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Inspiration Decks Emotions 2024-03-14 00:00

Emotion: Revulsion

Emotion Revulsion

When you want to write the emotion revulsion, it's important to "show" the emotion your character is experiencing through their physical reactions and dialogue, rather than "tell" it. In this article we provide you with inspiration so you can avoid showing instead of telling and immerse your readers in your story.

Revulsion is a strong, often physical, disgust or aversion towards something or someone. It is a feeling of intense repugnance, distaste, or dislike that can be triggered by a variety of stimuli such as a sight, sound, smell, or taste. Revulsion is a powerful emotion that can elicit a visceral response and make a character recoil in horror or loathing. It can range from mild aversion to full-blown revulsion, depending on the situation and the individual's personal experiences and values.

  1. Different Types of Revulsion
  2. Situations Associated with Revulsion
  3. Physical Reactions to Revulsion
  4. Thoughts Associated with Revulsion
  5. Atmosphere of Revulsion
  6. Verbs Associated with Revulsion
  7. Emotions Before Revulsion
  8. Emotions After Revulsion
  9. Telling Revulsion Examples to Avoid
  10. Practical Examples of Showing Revulsion
  11. Exercises for Showing Revulsion

Different Types of Revulsion

Here are some different types of revulsion:

  • Disgust
  • Nausea
  • Abhorrence
  • Horror
  • Repugnance
  • Aversion
  • Loathing

Situations Associated with Revulsion

Here are some situations where a character might experience the emotion of revulsion:

  • Witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event
  • Discovering a disturbing truth about someone or something they previously trusted
  • Coming into contact with something physically repulsive, such as a dead body or rotting food
  • Being betrayed by someone they love or respect
  • Witnessing or experiencing an act of extreme cruelty or violence
  • Being forced to engage in an activity that goes against their morals or values
  • Being confronted with a situation that challenges their beliefs or worldview in a deeply unsettling way
  • Discovering someone close to them has committed a heinous act
  • Being forced to confront their own past mistakes or wrongdoings

Physical Reactions to Revulsion

Here are some physical reactions a character experiencing revulsion might have:

• Vocalizations such as gasping, retching, or groaning.

Thoughts Associated with Revulsion

Here are some thoughts a character experiencing revulsion might have:

  • I can't stand the sight of this.
  • Everything about this makes me feel sick.
  • I need to get away from this as fast as possible.
  • How could anyone enjoy this?
  • My stomach is turning just thinking about it.
  • I can't believe I used to like this.
  • The thought of touching that makes me shudder.
  • Why would anyone willingly expose themselves to this?
  • I feel like I need to cleanse myself after being around this.

Atmosphere of Revulsion

Here are some ways that you might reflect the emotion of revulsion in the atmosphere of your scene:

  • Use dark, eerie, or unpleasant settings to create a sense of discomfort and unease.
  • Include grotesque or disturbing imagery to evoke a visceral reaction from readers.
  • Utilize sensory details like smells, tastes, and textures to create a sense of revulsion.
  • Use language that is repulsive or revolting to describe the setting or atmosphere.
  • Create a sense of claustrophobia or confinement to make readers feel trapped in an unpleasant environment.
  • Highlight the contrast between what is expected and what is encountered, such as a beautiful setting hiding something repulsive.
  • Include characters or creatures that are revolting or disgusting to heighten the feeling of revulsion.

Verbs Associated with Revulsion

Here are some verbs commonly associated with the emotion of revulsion:

  • Shudder
  • Recoil
  • Grimace
  • Cringe
  • Flinch
  • Wince
  • Retch
  • Quail
  • Balk
  • Abhor
  • Despise
  • Loathe
  • Detest
  • Repel
  • Reject
  • Disgust
  • Offend
  • Dislike
  • Hesitate

Emotions Before Revulsion

Here are some emotions that may come before a character experiences revulsion:

  • Disgust
  • Horror
  • Shock
  • Disbelief
  • Outrage
  • Betrayal
  • Anger
  • Irritation
  • Annoyance
  • Unease
  • Suspicion
  • Distrust
  • Disappointment
  • Sadness
  • Regret
  • Remorse
  • Shame
  • Guilt

Emotions After Revulsion

Here are some emotions that may come after a character experiences revulsion:

  • Disgust
  • Anger
  • Hatred
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Dread
  • Nausea
  • Repulsion
  • Contempt

Telling Revulsion Examples to Avoid

Here are some examples of telling the emotion revulsion in a sentence. You should avoid things like this:

  • Sarah felt revulsion when she saw the dead rat on the kitchen floor.
  • John couldn't stand the smell of the garbage, it made him feel revulsion.
  • The thought of eating raw meat filled Jane with revulsion.
  • The sight of the open wound made Tom feel revulsion.
  • The sound of the man chewing with his mouth open made Jill feel revulsion.

Remember, it's usually more effective to show emotions through action and description rather than telling the reader directly.

Practical Examples of Showing Revulsion

Here are some examples of showing revulsion in a sentence:

  • The smell of rotting garbage made her gag.
  • He recoiled from the slimy texture of the raw oysters.
  • The sight of the decaying animal carcass turned her stomach.
  • She couldn't stand the taste of the bitter medicine.

Exercises for Showing Revulsion

Here are some writing exercises to practice showing revulsion:

  • Start by brainstorming situations or scenarios that would naturally elicit the feeling of revulsion. This could include things like encountering a disgusting smell, witnessing a disgusting act, or being forced to eat something repulsive.
  • Write a scene in which the character is confronted with a revolting situation. Focus on describing the physical sensations and reactions the character experiences, such as nausea, shuddering, or recoiling.
  • Consider the character's background and personality traits. How might these factors influence their response to revulsion? For example, a character who is very fastidious and neat might be especially disturbed by a dirty or unkempt environment.
  • Experiment with different points of view. How might the same revolting situation be experienced differently by different characters? Writing from multiple perspectives can help you develop more nuanced and complex portrayals of revulsion.
  • Explore the ways in which revulsion can be expressed non-verbally. How might the character's body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice convey their disgust?

Want more help with showing emotion instead of telling? You find more help in our full set of emotions.

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