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Grammar Parts Of Speech 4 min2023-06-09 00:00

Adjectives That Start With Y: 50+ Y Adjectives

adjectives that start with y

The youthful yeoman yelled at his yapping yak.

If you want to use alliteration like in the sentence above using words that start with Y, you’ve come to the right place.

Using descriptive words that start with Y can be useful for creating a name for your business, a headline for your blog post, and much more.

In this article, we’ll give you 50+ adjectives that start with Y, which you can use to bring your writing to life.   

Y Adjectives to Describe a Person

Here’s a list of common adjectives starting with Y you can use to describe a person.

adjectives that start with y list

  • Yankee (definition: from the northeastern part of the United States; hailing from north of the Mason-Dixon line)

  • Yemeni (definition: of, pertaining to, or from Yemen)

  • Yemenite (definition: from Yemen)

  • Yeomanly (definition: of, relating to, or having the rank of a yeoman)

  • Yiddish (definition: having to do with Yiddish, a language spoken by Eastern European Jews and their descendants)

  • Young (definition: being in an early period of life or growth; not old)

  • Young-looking (definition: having an appearance more youthful than one’s actual age)

  • Younger (definition: less old than something or someone else)

  • Youngest (definition: the least old of several options)

  • Youngish (definition: acting or appearing young)

  • Youngling (definition: a person or animal that is very young)

  • Youthful (definition: fresh, vigorous, or active)

  • Yugoslav (definition: from Yugoslavia)

  • Yugoslavian (definition: of or pertaining to Yugoslavia)

Character Traits Starting With Y

Next, let’s look at some adjectives that start with Y, which refer to character traits.

y adjectives list

  • Yapping (definition: babbling or barking)

  • Yappy (definition: talkative or loquacious)

  • Yearnful (definition: mournful)

  • Yellow-bellied (definition: cowardly or afraid)

  • Yielding (definition: flexible or obedient)

  • Yobbish (definition: rude or noisy)

  • Yokelish (definition: behaving in an uncouth manner)

  • Young-at-heart (definition: maintaining a spirit that’s more youthful than one’s real age)

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Full List of Adjectives That Begin With Y

Here’s a full list of all the adjectives that start with Y.

  • Yankee (definition: from the northeastern part of the United States; hailing from north of the Mason-Dixon line)

  • Yapping (definition: babbling or barking)

  • Yappy (definition: talkative or loquacious)

  • Yare (definition: when a ship is responsive and easy to handle)

  • Yawning (definition: wide open or gaping)

  • Year-end (definition: taking place at the end of the calendar or fiscal year)

  • Year-long (definition: lasting one year)

  • Year-round (definition: occurs on an ongoing basis throughout the year; not seasonal)

  • Yearly (definition: recurring every year)

  • Yearned-for (definition: something one has wished to have)

  • Yearnful (definition: mournful)

  • Yeastlike (definition: having an appearance that resembles yeast)

  • Yeasty (definition: of or containing yeast)

  • Yeatsian (definition: similar in style to the poems of William Butler Yeats)

  • Yellow (definition: the color between orange and green in the color spectrum)

  • Yellow-bellied (definition: cowardly or afraid)

  • Yellow-covered (definition: encased in something that is yellow)

  • Yellow-tinged (definition: having faint yellow undertones)

  • Yellowed (definition: having turned yellow)

  • Yellowing (definition: in the process of turning yellow)

  • Yellowish (definition: something with a tint of yellow)

  • Yellowy (definition: having a yellow-like tint without being completely yellow)

  • Yelping (definition: making a shrill barking noise)

  • Yemeni (definition: of, pertaining to, or from Yemen)

  • Yemenite (definition: from Yemen)

  • Yeomanly (definition: of, relating to, or having the rank of a yeoman)

  • Yiddish (definition: having to do with Yiddish, a language spoken by Eastern European Jews and their descendants)

  • Yieldable (definition: capable of yielding; may lead to a yield)

  • Yielding (definition: flexible; being docile, submissive, and obedient)

  • Yobbish (definition: rude, noisy, and aggressive)

  • Yodeling (definition: singing with abrupt changes between a normal chest register and falsetto)

  • Yogic (definition: of or relating to yoga)

  • Yogistic (definition: of or relating to yoga)

  • Yoke-toed (definition: having two toes in front and two behind)

  • Yoked (definition: draft animals connected by a yoke or harness)

  • Yokeless (definition: not joined by a yoke)

  • Yokelish (definition: behaving in an uncouth manner)

  • Yon (definition: something located over in a particular direction)

  • Yond (definition: something located far away in a certain direction)

  • Yonder (definition: distant, but still within sight)

  • Yore (definition: of former times)

  • Young (definition: being in an early period of life or growth; not old)

  • Young-at-heart (definition: maintaining a spirit that’s more youthful than one’s real age)

  • Young-looking (definition: having an appearance more youthful than one’s actual age)

  • Younger (definition: less old than something or someone else)

  • Youngest (definition: the least old of several options)

  • Youngish (definition: acting or appearing young)

  • Youngling (definition: a person or animal that is very young)

  • Your (definition: of or belonging to you; indicates possession)

  • Youthful (definition: fresh; vigorous; active)

  • Youthward (definition: toward youth)

  • Yowling (definition: cries made in pain or grief)

  • Yucky (definition: unpleasant, or distasteful)

  • Yugoslav (definition: from Yugoslavia)

  • Yugoslavian (definition: of or pertaining to Yugoslavia)

  • Yuletide (definition: related to the greetings of the Christmas season)

  • Yuman (definition: pertaining to a family of North American indigenous languages)

  • Yummy (definition: very tasty, delectable, or delicious)

There you have it: our comprehensive list of adjectives that start with Y.

Don’t forget to run your writing through ProWritingAid to check for weaknesses and errors. The Word Explorer can help you make sure you’re using the best adjectives beginning with Y.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Be confident about grammar

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