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Inspiration Decks Emotions 2024-03-14 00:00

Emotion: Vexation

Emotion Vexation

When you want to write the emotion vexation, it's important to "show" the emotion your character is experiencing through their physical reactions and dialogue, rather than "tell" it. In this article we provide you with inspiration so you can avoid emotion tells and immerse your readers in your story.

Vexation is a feeling of annoyance, frustration, or distress that arises from a sense of being thwarted or hindered in achieving a goal or desire. It is a complex emotion that can manifest itself in various ways, such as irritation, agitation, or exasperation. In essence, vexation is a state of being bothered or troubled by something that is causing discomfort or unease. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, from minor annoyances to major setbacks, and can have a significant impact on a person's mood and behavior.

  1. Different Types of Vexation
  2. Situations Associated with Vexation
  3. Physical Reactions to Vexation
  4. Thoughts Associated with Vexation
  5. Atmosphere of Vexation
  6. Verbs Associated with Vexation
  7. Emotions Before Vexation
  8. Emotions After Vexation
  9. Telling Vexation Examples to Avoid
  10. Practical Examples of Showing Vexation
  11. Exercises for Showing Vexation

Different Types of Vexation

Here are some different types of vexation:

  • Annoyance
  • Frustration
  • Irritation
  • Botheration
  • Displeasure
  • Aggravation
  • Perturbation
  • Discomfort
  • Unease

Situations Associated with Vexation

Here are some situations where a character might experience the emotion of vexation:

  • When the character encounters an unexpected obstacle or setback that delays or derails their plans.
  • When the character feels helpless or powerless in a situation beyond their control.
  • When the character is frustrated by someone or something that is hindering their progress or success.
  • When the character is forced to deal with a difficult person or a challenging situation that they cannot avoid.
  • When the character is overwhelmed by a complicated problem or a complex task that they are unable to solve or complete.
  • When the character experiences a sense of injustice or unfairness, whether towards themselves or someone else.
  • When the character is dealing with conflicting feelings or desires that they cannot reconcile.
  • When the character is struggling to find meaning or purpose in their life or their actions.
  • When the character is unsure of their own abilities or worth, leading to self-doubt and anxiety.

Physical Reactions to Vexation

Here are some physical reactions a character experiencing vexation might have:

  • Furrowed eyebrows and a tense facial expression
  • Clenched jaw or grinding teeth
  • Restlessness or fidgeting
  • Heavy sighs or groans
  • Pacing or walking back and forth
  • Tapping fingers or feet impatiently
  • Crossed arms or defensive body language
  • Agitated or abrupt movements
  • Short, sharp responses or snappy tone of voice
  • Avoiding eye contact or staring fixedly at something
  • Biting lips or nails
  • Increased heart rate or shallow breathing

It's important to remember that these signs and behaviors can manifest differently for different people, and that body language should always be considered in context with other verbal and nonverbal cues to truly understand someone's emotional state.

Thoughts Associated with Vexation

Here are some thoughts a character experiencing vexation might have:

  • Why did this have to happen to me?
  • I can't believe I'm in this situation.
  • This is so frustrating.
  • I don't know what to do.
  • I wish things could just go my way for once.
  • Why can't people just listen to me?
  • I'm so tired of dealing with this.
  • I can't shake this feeling of annoyance.
  • I need to find a way to fix this.

Atmosphere of Vexation

Here are some ways that you might reflect the emotion of vexation in the atmosphere of your scene:

  • Choose a setting that is chaotic, disorganized or cluttered, such as a messy room or a crowded street.
  • Use weather to reflect the character's internal state, such as a thunderstorm or a hot, humid day.
  • Introduce obstacles or frustrating situations that the character must deal with, such as a broken down car or a long line at the grocery store.
  • Have other characters act in a way that is irritating or bothersome to the protagonist, such as talking too much or being overly critical.
  • Use language that reflects the character's frustration or annoyance, such as short, sharp sentences or sarcastic remarks.

Verbs Associated with Vexation

Here are some verbs commonly associated with the emotion of vexation:

  • Fume
  • Seethe
  • Grumble
  • Gnash
  • Brood
  • Scowl
  • Sigh
  • Complain
  • Whine
  • Snap
  • Fret
  • Pout
  • Frown
  • Irritate

Emotions Before Vexation

Here are some emotions that may come before a character experiences vexation:

  • Anxiety
  • Apprehension
  • Confusion
  • Frustration
  • Irritation
  • Disappointment
  • Displeasure
  • Resentment
  • Envy

Emotions After Vexation

Here are some emotions that may come after a character experiences vexation:

  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Irritation
  • Disappointment
  • Resentment
  • Envy
  • Bitterness
  • Hostility
  • Defensiveness

Telling Vexation Examples to Avoid

Here are some examples of telling the emotion vexation in a sentence. You should avoid things like this:

  • He was feeling vexed by the situation.
  • She couldn't help but feel vexed by his constant interruptions.
  • The whole thing was starting to make him feel increasingly vexed.
  • It was obvious from her tone that she was vexed with him.
  • He tried to mask his vexation, but it was clear to everyone in the room.
  • His vexation was palpable as he stormed out of the meeting.
  • She was trying not to let her vexation show, but it was written all over her face.
  • He was overcome with vexation at the thought of having to deal with the problem yet again.
  • She could feel her vexation building as she listened to him drone on and on.

Practical Examples of Showing Vexation

Here are some examples of showing vexation in a sentence:

  • She clenched her fists and took a deep breath, trying to control her annoyance.
  • He rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, clearly irritated.
  • She drummed her fingers on the table and let out a frustrated sigh.
  • He furrowed his brow and scowled at the book in front of him.

Exercises for Showing Vexation

Here are some writing exercises to practice showing vexation:

  • Start by defining what vexation means to you. What are the physical and emotional sensations associated with it? How does it manifest in your own life?
  • Think about a time when you felt vexed. What caused it? How did you react? Use this experience as a starting point for creating a character who is also feeling vexation.
  • Write a scene where the character is trying to accomplish a task but keeps running into obstacles. Show how their frustration builds and how they try to cope with it.
  • Create a list of things that might cause vexation for your character. Use this list to brainstorm potential plot points or conflicts that can drive the story forward.
  • Explore the character's backstory to see if there are any past experiences that might contribute to their tendency to feel vexed. Use this information to deepen their characterization and make them more relatable.
  • Write a scene where the character is forced to confront the source of their vexation. Show how they react and how they ultimately resolve the situation (or fail to).
  • Consider how other characters might react to the protagonist's vexation. How do they try to help or hinder the character? How does the protagonist's vexation affect their relationships?

Want more help with showing emotion instead of telling? You find more help in our full emotional thesaurus.

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