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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Carnal

Character Trait Carnal

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "carnal" refers to being driven by physical desires, particularly related to sex or pleasure. It implies a strong focus on satisfying one's physical needs and desires, often at the expense of emotional or intellectual pursuits. In literature, a character with a "carnal" trait might be portrayed as impulsive, hedonistic, or lacking in self-control.

  1. Possible causes of being carnal
  2. Behaviors associated with being carnal
  3. Attitudes associated with being carnal
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being carnal
  5. Emotions associated with being carnal
  6. Facial expressions associated with being carnal
  7. Body language associated with being carnal
  8. Behaviors associated with being carnal
  9. Growth and evolution of carnal characters
  10. Stereotypes of carnal characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being carnal
  12. Positives of being carnal
  13. Verbal expressions of carnal characters
  14. Relationships of carnal characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are carnal
  16. Writing exercises for writing carnal characters

Possible causes of being carnal

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Biological factors, such as genetics or hormonal imbalances
  • Lack of emotional intelligence or self-awareness, leading to impulsive or selfish behavior
  • Personal beliefs or values that prioritize physical pleasure or instant gratification
  • Traumatic events or abuse that may have shaped their worldview and behavior
  • Social pressures or expectations to conform to a certain image or behavior
  • Environmental factors, such as early childhood experiences or cultural norms

For detailed feedback on carnal characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's narrative evaluation tool.

Behaviors associated with being carnal

You may be able to show your character's trait of carnal by using these.

  • Taking risks for the sake of pleasure
  • Being passionate and intense in relationships
  • Engaging in sexual activities frequently
  • Focusing on bodily pleasures and desires
  • Being highly sensual and physical
  • Indulging in food, drink, and other physical pleasures
  • Being comfortable with one's body and sexuality
  • Being impulsive and driven by primal instincts
  • Prioritizing physical appearance and attractiveness

Attitudes associated with being carnal

You may be able to show carnal through their attitudes.

  • Being comfortable with one's own body and sexuality
  • Lacking self-control and indulging in excess
  • Being impulsive and driven by desires
  • Prioritizing immediate pleasure over long-term consequences
  • Focusing on physical pleasure and gratification
  • Being sensual and passionate
  • Being open-minded and adventurous in exploring new experiences
  • Preferring physical experiences over emotional or intellectual ones

Thoughts and struggles associated with being carnal

Here are some ideas for things your carnal character may think or struggle with.

  • Tendency to prioritize immediate physical pleasure over long-term consequences
  • Difficulty forming deep emotional connections due to a focus on physical sensations
  • Struggle with controlling their impulses and urges
  • Possible guilt or shame associated with indulging in carnal behaviors
  • Inner conflict between their desire for pleasure and their moral or ethical values
  • Potential for addiction to substances or behaviors that provide physical pleasure
  • Desire for physical pleasure and gratification
  • Fear of being judged or rejected for their carnal desires

Emotions associated with being carnal

Here are some ideas for emotions your carnal character may experience.

  • Desire
  • Lust
  • Appetite
  • Intimacy
  • Hedonism
  • Impulse
  • Temptation
  • Sensuality
  • Physical pleasure

Facial expressions associated with being carnal

Here are some facial expressions your carnal character may exhibit.

  • Leaning in closely
  • Pursed or parted lips
  • Fidgeting or touching oneself
  • Heavy breathing or panting
  • Heavy-lidded or half-closed eyes
  • Biting or licking lips
  • Lascivious or seductive smile
  • Raised eyebrows
  • Dilated pupils
  • Exaggerated or suggestive gestures
  • Flared nostrils

Body language associated with being carnal

Here is some body language your carnal character may exhibit.

  • Standing or sitting in a way that emphasizes sexual characteristics
  • Engaging in flirtatious behavior with multiple people at once
  • Staring at others in a predatory manner
  • Speaking in a low and suggestive tone
  • Fidgeting or squirming in a sexually suggestive manner
  • Making suggestive gestures or facial expressions
  • Leaning in and invading personal space
  • Touching others frequently and inappropriately
  • Licking lips or biting them suggestively

For detailed feedback on carnal characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's narrative evaluation tool.

Behaviors associated with being carnal

Here are some behaviors your carnal character may exhibit.

  • Being comfortable with one's body and sexuality
  • Indulging in food, drink, and other physical pleasures
  • Engaging in sexual activities frequently
  • Being impulsive and driven by primal instincts
  • Focusing on bodily pleasures and desires
  • Being highly sensual and physical
  • Prioritizing physical appearance and attractiveness
  • Being passionate and intense in relationships
  • Taking risks for the sake of pleasure

Growth and evolution of carnal characters

Here are some ways that your carnal character may grow and evolve over time.

  • They could learn to prioritize their needs and desires in a healthy way without harming others.
  • The character might develop a sense of self-awareness and recognize how their behavior affects those around them.
  • The character might develop a more balanced perspective on life and relationships, valuing more than just physical gratification.
  • They could learn to empathize with others and consider their feelings before acting.
  • They might realize that their actions have consequences and feel remorse for their past behavior.
  • A Carnal character might learn to control their impulses and act more thoughtfully.
  • They could learn to appreciate the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy.
  • The character might develop a deeper understanding of their own desires and motivations.

Stereotypes of carnal characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical carnal character like these examples.

  • Inability to form meaningful emotional connections with others
  • Objectification of others as purely sexual objects
  • Lack of control over impulses or desires
  • Superficial or shallow relationships with others
  • Overly aggressive or domineering behavior towards others
  • Excessive focus on physical pleasure to the detriment of other aspects of life
  • Manipulative or exploitative behavior towards others for personal gain
  • Lack of personal responsibility or accountability for actions
  • Lack of empathy or concern for the feelings of others

Negatives of being carnal

Here are some potential negatives of being carnal. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Carnality can lead to objectification of others, reducing them to mere means to satisfy one's own physical needs.
  • Carnal characters might be prone to impulsiveness and lack of control over their desires.
  • They might have a hard time forming meaningful relationships based on emotional connections rather than physical attraction.
  • They can be selfish and prioritize their own pleasure over the well-being of others.
  • Carnal characters may struggle with addiction or dependency on drugs, alcohol, or sex.
  • Carnal behavior can be seen as immoral or inappropriate in certain social or cultural contexts, leading to ostracism or judgment from others.

Positives of being carnal

Here are some potential positives of being carnal. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Being able to express your emotions and desires openly and honestly
  • Being able to fully enjoy and appreciate sensory experiences
  • Having a strong physical presence and energy
  • Being passionate and enthusiastic about life and relationships
  • Being in tune with your physical desires and pleasures
  • Being comfortable with your body and sexuality
  • Being confident and assertive in your interactions with others

Verbal expressions of carnal characters

Here are some potential expressions used by carnal characters.

  • Using sexually explicit language or references
  • Speaking in a seductive or flirtatious tone
  • Using crude or vulgar language
  • Making suggestive comments or gestures
  • Expressing a lack of self-control in sexual matters
  • Describing sexual experiences in detail
  • Talking about physical desires or pleasures
  • Using double entendres or innuendos

Relationships of carnal characters

Here are some ways that being carnal could affect your character's relationships.

  • In friendships, they may enjoy spending time with others who share their interests in physical activities or hobbies, such as sports or fitness.
  • Carnal people tend to have intense physical relationships with their partners, where passion and desire play a significant role.
  • They may prioritize physical attraction and sexual compatibility over other factors when choosing romantic partners.
  • They may also enjoy socializing in environments where physical attraction and sexuality are emphasized, such as nightclubs or parties.
  • They may also struggle with fidelity, as their focus on physical pleasure can sometimes lead them to seek out new experiences with other partners.
  • They may struggle with forming deep emotional connections with others, as they may prioritize physical pleasure over emotional intimacy.
  • Carnal people may have a tendency to objectify others, viewing them primarily as sexual objects rather than complex individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

Examples from books of characters who are carnal

  • Daisy Buchanan from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis
  • Lady Macbeth from "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare
  • Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
  • Jay Gatsby from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Holly Golightly from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Truman Capote
  • Tom Ripley from "The Talented Mr. Ripley" by Patricia Highsmith
  • Humbert Humbert from "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov
  • Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

Writing exercises for writing carnal characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write carnal characters.

  • Explore the character's relationships: Characters with the Carnal trait often have complex relationships with others. Explore how your character interacts with others, and how their relationships affect their behavior and decisions.
  • Explore the character's desires: Characters with the Carnal trait are often driven by their desires. Explore what your character wants and why they want it. What motivates them to pursue their desires? What risks are they willing to take to achieve their goals?
  • Use symbolism to create depth: Symbolism can add depth to your character and help to convey their personality. Consider using symbols that reflect the character's desires or motivations.
  • Describe physical attributes in detail: When introducing a character with the Carnal trait, describe their physical attributes in detail. Pay attention to their movements, their facial expressions, and their body language. Use vivid language that engages the reader's senses.
  • Show physical intimacy: Characters with the Carnal trait often have a strong desire for physical intimacy. Show how your character expresses their sexuality. Do they pursue physical relationships with abandon, or are they more cautious and reserved?
  • Use dialogue to reveal their personality: The way a character speaks can reveal a lot about their personality. Use dialogue to show how your character expresses themselves. Do they speak with confidence and authority, or are they more hesitant and reserved?
  • Use setting and atmosphere to create a mood: The setting and atmosphere of a scene can help to create a mood that reflects the character's personality. Use sensory details to create a vivid picture of the environment. Is it dark and mysterious, or bright and lively?
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