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Envy vs Jealousy: What’s the Difference for Writers?

Envy vs Jealousy

As writers, we are often tasked with portraying complex human emotions in our work, and few emotions are as nuanced and intertwined as envy and jealousy. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably in casual conversation, they represent distinct emotional experiences with important implications for character development and storytelling.

Envy is a reaction to lacking something desirable that someone else possesses. It’s a covetous longing for another person’s advantages, abilities, or belongings. Jealousy, on the other hand, emerges from a fear of losing something valuable to a rival. It’s a protective reaction stemming from insecurity about losing affection or a cherished relationship.

Understanding the subtle differences between these emotions is crucial for those of us seeking to craft authentic, resonant characters and compelling narratives. Misrepresenting or conflating envy and jealousy can lead to shallow, unconvincing character motivations and emotional arcs that fail to ring true.

As writers delving into human psychology and interpersonal dynamics, grasping the nuances of envy and jealousy is essential. By disentangling these complex emotions, we can imbue our work with a richer, more profound exploration of the depths of the human experience.

What Is Envy?

Envy arises when we lack another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desire it or wish that the other lacked it. It’s a two-person situation, fundamentally about desire and feelings of inadequacy. At its core, envy is rooted in comparison—measuring our own success, happiness, or attributes against someone else’s. Often people say “I’m jealous” when they actually mean, “I’m envious.”

Envy is a ubiquitous emotion in many competitive environments, such as the workplace, social circles, and among peers, where achievements, possessions, and statuses are visible and compared. The rise of social media has only amplified opportunities for envy, as individuals are constantly presented with curated highlights of others’ lives, achievements, and possessions.

Psychological Underpinnings of Envy

Psychologically, envy can be motivated by a deep sense of inadequacy or a lack of self-esteem. It often reflects our own insecurities and fears about not measuring up to societal standards or personal expectations. Envy can inspire us to strive for betterment and achievement, but when it spirals into resentment, it becomes destructive, leading to bitterness and a sense of failure.

What Is Jealousy?

Jealousy, on the other hand, is a complex emotion that arises when a person perceives a threat to a valued relationship from a real or imagined rival. It’s characterized by feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy is inherently a three-person situation—it involves the self, the valued other, and the perceived rival.

Jealousy is common in romantic relationships, friendships, and family dynamics, where bonds and emotional securities are at stake. Jealousy can also appear in professional and social settings, but it typically hinges on the fear of losing attention, respect, or affection to others.

Psychological Underpinnings of Jealousy

Jealousy is deeply tied to our attachments and fears of abandonment. It’s a protective mechanism, signaling that something important to us is at risk. While it can motivate behaviors aimed at preserving important relationships, it can also lead to controlling and possessive behaviors if left unchecked.

What Are Some Typical Signs of Envy?

Recognizing envy in others (or even in ourselves) can be subtle, as the signs are often concealed under layers of behavior and emotion. However, there are several tell-tale signs that might suggest someone is experiencing envy:

1. Negative Comments Disguised as Jokes

Someone who is envious might make frequent backhanded compliments or negative comments about another person’s achievements, possessions, or qualities, often disguising these remarks as jokes or light-hearted teasing.

2. Downplaying Your Success

An envious person may attempt to downplay your successes, achievements, or positive news by belittling their importance, suggesting they’re due to luck or external factors, rather than acknowledging your hard work or talents.

3. Excessive Competitiveness

While a healthy level of competition can be motivating, an envious individual might display an excessive and unhealthy competitiveness, always trying to outdo or one-up others’ achievements or status.

4. Imitation

Imitation can be a form of flattery, but in the context of envy, it might manifest as an overt or subtle attempt to copy someone else’s ideas, style, behavior, or possessions, driven by a desire to possess the same qualities or be seen in a similar light.

5. Schadenfreude

Taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortunes, difficulties, or failures is a strong indicator of envy. An envious person might seem overly satisfied or relieved when seeing others face setbacks, especially if those individuals were previously successful or admired.

6. Withdrawal or Isolation

Someone feeling envious might withdraw from interactions or avoid situations where they have to confront or acknowledge others’ successes or happiness, leading to isolation from social groups or activities.

7. Overly Critical or Judgmental Behavior

Envy can lead to an excessive focus on finding faults in others. An envious person might frequently criticize or judge those whom they envy, focusing on their flaws rather than their strengths.

8. Seeking Validation

An envious individual might seek constant validation for their own achievements or qualities, especially in comparison to those they envy, as a way to bolster their own self-esteem or status.

9. Unexplained Resentment

A subtle yet profound sign of envy is a general sense of resentment towards someone without a clear or justified reason. This feeling might be difficult for the envious person to explain or rationalize fully.

What Are Some Typical Signs of Jealousy?

Recognizing jealousy in others—or in ourselves—can help in addressing the underlying issues and mitigating its impact on relationships. Here are some typical signs of jealousy:

1. Overprotectiveness

A jealous person might become excessively protective or possessive over their relationships. This can include wanting to know where their partner or friend is at all times, who they are with, and what they are doing, often under the guise of concern.

2. Frequent Accusations

Jealous individuals may frequently accuse their partners or friends of being interested in other people or of being unfaithful, even without any concrete evidence to support such claims.

3. Seeking Constant Reassurance

Jealousy can lead to an insatiable need for reassurance about a relationship’s stability or the other person’s feelings. This might manifest as constant questions about love, commitment, or attraction.

4. Checking Phone or Email Without Permission

Invasive behaviors like checking a partner’s phone, email, or social media accounts without their permission are common signs of jealousy. This behavior stems from a desire to control or monitor their interactions with others.

5. Social Media Stalking

Jealous individuals might obsessively follow their perceived rivals or even their partner’s online activities, keeping tabs on interactions, likes, and comments as a way to gauge potential threats to their relationship.

6. Isolating from Others

A jealous person may attempt to isolate their partner or friend from social circles, discouraging them from seeing certain people or attending events, especially if the jealous individual perceives a threat to the relationship.

7. Emotional or Physical Abuse

In extreme cases, jealousy can lead to abusive behavior, whether emotional, verbal, or physical. This might include angry outbursts, threats, or actual violence, often justified by the jealous person as a reaction to perceived infidelity or disloyalty.

8. Making Comparisons

Frequently comparing oneself to others whom they perceive as rivals or threats is a sign of jealousy. This might involve pointing out the other person’s supposed flaws or arguing about why they are a better choice for their partner or friend.

9. Unexplained Anger or Irritability

Jealousy can cause someone to be inexplicably angry or irritable, especially in situations involving the subject of their jealousy. This anger might not always be directly linked to their feelings of jealousy in conversation but is a recurring emotional state.

10. Sabotaging Relationships

A jealous individual may subconsciously or deliberately sabotage their own or others’ relationships through negative comments, spreading rumors, or creating situations that put the relationship under strain.


As writers, we strive to authentically portray the intricacies of human emotion. In this article, I hope I have shown you that the distinction between envy and jealousy, although subtle, carries profound implications for character development and narrative depth.

Envy, born of a longing for what others possess, can serve as a powerful motivator for characters, driving them to pursue their desires or grapple with feelings of inadequacy. Jealousy, on the other hand, stems from a fear of losing what is cherished, igniting protective instincts and potentially destructive behaviors.

By embracing a nuanced understanding of these emotions, we can breathe life into our characters, crafting multidimensional personalities that resonate with readers on a deeper level. Conflating envy and jealousy risks oversimplifying the complexities of human nature, leading to flat, unconvincing narratives.

As we continue to push the boundaries of storytelling, mastering the intricacies of emotions like envy and jealousy becomes not merely an artistic pursuit, but a necessity. For it is in the exploration of these intricate emotional landscapes that we can truly capture the essence of the human experience, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of our readers.

In the end, the ability to distinguish and wield the nuances of envy and jealousy is a hallmark of great writing, elevating our narratives from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Read more about how to write envy.

Read more about how to write jealousy.