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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Belittling

Character Trait Belittling

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. Belittling is a negative character trait where a person consistently puts others down, dismisses their opinions, or diminishes their accomplishments. This behavior is often rooted in a need for control or a lack of self-confidence, and it can be extremely damaging to those on the receiving end. A belittling character may use sarcasm, insults, or condescending language to make others feel small or inferior. It can be a challenging trait to write realistically and sensitively, but doing so can add depth and complexity to your characters.

  1. Possible causes of being belittling
  2. Behaviors associated with being belittling
  3. Attitudes associated with being belittling
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being belittling
  5. Emotions associated with being belittling
  6. Facial expressions associated with being belittling
  7. Body language associated with being belittling
  8. Behaviors associated with being belittling
  9. Growth and evolution of belittling characters
  10. Stereotypes of belittling characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being belittling
  12. Positives of being belittling
  13. Verbal expressions of belittling characters
  14. Relationships of belittling characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are belittling
  16. Writing exercises for writing belittling characters

Possible causes of being belittling

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Power dynamic: In some situations, such as in a workplace or social group, someone may belittle others in order to establish themselves as the dominant person or to maintain control.
  • Childhood experiences: The way someone was raised and treated as a child can greatly influence their personality as an adult. If someone was constantly belittled or criticized as a child, they may have learned to belittle others as a defense mechanism or as a way to feel superior.
  • Lack of empathy: Some people may not understand or care about how their words or actions affect others, leading them to belittle or insult others without realizing the impact it has.
  • Insecurities: People who feel insecure about themselves or their abilities may belittle others as a way to make themselves feel better or more confident.
  • Personality disorder: Certain personality disorders, such as narcissistic personality disorder, can cause someone to have a belittling personality as they prioritize their own needs and desires above others.

For detailed feedback on belittling characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story analyzer.

Behaviors associated with being belittling

You may be able to show your character's trait of belittling by using these.

  • Refusing to listen to others' perspectives or needs
  • Using personal attacks or insults in conversation
  • Criticizing or nitpicking others' work or actions
  • Ignoring or dismissing others' opinions or ideas
  • Belittling others' accomplishments or achievements
  • Undermining others' confidence or self-esteem
  • Interrupting or talking over others
  • Making sarcastic or condescending comments

Attitudes associated with being belittling

You may be able to show belittling through their attitudes.

  • Insensitivity
  • Superiority complex
  • Arrogance
  • Lack of empathy
  • Patronizing behavior
  • Disrespect
  • Underestimating others
  • Ignoring or dismissing others' feelings or opinions
  • Condescension

Thoughts and struggles associated with being belittling

Here are some ideas for things your belittling character may think or struggle with.

  • Self-centeredness: a belittling character may be focused solely on their own needs and desires, and may see others as obstacles to getting what they want.
  • Need for control: they may feel the need to control situations and people around them, and belittling others is a way to assert their power.
  • Perfectionism: a belittling character may hold themselves and others to impossibly high standards, and belittle them when they fall short.
  • Lack of empathy: they may struggle to understand how their words and actions affect others, and may not see the harm in belittling others.
  • Jealousy: they may feel threatened by others' success or talents, and may belittle them as a way to bring them down to their level.
  • Insecurity: a belittling character often feels inferior to others, and tries to compensate for this by putting others down.
  • Fear of vulnerability: showing vulnerability is seen as weakness, and a belittling character may feel that they need to maintain a tough exterior to avoid being seen as weak.

Emotions associated with being belittling

Here are some ideas for emotions your belittling character may experience.

  • Disrespectful
  • Critical
  • Dismissive
  • Condescending
  • Insulting
  • Arrogant
  • Contemptuous
  • Patronizing
  • Superior

Facial expressions associated with being belittling

Here are some facial expressions your belittling character may exhibit.

  • Smirking
  • Narrowing eyes in a condescending way
  • Rolling eyes
  • Raising eyebrows in a mocking way
  • Making a dismissive gesture with the hand
  • Sneering
  • Glaring
  • Looking down the nose
  • Frowning

Body language associated with being belittling

Here is some body language your belittling character may exhibit.

  • Using sarcasm or belittling language
  • Interrupting or talking over the person
  • Ignoring the person or their contributions
  • Speaking in a condescending or dismissive tone
  • Rolling eyes or making exaggerated facial expressions
  • Crossing arms or turning away from the person

For detailed feedback on belittling characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's story analyzer.

Behaviors associated with being belittling

Here are some behaviors your belittling character may exhibit.

  • Interrupting or talking over others
  • Refusing to listen to others' perspectives or needs
  • Making sarcastic or condescending comments
  • Undermining others' confidence or self-esteem
  • Belittling others' accomplishments or achievements
  • Ignoring or dismissing others' opinions or ideas
  • Using personal attacks or insults in conversation
  • Criticizing or nitpicking others' work or actions

Growth and evolution of belittling characters

Here are some ways that your belittling character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Transform their mindset: The character may shift their mindset from one of superiority to one of collaboration, recognizing that everyone has something to contribute and that no one is perfect.
  • Develop self-awareness: The character may start to reflect on their own insecurities and realize that their belittling behavior stems from their own issues and not just from a desire to control others.
  • Address their own issues: The character may seek help to address their own issues, which can lead to a more positive and healthy outlook on life.
  • Learn empathy: Through experiencing the consequences of their belittling behavior, the character may start to empathize with others and understand their perspectives.
  • Apologize and make amends: A belittling character may apologize to those they have hurt and make a conscious effort to make amends for their past behavior.
  • Recognize the impact of their behavior: A belittling character may start to realize how their words and actions can hurt others and begin to understand the impact of their behavior.
  • Actively listen: The character may start to listen actively to others and value their opinions, which can lead to more positive relationships and a better understanding of the world around them.

Stereotypes of belittling characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical belittling character like these examples.

  • Refusing to acknowledge others' feelings or emotions
  • Interrupting or talking over others
  • Using condescending language and tone towards others
  • Using physical gestures or facial expressions to belittle others
  • Belittling others' ideas and opinions
  • Blaming others for their own mistakes or shortcomings
  • Making sarcastic or mocking comments towards others
  • Dismissing others' achievements or skills
  • Making others feel inferior or inadequate

Negatives of being belittling

Here are some potential negatives of being belittling. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • It can create a toxic and demotivating work or social environment.
  • It can hinder effective communication and collaboration by shutting down others' ideas and input.
  • Belittling behavior often stems from insecurities and can reflect poorly on the person doing the belittling.
  • People who are belittled may become defensive or resentful, leading to further conflict.
  • Belittling others can damage relationships and cause people to feel undervalued or disrespected.

Positives of being belittling

Here are some potential positives of being belittling. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

I cannot list positive aspects of being belittling because it is a negative trait that can cause harm to others and damage relationships. It is important for writers to avoid portraying characters with belittling behavior as heroic or admirable in any way. Instead, writers should focus on creating characters who are respectful, kind, and supportive of others. These positive traits can make for more relatable and likable characters that readers will root for and enjoy following throughout a story.

Verbal expressions of belittling characters

Here are some potential expressions used by belittling characters.

  • Insulting someone's intelligence or character
  • Dismissing someone's feelings or experiences
  • Talking down to someone
  • Interrupting or talking over someone
  • Using sarcasm to mock or undermine someone
  • Minimizing someone's achievements or abilities
  • Ridiculing someone's ideas or opinions

Relationships of belittling characters

Here are some ways that being belittling could affect your character's relationships.

  • They may exhibit a lack of empathy or concern for the feelings of others, seeing them as inferior or unworthy.
  • They may also engage in gaslighting tactics, manipulating the perceptions and emotions of others to maintain their sense of control.
  • Belittling individuals may use criticism and insults as a means of asserting their dominance and making themselves feel superior.
  • Belittling people may struggle with insecurity or low self-esteem, and use put-downs and other negative behaviors as a means of coping.
  • Belittling people may have a power dynamic in their relationships, often seeking to maintain control over the other person.

Examples from books of characters who are belittling

  • Miss Trunchbull from Matilda by Roald Dahl
  • Lady Catherine de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Catherine Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Mrs. Reed from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  • Aunt Augusta from Travels with My Aunt by Graham Greene
  • Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
  • Miss Havisham from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  • Count Olaf from A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
  • Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Writing exercises for writing belittling characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write belittling characters.

  • Develop a character who was belittled in the past and now struggles with self-esteem, but finds a way to rise above it.
  • Write a scene in which a character belittles someone for their appearance, intelligence, or social status.
  • Write a scene in which a character is belittled by someone they admire, exploring the emotional impact it has on them.
  • Write a scene in which a character tries to stand up to a belittler, exploring the power dynamics at play.
  • Create a dialogue in which a character uses condescending language to talk to someone they see as inferior.
  • Develop a character who is unaware of their belittling behavior, but whose actions have significant consequences on those around them.
  • Write a dialogue in which two characters belittle each other, revealing their mutual disrespect and lack of empathy.
  • Create a character who uses belittling as a defense mechanism, revealing their vulnerability and insecurity.
  • Write a monologue in which a character justifies their belittling behavior, revealing their insecurities and fears.
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