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Business Writing 2015-09-25 00:00

Build Your Brand. 5 Reasons Every Writer Needs an Online Media Kit

A Media Kit for Writers

You’re a writer. If you expect your writing to be a business—whether you’re a blogger or novelist, educator or journalist, or any other kind of writer—you need information on your website that explains what you offer. The best way to present this information is in an online media kit, which explains to anyone (not just members of the press) your business as a writer. It’s an important factor in staking your position, building your business, and expanding your audience.

Why is this information kit so important to you as a writer? Here are 5 answers for you.

  1. 1. A media kit is not just for the press
  2. 2. A media kit makes you look professional
  3. 3. A media kit explains your brand
  4. 4. A media kit helps you build your authority
  5. 5. A media kit works when you're asleep
  6. WHAT NOW?

1. A media kit is not just for the press

Think of the different people who might be interested in learning about your writing. Potential clients. Potential readers. Booksellers. Journalists. Columnists. Bloggers. Podcasters. News editors. Book editors. Publishers.

Whether you want to build your freelance business, spread your ideas, or build your readership, you want website visitors to understand what you write, and hire you, or interview you, or share you with their audience. The right informational materials will bridge the gap between you and that decision-maker.

2. A media kit makes you look professional

Many times, visitors come to your website because they want to learn more: perhaps it’s someone who’d read one of your guest articles, heard an interview, or learned about you some other way. If they want to know more, what are they going to do? They’ll come to your official website. You want to make the best impression possible.

Your website navigation should include a button that leads straight to a dedicated page with your information. A well-done media kit can assure potential clients, reporters, or other influencers you are serious about your writing—and that they should want to build a relationship with you.

3. A media kit explains your brand

Since you control the information in your online kit, you can control how you’re presented. If your kit is incomplete—or your website doesn’t offer one—there’s a real danger someone will just fill in the blanks for themselves. Instead of forming an accurate picture of what you offer as a writer, they may get it wrong. You don’t want to lose out on that opportunity because of a misunderstanding. Tell them exactly what you want them to know about you and about your writing.

4. A media kit helps you build your authority

One key to building your brand as a writer is to build your credibility. Why should I read your book on this topic? Why should I schedule you to speak at my event? Why should I hire you, or spotlight you, or help you advance your writer career? The information in your online press kit presents your qualifications. These materials help you demonstrate your expertise, explain your unique position in the marketplace, and build trust with influencers or potential clients.

5. A media kit works when you're asleep

You don’t know when that influencer or potential client might visit your website—it can be day or night, during the weekend or on a holiday. Your information kit should be complete and self-contained, a one-stop-shop where a person can learn about you with no further contact.

If they like what they find, they may get in touch. Maybe you hope they’ll hire you, or interview you, or buy your book. But they won’t take that next step if you haven’t convinced them that it will be worth their while. If your online kit is incomplete, that visitor may just move on to the next writer. You don’t want them to leave without an accurate picture of who you are, and what you offer.

Or, say, you don’t have a kit but someone still takes that extra step of asking for information. Now you’re scrambling to put together the exact kind of information that should’ve been in your kit in the first place.

Better to create your kit now, when you can take the time to craft it and make it the best it can be.


Ready to make your press kit? Get a free press kit checklist here.

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