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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Foul

Character Trait Foul

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "foul" typically refers to someone who has a strong tendency towards being unpleasant, dirty, or offensive. This could manifest in a number of ways, such as through their language, their actions, or their appearance. Essentially, a character with this trait is likely to be unappealing to others, and may struggle to form meaningful relationships or gain the respect of those around them. However, it's worth noting that even characters with negative traits like "foul" can be compelling and well-written if they are developed in a nuanced and realistic way.

  1. Possible causes of being foul
  2. Behaviors associated with being foul
  3. Attitudes associated with being foul
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being foul
  5. Emotions associated with being foul
  6. Facial expressions associated with being foul
  7. Body language associated with being foul
  8. Behaviors associated with being foul
  9. Growth and evolution of foul characters
  10. Stereotypes of foul characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being foul
  12. Positives of being foul
  13. Verbal expressions of foul characters
  14. Relationships of foul characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are foul
  16. Writing exercises for writing foul characters

Possible causes of being foul

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Learned behavior, where someone has been rewarded or reinforced for negative traits such as aggression or selfishness.
  • Power imbalances, where someone may use their position of authority to dominate or mistreat others.
  • Substance abuse or addiction, which can lead to erratic behavior and a disregard for social norms.
  • Mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders, which can affect one's mood and behavior.
  • Lack of empathy or emotional intelligence, which can make it difficult for someone to understand or connect with others on a deeper level.
  • Negative environmental influences, such as growing up in a violent or unstable home, or being exposed to toxic attitudes and behaviors from peers or media.
  • Traumatic experiences, such as abuse or neglect, which can lead to anger, bitterness, and a lack of trust in others.
  • Unresolved conflicts or resentments, which can lead to grudges, hostility, and a general negativity towards others.

Behaviors associated with being foul

You may be able to show your character's trait of foul by using these.

  • Showing a lack of empathy or compassion towards others
  • Engaging in unethical or immoral behavior
  • Acting aggressively or violently towards others
  • Being disrespectful or rude to others
  • Refusing to take responsibility for one's actions
  • Being dishonest or disloyal
  • Manipulating or deceiving others
  • Using profanity or vulgar language
  • Being unhygienic or not taking care of oneself

Attitudes associated with being foul

You may be able to show foul through their attitudes.

  • Lack of empathy or consideration for others
  • Dismissive of authority or tradition
  • Aggressive or confrontational
  • Self-centered or egotistical
  • Unapologetic for offensive actions or words
  • Tendency to use foul language or make crude jokes
  • Disrespectful towards others
  • Disregard for rules or social norms
  • Prone to violent or destructive behavior

Thoughts and struggles associated with being foul

Here are some ideas for things your foul character may think or struggle with.

  • They may be deeply unhappy or dissatisfied with their life, and may project their negative feelings onto others.
  • They may struggle with feelings of envy or jealousy, particularly towards those who they perceive as having more success or happiness than themselves.
  • A foul character may struggle with feelings of anger and aggression, and may have a tendency to lash out at others.
  • They may struggle with addiction or other destructive behaviors, using substances or other vices as a way to cope with their inner turmoil.
  • They may have a history of trauma or abuse, which has left them feeling resentful and bitter towards the world.
  • They may have a deep-seated sense of bitterness or resentment towards others, which can fuel their negative behavior.
  • They may have a warped sense of morality, believing that their actions are justified even if they cause harm to others.

Emotions associated with being foul

Here are some ideas for emotions your foul character may experience.

  • Disdain
  • Contempt
  • Resentment
  • Anger
  • Displeasure
  • Hatred
  • Bitterness
  • Irritation
  • Disgust

Facial expressions associated with being foul

Here are some facial expressions your foul character may exhibit.

  • Scowling or frowning
  • Twitching or spasming of facial muscles
  • Rolling the eyes or looking away dismissively
  • Lip biting or licking in a menacing way
  • Narrowing the eyes or giving a cold stare
  • Sneering or curling the lip
  • Clenched jaw or grinding teeth
  • Raised eyebrows with a sarcastic or mocking tone

Body language associated with being foul

Here is some body language your foul character may exhibit.

  • Tapping or drumming fingers
  • Slamming doors or objects
  • Making sudden or aggressive movements
  • Heavy breathing or sighing
  • Crossing arms or legs in a defensive posture
  • Clenched fists or jaw
  • Scratching or rubbing skin
  • Scowling or sneering
  • Pointing or jabbing fingers
  • Invading personal space or standing too close
  • Biting nails or lips
  • Yelling or shouting
  • Pacing or fidgeting with objects
  • Rolling eyes or looking away dismissively
  • Tensing shoulders or neck

Behaviors associated with being foul

Here are some behaviors your foul character may exhibit.

  • Being unhygienic or not taking care of oneself
  • Using profanity or vulgar language
  • Being disrespectful or rude to others
  • Manipulating or deceiving others
  • Being dishonest or disloyal
  • Refusing to take responsibility for one's actions
  • Engaging in unethical or immoral behavior
  • Acting aggressively or violently towards others
  • Showing a lack of empathy or compassion towards others

Growth and evolution of foul characters

Here are some ways that your foul character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Learning from their mistakes and making amends
  • Finding a sense of purpose or meaning beyond their own selfish desires
  • Challenging their own beliefs and values
  • Overcoming their own personal demons or struggles
  • Recognizing the impact of their actions on others and the world around them
  • Cultivating positive relationships and connections with others
  • Developing empathy and understanding for others
  • Acknowledging and taking responsibility for their negative actions
  • Developing a sense of self-awareness and reflection

Stereotypes of foul characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical foul character like these examples.

  • Avoid making the Foul character too predictable or clichéd, try to make them unique and complex.
  • Don't make the Foul character's behavior too extreme or over-the-top, as it can become unbelievable and lose its impact.
  • Avoid making the Foul character's behavior completely irrational or illogical, without any motive or reason for their actions.
  • Don't use harmful or offensive stereotypes to portray the Foul character, such as associating their behavior with a particular race, gender, or religion.
  • Avoid making the Foul character completely one-dimensional or lacking any redeeming qualities.
  • Don't make the Foul character's actions or behavior solely for shock value or to provoke a reaction from readers.

Negatives of being foul

Here are some potential negatives of being foul. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Difficulty maintaining positive relationships due to a history of unpleasant behavior
  • Potential for legal consequences if the behavior crosses into harassment or discrimination
  • Lack of consideration for others' feelings or boundaries
  • Offensive language and behavior that can make others uncomfortable or offended
  • Tendency to be rude or disrespectful in social situations

Positives of being foul

Here are some potential positives of being foul. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Foul characters can be complex and multifaceted, making them more interesting and memorable.
  • Foul characters can be relatable, as everyone has negative traits or moments of weakness.
  • They can provide a contrast to the other characters, highlighting their virtues and flaws.
  • Foul characters can be unpredictable, which adds excitement and suspense to a story.
  • They can serve as a catalyst for change in the story and in other characters.
  • They can have a unique perspective on life and challenge societal norms.

Verbal expressions of foul characters

Here are some potential expressions used by foul characters.

  • Speaking loudly or aggressively
  • Insulting or belittling others
  • Making crude sexual remarks or innuendos
  • Using vulgar or graphic language
  • Being sarcastic or dismissive
  • Interrupting or talking over others
  • Making offensive jokes or comments
  • Using derogatory language towards certain groups of people
  • Using profanity or curse words frequently

Relationships of foul characters

Here are some ways that being foul could affect your character's relationships.

  • They may also have a tendency to belittle or criticize others to make themselves feel superior.
  • Foul people may have a tendency to manipulate or control others in their relationships.
  • Foul people may lack empathy or consideration for others, leading to selfish behavior in their relationships.
  • Foul people may have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships due to their negative behavior and attitudes.
  • They may frequently lie or deceive others to get what they want.
  • They may also struggle to trust others, leading to a lack of intimacy and closeness in their relationships.

Examples from books of characters who are foul

  • Count Dracula from "Dracula" by Bram Stoker
  • Sauron from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Nurse Ratched from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey
  • Cersei Lannister from "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin
  • Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris
  • Dolores Umbridge from "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" by J.K. Rowling
  • Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis
  • Joffrey Baratheon from "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin
  • Iago from "Othello" by William Shakespeare

Writing exercises for writing foul characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write foul characters.

  • Use dialogue to show the character's foul language or behavior towards others.
  • Use internal monologue to explore the character's thoughts and justifications for their foul behavior.
  • Write a scene where the character's foul behavior backfires on them.
  • Write a scene where the character is confronted about their foul behavior by someone they care about.
  • Think about the character's backstory and what events may have led them to exhibit foul behavior.
  • Consider how the character's foul behavior affects those around them.
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