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Grammar Parts Of Speech 6 min2023-05-12 00:00

Adjectives That Start With W: 500+ W Adjectives

adjectives that start with W

The warmhearted woman winked at the wealthy warrior.

If you want to find adjectives that start with W, you’ve come to the right place.

Using descriptive words that start with W can be useful for creating a name for your business, a headline for your blog post, and much more.

In this article, we’ll give you 500+ adjectives that start with W, which you can use to add a little more sparkle to your writing.   

Positive Adjectives Starting With W

Depending on what you’re writing, you might be looking for descriptive words beginning with W that have specifically positive connotations.

So, if you want to make sure you’re using positive words, here are some wonderful adjectives that start with W.

Adjectives that start with w list

  • Warm

  • Warmhearted

  • Waterproof

  • Watertight

  • Welcome

  • Welcoming

  • Well-adjusted

  • Well-advised

  • Well-argued

  • Well-aware

  • Well-balanced

  • Well-built

  • Well-considered

  • Well-crafted

  • Well-deserved

  • Well-done

  • Well-earned

  • Well-established

  • Well-favored

  • Well-liked

  • Well-made

  • Well-off

  • Well-written

  • Whimsical

  • Whole

  • Wholehearted

  • Wholesome

  • Windproof

  • Winnable

  • Wonderful

  • Wondersome

  • Wondrous

  • Worry-free

  • Worthy

Negative Adjectives Starting With W

In other cases, you might be looking for adjectives that start with W that have specifically negative connotations. This is especially true if you're writing a critique of something, or if you’re developing a villain or antagonist you want your readers to dislike.

So, here are some negative adjectives that start with W.

w adjectives list

  • Wacko

  • Wanky

  • Wanton

  • War-torn

  • Warful

  • Warlike

  • Warrantless

  • Washed-out

  • Washed-up

  • Wasted

  • Wasteful

  • Waterlogged

  • Wavering

  • Waxen

  • Waxy

  • Wayward

  • Weak

  • Weakened

  • Wearisome

  • Weasel-like

  • Weaselly

  • Weird

  • Whimpering

  • Whimpery

  • Whiney

  • Whingey

  • Whingy

  • Whining

  • Whiny

  • Winless

  • Withering

  • Wonky

  • Worrying

  • Worse

  • Worst

  • Worthless

  • Wounded

  • Wrong

  • Wronged

  • Wronger

  • Wrongful

W Words to Describe Someone

You can use descriptive words to write about a person, whether that’s someone you know in real life or a character you’ve made up. These words might refer to that person’s physical appearance, nationality, upbringing, or more. 

In the next section, we’ll give you words related to personality and character traits. In this section, we’ll focus on adjectives starting with W that you can use to describe a person’s physical appearance or current situation.

  • Waifish

  • Waiflike

  • Waify

  • Wan

  • Warted

  • Wasp-waisted

  • Waspish

  • Wayfaring

  • Weak

  • Weakened

  • Wealthy

  • Weaponless

  • Weary

  • Weasel-faced

  • Weasel-like

  • Weaselish

  • Weaselly

  • Wedded

  • Wee

  • Well-born

  • Well-bred

  • Well-connected

  • Well-dressed

  • Well-educated

  • Well-endowed

  • Well-fed

  • Well-groomed

  • Well-known

  • Well-read

  • Well-rounded

  • Well-to-do

  • Well-traveled

  • Well-versed

  • Welsh

  • Wet-suited

  • Whiskered

  • White-collar

  • Wide-awake

  • Wide-bodied

  • Wide-eyed

  • Widowed

  • Wild-eyed

  • Willowy

  • Wisplike

  • Wizardly

  • Wizened

  • Woebegone

  • Wonderstruck

  • Woolly-minded

  • Woozy

  • Worriable

  • Worried

  • Wounded

  • Wretched

Character Traits That Start With W

If you’re specifically trying to describe someone’s personality traits or character traits, you’ll need to use a more specific set of adjectives.

Here are some adjectives that start with W that refer to character traits.

  • Waggish

  • Warmhearted

  • Watchful

  • Weak-willed

  • Weepy

  • Well-behaved

  • Well-intentioned

  • Well-spoken

  • Well-tempered

  • Whimmy

  • Whip-smart

  • Wild

  • Willful

  • Wily

  • Winsome

  • Wise

  • Wishful

  • Wishy-washy

  • Wistful

  • Wolfish

  • Wolflike

  • Worldly

  • Wrathful

  • Wry

Funny Adjectives Starting With W

If you’re writing a funny story or essay, you might also look for adjectives that have a funny sound or a potentially humorous meaning.

Here are some adjectives beginning with W that have the potential to make your readers laugh, depending on how you use these words. 

  • ​​Wah-wah

  • Walloping

  • Wamble-cropped

  • Wambly

  • Wartish

  • Wasp-waisted

  • Waspish

  • Waterlogged

  • Wattled

  • Waywitty

  • Weak-willed

  • Weasel-faced

  • Weasel-like

  • Weeviled

  • Weevilly

  • Well-endowed

  • Wertrational

  • Westering

  • Wet-suited

  • Wettable

  • Whacky

  • Whalelike

  • Whatso

  • Wheatish

  • Wheezing

  • Whineling

  • Whiny

  • Whippy

  • Whirly

  • Whiskered

  • Whistleable

  • Wickerlike

  • Wifty

  • Wiggly

  • Will-less

  • Willowish

  • Windless

  • Wine-like

  • Wing-backed

  • Wingy

  • Winky

  • Wiperless

  • Wishy-washy

  • Wispish

  • Wisplike

  • Withering

  • Wizardly

  • Wobblesome

  • Wobbly

  • Woebegone

  • Wojus

  • Wonky

  • Woo-woo

  • Wooable

  • Woofy

  • Woolly

  • Woolly-minded

  • Woozy

  • Wormed

  • Wormy

  • Worrit

  • Wriggling

  • Wriggly

  • Writeable

  • Wrongous

  • Wry

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Full List of Adjectives Starting With W

There are many other descriptive adjectives beginning with W that don’t fit neatly into the categories above. You might not know which ones you’re looking for until you try them out.

So, in this section, we’ll give you a full list of all the adjectives that start with W.

  • Wacken

  • Wacko

  • Wacky

  • Wadable

  • Wadable

  • Wafer-thin

  • Waged

  • Wageless

  • Wagering

  • Waggish

  • Waggly

  • Waggy

  • Wagonless

  • Wagon-like

  • Wagonload

  • Wagsome

  • Wah-wah

  • Waid

  • Waifish

  • Waiflike

  • Waify

  • Wailing

  • Wainscot

  • Wainscoted

  • Waistcoated

  • Waist-deep

  • Waisted

  • Waist-high

  • Waistless

  • Waiting

  • Waivable

  • Waiverable

  • Waivered

  • Wakeable

  • Wakeful

  • Wakeless

  • Waker

  • Walk-in

  • Walking

  • Walloping

  • Walt

  • Walty

  • Waltzlike

  • Wamble-cropped

  • Wambly

  • Wan

  • Wandering

  • Wanky

  • Wanted

  • Wanting

  • Wantish

  • Wantless

  • Wanton

  • Wantsome

  • Wanty

  • Wany

  • Waqfed

  • Wareless

  • Warful

  • Warheaded

  • Warkand

  • Warless

  • Warlike

  • Warm

  • Warmer

  • Warmest

  • Warmhearted

  • Warm-up

  • Warning

  • Warrantless

  • Warrened

  • Warrenlike

  • War-ridden

  • Warring

  • Warrish

  • Warsome

  • Warted

  • Wartish

  • Wartless

  • Wartlike

  • War-torn

  • Warworn

  • Wary

  • Washable

  • Washed

  • Washed-out

  • Washed-up

  • Washen

  • Washing-up

  • Washy

  • Waspish

  • Waspless

  • Wasplike

  • Wasp-waisted

  • Waspy

  • Wassy

  • Wastable

  • Waste

  • Wasteable

  • Wasted

  • Wasteful

  • Wasteless

  • Wasterful

  • Wastey

  • Wastfull

  • Wastry

  • Watchable

  • Watchful

  • Water-free

  • Waterful

  • Waterie

  • Waterish

  • Waterless

  • Waterlike

  • Waterlogged

  • Water-loving

  • Waterproof

  • Watertight

  • Water-worn

  • Watery

  • Wattled

  • Wave-cut

  • Waved

  • Waveful

  • Waveless

  • Wavelike

  • Wavering

  • Wavery

  • Wavy

  • Wax

  • Waxen

  • Waxy

  • Wayfaring

  • Waymarked

  • Wayn

  • Wayside

  • Wayward

  • Way-wise

  • Waywitty

  • Wayworn

  • Weak

  • Weakened

  • Weak-willed

  • Wealthless

  • Wealthy

  • Weaning

  • Weaponed

  • Weaponless

  • Wearable

  • Weariful

  • Weariless

  • Wearing

  • Wearish

  • Wearisome

  • Wearproof

  • Weary

  • Wearying

  • Weasel-faced

  • Weaselish

  • Weasel-like

  • Weaselly

  • Weastward

  • Weasy

  • Weathered

  • Webless

  • Weblike

  • Webometric

  • Wedded

  • Wee

  • Weedy

  • Week-long

  • Weekly

  • Weekslong

  • Weensy

  • Weeny

  • Weepful

  • Weepy

  • Weerish

  • Weest

  • Weetless

  • Weeviled

  • Weevilly

  • Weighted

  • Weightless

  • Weighty

  • Weird

  • Weirdling

  • Weirdsome

  • Weirdy

  • Weirlike

  • Welcome

  • Welcoming

  • Weldable

  • Well

  • Well-adjusted

  • Well-advised

  • Well-appointed

  • Well-argued

  • Well-aware

  • Well-balanced

  • Well-behaved

  • Well-born

  • Well-bred

  • Well-built

  • Well-conceived

  • Well-connected

  • Well-considered

  • Well-covered

  • Well-crafted

  • Well-defined

  • Well-deserved

  • Well-developed

  • Well-disposed

  • Well-documented

  • Well-done

  • Well-dressed

  • Well-earned

  • Well-educated

  • Well-endowed

  • Well-equipped

  • Wellerian

  • Wellesian

  • Wellesleyan

  • Well-established

  • Well-favored

  • Well-fed

  • Well-groomed

  • Well-heeled

  • Well-intentioned

  • Well-kept

  • Well-knit

  • Well-known

  • Well-liked

  • Well-lit

  • Well-made

  • Well-off

  • Well-oiled

  • Well-read

  • Well-received

  • Well-rounded

  • Well-spoken

  • Well-tempered

  • Well-to-do

  • Well-traveled

  • Well-versed

  • Well-wishing

  • Well-worn

  • Well-written

  • Welsh

  • Wertrational

  • Wery

  • West

  • Westabout

  • Westbound

  • Wester

  • Westering

  • Westerly

  • Western

  • Westernmost

  • Westward

  • Wet

  • Wetproof

  • Wetside

  • Wet-suited

  • Wettable

  • Wettish

  • Whacky

  • Whalelike

  • Whally

  • Wharflike

  • Whatso

  • Wheat

  • Wheaten

  • Wheatish

  • Wheatless

  • Wheatlike

  • Wheezing

  • Which

  • Whichever

  • Whilom

  • Whimmy

  • Whimpering

  • Whimpery

  • Whimsical

  • Whimsome

  • Whineling

  • Whiney

  • Whining

  • Whiny

  • Whippy

  • Whip-smart

  • Whirly

  • Whiskered

  • Whispering

  • Whispery

  • Whispy

  • Wistful

  • Whistlable

  • Whistleable

  • Whistlerian

  • Whistle-stop

  • Whistling

  • White

  • White-bread

  • White-collar

  • White-glove

  • Whole

  • Wholehearted

  • Wholemeal

  • Wholesale

  • Wholesome

  • Wholistic

  • Wicked

  • Wickered

  • Wickerlike

  • Wicketless

  • Wickless

  • Wicklike

  • Wide

  • Wide-angle

  • Wide-awake

  • Wide-bodied

  • Wide-eyed

  • Wide-field

  • Wide-ranging

  • Widescreen

  • Widespread

  • Widish

  • Widowed

  • Wieldy

  • Wiery

  • Wifelike

  • Wifely

  • Wifish

  • Wifty

  • Wiggly

  • Wild

  • Wild-eyed

  • Wilding

  • Wildish

  • Wilful

  • Willful

  • Willing

  • Will-less

  • Willowed

  • Willowish

  • Willowlike

  • Willowy

  • Willsome

  • Willy

  • Wily

  • Windblown

  • Windbound

  • Windburned

  • Windburnt

  • Windchilled

  • Windfallen

  • Windful

  • Windless

  • Windowless

  • Windproof

  • Windy

  • Wine-colored

  • Wineful

  • Wineless

  • Wine-like

  • Wing-backed

  • Wingless

  • Wingy

  • Winky

  • Winless

  • Winly

  • Winnable

  • Winne

  • Winning

  • Winsome

  • Winter

  • Wintery

  • Winy

  • Wipeable

  • Wiperless

  • Wirable

  • Wise

  • Wishful

  • Wishy-washy

  • Wispen

  • Wispish

  • Wisplike

  • Wispy

  • Wistful

  • Witful

  • Withering

  • Withstandable

  • Withy

  • Witless

  • Witnessable

  • Witnessless

  • Witsome

  • Witty

  • Wizardly

  • Wizened

  • Wobblesome

  • Wobbly

  • Woebegone

  • Woeful

  • Woeless

  • Woggish

  • Wojus

  • Wole

  • Wolfish

  • Wolflike

  • Wolven

  • Wonderful

  • Wondersome

  • Wonderstruck

  • Wondrous

  • Wonky

  • Wonted

  • Wontish

  • Wooable

  • Wood

  • Wooded

  • Wooden

  • Woodfree

  • Woodland

  • Woodless

  • Woodsy

  • Woofy

  • Wool-dyed

  • Wooled

  • Woolen

  • Wooley

  • Woolly-minded

  • Woolly

  • Woo-woo

  • Woozy

  • Wordless

  • Wordy

  • Work

  • Workable

  • Working

  • Worldly

  • Wormed

  • Wormy

  • Worn

  • Worn-down

  • Worn-in

  • Worn-out

  • Worriable

  • Worried

  • Worriless

  • Worrisome

  • Worrit

  • Worry-free

  • Worrying

  • Worryless

  • Worse

  • Worshipful

  • Worst

  • Worthless

  • Worthy

  • Wounded

  • Wrangler

  • Wrangling

  • Wrapped

  • Wrathful

  • Wreathed

  • Wreckage

  • Wrecked

  • Wreckful

  • Wreckless

  • Wretched

  • Wretchful

  • Wriggling

  • Wriggly

  • Wringing

  • Wrinkled

  • Wrinkly

  • Writeable

  • Writerly

  • Writhen

  • Writhing

  • Written

  • Wrong

  • Wronged

  • Wronger

  • Wrongful

  • Wrongous

  • Wrought

  • Wry

There you have it: our comprehensive list of 500+ adjectives that start with W.

Don’t forget to run your writing through ProWritingAid to check for weaknesses and errors. The Word Explorer can help you make sure you’re using the best adjectives that start with W, regardless of what type of work you’re writing.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.