  • Nonmagnetic

  • Nonmaterial

  • Nonmetal

  • Nonmetallic

  • Nonmigratory

  • Nonmilitary

  • Nonmotile

  • Nonmoving

  • Nonmusical

  • Nonnative

  • Nonnatural

  • Nonnegative

  • Nonnegotiable

  • Nonobjective

  • Nonobligatory

  • Nonobservant

  • Nonoperational

  • Nonparallel

  • Nonparametric

  • Nonparasitic

  • Nonpareil

  • Nonpartisan

  • Nonphysical

  • Nonplussed

  • Nonpoisonous

  • Nonpolitical

  • Nonporous

  • Nonprescription

  • Nonproductive

  • Nonprofessional

  • Nonprofit

  • Nonproprietary

  • Nonpublic

  • Nonpurulent

  • Nonracial

  • Nonradioactive

  • Nonrandom

  • Nonrational

  • Nonreciprocal

  • Nonrecreational

  • Nonreflecting

  • Nonreflective

  • Nonrefundable

  • Nonrenewable

  • Nonrepetitive

  • Nonrepresentative

  • Nonresident

  • Nonresidential

  • Nonresilient

  • Nonresistant

  • Nonresonant

  • Nonrestrictive

  • Nonretractable

  • Nonretractile

  • Nonreturnable

  • Nonreversible

  • Nonrhythmic

  • Nonrigid

  • Nonruminant

  • Nonsectarian

  • Nonsegmental

  • Nonsegregated

  • Nonsense

  • Nonsensical

  • Nonsensitive

  • Nonsexual

  • Nonsignificant

  • Nonskid

  • Nonslip

  • Nonsocial

  • Nonspatial

  • Nonspeaking

  • Nonspecific

  • Nonspherical

  • Nonstandard

  • Nonsteroidal

  • Nonstick

  • Nonstop

  • Nonstructural

  • Nonsubjective

  • Nonsubmergible

  • Nonsubmersible

  • Nonsuppurative

  • Nonsurgical

  • Nonsyllabic

  • Nonsymbiotic

  • Nonsynchronous

  • Nonsynthetic

  • Nontaxable

  • Nontechnical

  • Nontelescopic

  • Nonterritorial

  • Nonthermal

  • Nontoxic

  • Nontraditional

  • Nontransferable

  • Nontranslational

  • Nontransmissible

  • Nonturbulent

  • Nonuniform

  • Nonunion

  • Nonunionized

  • Nonuple

  • Nonvenomous

  • Nonverbal

  • Nonviable

  • Nonviolent

  • Nonvisual

  • Nonvolatile

  • Nonvolatilizable

  • Nonvoluntary

  • Nonwashable

  • Nonwoody

  • Nordic

  • Normal

  • Norman

  • Normative

  • Normotensive

  • Norse

  • North

  • Northbound

  • Northeast

  • Northeasterly

  • Northeastern

  • Northeastward

  • Northerly

  • Northern

  • Northernmost

  • Northmost

  • Northward

  • Northwest

  • Northwesterly

  • Northwestern

  • Northwestward

  • Norwegian

  • Noseless

  • Nosey

  • Nosocomial

  • Nosohusial

  • Nostalgic

  • Nosy

  • Notable

  • Noted

  • Noteworthy

  • Noticeable

  • Noticed

  • Notifiable

  • Notional

  • Notorious

  • Nourished

  • Nourishing

  • Novel

  • Noxious

  • Nubbly

  • Nubby

  • Nubile

  • Nuclear

  • Nucleate

  • Nucleated

  • Nude

  • Nugatory

  • Null

  • Numb

  • Numberless

  • Numbing

  • Numerable

  • Numeral

  • Numerate

  • Numeric

  • Numerical

  • Numerological

  • Numerous

  • Numidian

  • Numinous

  • Nuptial

  • Nurtural

  • Nurturant

  • Nurturing

  • Nutbrown

  • Nutlike

  • Nutrient

  • Nutritional

  • Nutritious

  • Nutritive

  • Nutty

  • Nymphomaniac

There you have it: our comprehensive list of adjectives beginning with N.

You can run your writing through ProWritingAid to make sure you’re using the best adjectives that start with N. The Word Explorer can help you explore the connotations of all your words.

Good luck, and happy writing!

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