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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Despiteful

Character Trait Despiteful

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "despiteful" refers to a person who is intentionally mean-spirited and behaves in a way that is motivated by a desire to hurt, annoy or frustrate others. A despiteful character may hold grudges, seek revenge, and take pleasure in others' misfortunes. It is a negative trait that can create tension and conflict in a story.

  1. Possible causes of being despiteful
  2. Behaviors associated with being despiteful
  3. Attitudes associated with being despiteful
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being despiteful
  5. Emotions associated with being despiteful
  6. Facial expressions associated with being despiteful
  7. Body language associated with being despiteful
  8. Behaviors associated with being despiteful
  9. Growth and evolution of despiteful characters
  10. Stereotypes of despiteful characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being despiteful
  12. Positives of being despiteful
  13. Verbal expressions of despiteful characters
  14. Relationships of despiteful characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are despiteful
  16. Writing exercises for writing despiteful characters

Possible causes of being despiteful

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Childhood experiences of neglect, abuse, or rejection
  • Mental health conditions such as personality disorders or narcissistic tendencies
  • Entitlement or a sense of superiority over others
  • Feeling misunderstood or unappreciated by others
  • Low self-esteem or lack of self-worth
  • Past traumas or unresolved emotional wounds
  • Learned behavior from family or peers
  • Chronic stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Inability to cope with criticism or rejection

Behaviors associated with being despiteful

You may be able to show your character's trait of despiteful by using these.

  • Blaming others for personal problems or mistakes
  • Intentionally causing harm or pain to others
  • Sabotaging others' efforts or opportunities
  • Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors to harm others
  • Refusing to forgive or show empathy towards others
  • Holding grudges against others
  • Seeking revenge for perceived wrongs
  • Taking pleasure in seeing others fail or suffer

Attitudes associated with being despiteful

You may be able to show despiteful through their attitudes.

  • Holding a grudge
  • Disrespecting others' feelings and opinions
  • Feeling a sense of superiority over others
  • Seeking revenge or retaliation
  • Being unwilling to forgive or forget
  • Enjoying the suffering of others
  • Being confrontational and argumentative
  • Finding pleasure in seeing others fail or suffer consequences

Thoughts and struggles associated with being despiteful

Here are some ideas for things your despiteful character may think or struggle with.

  • The Despiteful character holds grudges and seeks revenge against those who have wronged them.
  • Despiteful characters may also have a tendency to isolate themselves, either because they don't want to be hurt again or because they don't want to be vulnerable.
  • They may feel a sense of entitlement and believe that they deserve more than they have received in life.
  • They may struggle with trust issues, believing that others will betray or disappoint them.
  • They may also struggle with feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, which can fuel their spiteful behavior.
  • Despiteful characters may have a pessimistic outlook on life, seeing the world as a hostile and unfair place.
  • Despiteful characters often struggle with jealousy and envy towards those who have what they want.
  • They may feel a sense of satisfaction when they see others fail or suffer, which can make them come across as cruel or sadistic.

Emotions associated with being despiteful

Here are some ideas for emotions your despiteful character may experience.

  • Malice
  • Resentment
  • Spite
  • Hatred
  • Bitterness
  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Vengefulness
  • Contempt

Facial expressions associated with being despiteful

Here are some facial expressions your despiteful character may exhibit.

  • Squinting or glaring
  • Curling of the lips into a sneer or smirk
  • Rolling eyes to show disdain or disapproval
  • Tilting the head to the side with a mocking expression
  • Narrowing of the eyes
  • Raising eyebrows in a mocking or condescending manner
  • Tightly clenched jaw or teeth grinding
  • Frowning or scowling with a furrowed brow

Body language associated with being despiteful

Here is some body language your despiteful character may exhibit.

  • Eye rolling or dismissive gestures
  • Ignoring or avoiding the person or situation
  • Sneering or curling of the lip
  • Crossing arms or legs in a defensive manner
  • Clenched jaw or teeth grinding
  • Passive-aggressive behavior such as sarcasm or backhanded compliments
  • Narrowing of eyes or squinting
  • Leaning away from the person or situation
  • Clenched fists or tense muscles

Behaviors associated with being despiteful

Here are some behaviors your despiteful character may exhibit.

  • Taking pleasure in seeing others fail or suffer
  • Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors to harm others
  • Blaming others for personal problems or mistakes
  • Seeking revenge for perceived wrongs
  • Intentionally causing harm or pain to others
  • Sabotaging others' efforts or opportunities
  • Refusing to forgive or show empathy towards others
  • Holding grudges against others

Growth and evolution of despiteful characters

Here are some ways that your despiteful character may grow and evolve over time.

  • The Despiteful character may learn to channel their negative emotions into productive outlets, such as writing, art, or exercise.
  • The Despiteful character may learn to let go of grudges and forgive those who have wronged them.
  • The Despiteful character may learn to appreciate the positive aspects of life and focus less on the negative.
  • They may develop stronger relationships with those around them, building trust and respect.
  • They may become more self-aware and recognize how their Despiteful behavior affects those around them.
  • The Despiteful character may learn to communicate their feelings and needs more effectively, reducing the likelihood of conflict.
  • They may develop empathy and understanding for others, realizing that everyone has their own struggles and motivations.
  • They may develop a sense of humility and vulnerability, acknowledging their own flaws and mistakes.

Stereotypes of despiteful characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical despiteful character like these examples.

  • Avoid making the Despiteful character a one-dimensional villain or caricature.
  • Avoid making the Despiteful character's motivations solely based on revenge or pettiness.
  • Avoid portraying the Despiteful character as completely heartless or lacking any redeeming qualities.
  • Avoid romanticizing or glorifying the Despiteful character's behavior or actions.
  • Avoid using derogatory language or slurs to describe the character's targets or victims.
  • Avoid making the Despiteful character's actions completely unfounded or irrational.

Negatives of being despiteful

Here are some potential negatives of being despiteful. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • They may seek revenge or take pleasure in others' misfortunes.
  • They may have a tendency to be selfish and put their own desires above the needs of others.
  • Despiteful characters hold grudges and do not easily forgive others.
  • Despiteful characters may be closed-minded and unwilling to consider others' perspectives.
  • Despiteful characters can become consumed by their anger and hold onto it for extended periods of time, causing them to lash out or act impulsively.
  • They may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming healthy relationships.
  • Despiteful characters can be manipulative and use others to further their own goals.

Positives of being despiteful

Here are some potential positives of being despiteful. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Despiteful characters can be driven and determined to achieve their goals, even in the face of adversity.
  • Despiteful characters can be quick-witted and sharp-tongued, able to defend themselves and their beliefs in challenging situations.
  • Despiteful characters can be honest and direct, not afraid to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in.
  • Despiteful characters can be confident and assertive, taking charge of their lives and making their own decisions.
  • Despiteful characters can be passionate and intense, pouring their energy and emotions into their work or relationships.
  • Despiteful characters can be fiercely independent and self-sufficient, not relying on others for approval or support.
  • Despiteful characters can be resilient and persistent, bouncing back from setbacks and using their anger as fuel for success.

Verbal expressions of despiteful characters

Here are some potential expressions used by despiteful characters.

  • Ignoring or disregarding others' feelings
  • Refusing to apologize or take responsibility for actions
  • Insults or name-calling
  • Blaming others for one's own mistakes
  • Seeking revenge or holding grudges
  • Speaking negatively about others behind their backs
  • Making snide comments about others' accomplishments
  • Using others to achieve personal gain
  • Sarcastic remarks

Relationships of despiteful characters

Here are some ways that being despiteful could affect your character's relationships.

  • Despiteful individuals may also have a victim mentality and blame others for their own problems or shortcomings.
  • They may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming deep, meaningful connections with others.
  • They may enjoy causing conflict or drama in their relationships.
  • Despiteful people may be quick to anger or have a short fuse, leading to explosive or unpredictable behavior.
  • Despiteful individuals may also be manipulative or deceitful in their interactions with others.
  • Despiteful people might have a tendency to hold grudges against others, even for small slights or perceived wrongdoings.
  • They may seek revenge or take pleasure in seeing others suffer.

Examples from books of characters who are despiteful

  • Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey
  • Count Dracula from "Dracula" by Bram Stoker
  • Catherine Tramell from "Basic Instinct" by Joe Eszterhas
  • Dolores Umbridge from "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Sauron from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Iago from "Othello" by William Shakespeare
  • Cersei Lannister from "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin
  • Humbert Humbert from "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov
  • Annie Wilkes from "Misery" by Stephen King

Writing exercises for writing despiteful characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write despiteful characters.

  • Write a scene where the Despiteful character is confronted with a situation that challenges their beliefs or values. How do they react? Do they remain steadfast in their opinions, or do they begin to question themselves?
  • Explore the character's backstory and try to understand the experiences that shaped their worldview. How did they become so Despiteful? Was it a result of past trauma, or were they raised to believe certain things?
  • Write a scene where the Despiteful character is forced to work with someone they despise. How do they interact with this person, and what does this reveal about their character?
  • Write a scene where the Despiteful character must make a sacrifice for someone they care about. How does this challenge their worldview, and do they ultimately choose to act in self-interest or for the greater good?
  • Begin by defining the specific traits and behaviors that embody a Despiteful character. What motivates them? What are their fears and desires? This will help you create a well-rounded character that feels realistic and nuanced.
  • Create a dialogue between the Despiteful character and someone who disagrees with their beliefs. How do they defend their position, and what counterarguments do they use?
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