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Grammar Writing Techniques 7 min2023-06-26 00:00

1,000+ Words That Start With E

words that start with e

Whether you’re playing word games, writing a novel, or improving your resume, sometimes you just need the right word.

E isn’t the most common beginning letter in English. But there are still plenty of interesting words that start with E for you to use. You can also check out our list of five-letter words ending in E.

Below, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of words that start with E. Find the perfect word for whatever you’re writing.

Things That Start With E

First up, we have a list of nouns that start with E. A noun is a person, place, or thing.

  • Eagle

  • Ear

  • Earache

  • Earbud

  • Earlobe

  • Earphone

  • Earplug

  • Earwax

  • Easel

  • East

  • Easter

  • Easy

  • Eatery

  • Ebb

  • Ebony

  • Echo

  • Eclipse

  • Ecstasy

  • Ecuador

  • Edge

  • Edict

  • Edition

  • Editor

  • Education

  • Educator

  • Eel

  • Effect

  • Effervescence

  • Efficiency

  • Effigy

  • Effort

  • Egg

  • Ego

  • Egress

  • Egypt

  • Eider

  • Eight

  • Ejector

  • Elbow

  • Elder

  • Elect

  • Election

  • Electrician

  • Electron

  • Elegance

  • Element

  • Elephant

  • Elevator

  • Elf

  • Elimination

  • Elite

  • Ellipse

  • Elm

  • Elongation

  • Elopement

  • Eloquence

  • Elysium

  • Embankment

  • Embarrassment

  • Embassy

  • Embellishment

  • Ember

  • Embrace

  • Embryo

  • Emerald

  • Emergency

  • Emission

  • Emotion

  • Emperor

  • Emphasis

  • Employee

  • Empowerment

  • Empty

  • Enactment

  • Enamel

  • Enchantment

  • Enclosure

  • Encouragement

  • Encyclopedia

  • End

  • Endangerment

  • Endearment

  • Endorsement

  • Endowment

  • Enemy

  • Energy

  • Enigma

  • England

  • Enjoyment

  • Enlargement

  • Enlightenment

  • Enlistment

  • Enmity

  • Enrichment

  • Ensemble

  • Entanglement

  • Enterprise

  • Entertainer

  • Enthusiasm

  • Enticement

  • Entrance

  • Entree

  • Envelope

  • Environment

  • Envy

  • Epic

  • Epidermis

  • Epilogue

  • Episode

  • Equal

  • Equality

  • Equation

  • Equator

  • Equestrian

  • Equipment

  • Equity

  • Equivalent

  • Era

  • Erasure

  • Eraser

  • Erection

  • Erosion

  • Error

  • Escalation

  • Escape

  • Escort

  • Espionage

  • Essay

  • Essence

  • Establishment

  • Estate

  • Estonia

  • Estuary

  • Eternity

  • Ethanol

  • Ethernet

  • Ethics

  • Ethnicity

  • Etiquette

  • Eucalyptus

  • Eulogy

  • Euphoria

  • Europe

  • Evacuation

  • Evaluation

  • Evangelist

  • Evasion

  • Eve

  • Evening

  • Event

  • Evergreen

  • Evidence

  • Evil

  • Evolution

  • Examination

  • Example

  • Exclamation

  • Exclusion

  • Excursion

  • Executive

  • Exemption

  • Exhaust

  • Exhaustion

  • Exhibition

  • Exile

  • Existence

  • Exit

  • Expansion

  • Extravaganza

  • Extremist

  • Extremity

  • Eye

  • Eyeball

  • Eyelet

  • Eyeliner

  • Eyepiece

  • Eyesight

  • Eye-strain

  • Eyewitness

  • Eyrie

4-Letter Words Starting With E

Need a short word for some high-stakes word games? Here are plenty of four-letter words that start with E.

  • Each

  • Eads

  • Earl

  • Earn

  • Ears

  • Ease

  • East

  • Easy

  • Eave

  • Ebbs

  • Echo

  • Ecus

  • Ecru

  • Edge

  • Edgy

  • Edit

  • Eels

  • Eely

  • Effs

  • Efph

  • Egad

  • Eggs

  • Eggy

  • Egis

  • Egos

  • Eide

  • Eked

  • Ekes

  • Elan

  • Elds

  • Elec

  • Elhi

  • Elks

  • Ells

  • Elms

  • Else

  • Emes

  • Emmy

  • Emos

  • Emit

  • Emus

  • Enby

  • Ends

  • Engs

  • Enol

  • Enow

  • Envy

  • Eons

  • Epee

  • Epha

  • Epic

  • Epos

  • Equi

  • Eras

  • Ergo

  • Erks

  • Erie

  • Erin

  • Erne

  • Erns

  • Eros

  • Errs

  • Erst

  • Esse

  • Etas

  • Etch

  • Eths

  • Etic

  • Etui

  • Euro

  • Even

  • Ever

  • Ewes

  • Evil

  • Exam

  • Exes

  • Exit

  • Expo

  • Eyes

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

6-Letter Words Starting With E

In word games like Words With Friends, New York Times’ Spelling Bee, and Boggle, you can get more points with bigger words. Check out these cool E words with six letters.

  • Eagers

  • Eagled

  • Eagles

  • Eaglet

  • Eagres

  • Earbob

  • Earbud

  • Earful

  • Earlap

  • Earner

  • Earths

  • Earthy

  • Earwax

  • Earwig

  • Easels

  • Easies

  • Easily

  • Easier

  • Easily

  • Easton

  • Eaters

  • Eatery

  • Eating

  • Ebbets

  • Ebbing

  • Echoed

  • Ecarte

  • Ecchis

  • Echoed

  • Echoer

  • Echoes

  • Echoic

  • Eclair

  • Eclats

  • Eczema

  • Ecoles

  • Eddied

  • Eddies

  • Eddoes

  • Edemas

  • Edgers

  • Edgier

  • Edging

  • Edible

  • Editor

  • Educed

  • Eerier

  • Eerily

  • Efface

  • Effect

  • Effete

  • Effigy

  • Effing

  • Efflux

  • Effort

  • Effuse

  • Eggcup

  • Eggers

  • Egging

  • Eggnog

  • Egoism

  • Egoist

  • Egress

  • Egrets

  • Eiders

  • Eighty

  • Either

  • Ejects

  • Ekuele

  • Elance

  • Elapid

  • Elapse

  • Elated

  • Elater

  • Elates

  • Elbows

  • Elders

  • Eldest

  • Elects

  • Elegit

  • Eleven

  • Elfins

  • Elfish

  • Elicit

  • Elides

  • Elided

  • Elites

  • Ellips

  • Elmier

  • Elodea

  • Eloper

  • Eluate

  • Eluted

  • Elutes

  • Elvers

  • Emails

  • Embalm

  • Embank

  • Embark

  • Embeds

  • Embery

  • Embers

  • Emblem

  • Embryo

  • Emerod

  • Emerse

  • Emmets

  • Emoted

  • Emoter

  • Emotes

  • Empire

  • Employ

  • Enable

  • Enacts

  • Enamel

  • Encase

  • Encode

  • Encore

  • Encyst

  • Endear

  • Enders

  • Ending

  • Endive

  • Endows

  • Endure

  • Energy

  • Enfold

  • Engage

  • Engine

  • Engird

  • Engulf

  • Enigma

  • Enjoin

  • Enjoys

  • Enlace

  • Enlist

  • Enmesh

  • Enmity

  • Enrage

  • Enrich

  • Enrobe

  • Enroll

  • Ensure

  • Entail

  • Entice

  • Entomb

  • Entree

  • Epical

  • Epochs

  • Eponym

  • Equals

  • Equity

  • Erased

  • Eraser

  • Erects

  • Erenow

  • Ergots

  • Erodes

  • Errand

  • Errant

  • Erring

  • Errors

  • Escape

  • Escarp

  • Escrow

  • Essays

  • Esteem

  • Etched

  • Ethics

  • Evicts

  • Evoked

  • Evokes

  • Evolve

  • Exalts

  • Exogen

7-Letter Words Starting With E

Sometimes, only a longer word will do when you’re writing. Here are some great seven-letter words that start with E.

  • Eagerly

  • Eaglets

  • Eanling

  • Earache

  • Earbuds

  • Eardrop

  • Eardrum

  • Earflap

  • Earldom

  • Earlies

  • Earlobe

  • Earmark

  • Earmuff

  • Earners

  • Earnest

  • Earplug

  • Earshot

  • Earthly

  • Easiest

  • Earwigs

  • Earworm

  • Eastern

  • Ebonics

  • Ebonite

  • Ebonist

  • Ebullio

  • Ecbolic

  • Echidna

  • Echoism

  • Eclairs

  • Ecocide

  • Ecology

  • Economy

  • Ecstasy

  • Ectopic

  • Edamame

  • Eddying

  • Edemata

  • Edgiest

  • Edibles

  • Edifice

  • Educate

  • Eeriest

  • Effable

  • Effaced

  • Effacer

  • Effaces

  • Effendi

  • Efforts

  • Eggless

  • Eggcups

  • Egghead

  • Egotism

  • Egotist

  • Egyptol

  • Eidetic

  • Eighths

  • Einkorn

  • Ejected

  • Ejector

  • Elapids

  • Elapses

  • Elapsed

  • Elastic

  • Elating

  • Elbowin

  • Elderly

  • Eldress

  • Elected

  • Electee

  • Election

  • Elector

  • Electro

  • Elegant

  • Elegiac

  • Elegies

  • Elegize

  • Element

  • Elepaio

  • Elevate

  • Elevens

  • Elflike

  • Elicits

  • Elision

  • Elitecy

  • Elitism

  • Elitist

  • Elkhood

  • Ellipse

  • Elocute

  • Eloping

  • Elusive

  • Elusory

  • Eluting

  • Emailer

  • Emanate

  • Embacle

  • Embalms

  • Embanks

  • Embargo

  • Embarks

  • Embassy

  • Emblems

  • Embolic

  • Embower

  • Embrace

  • Emerald

  • Emerged

  • Emerges

  • Emersed

  • Eminent

  • Emirate

  • Emoting

  • Emotion

  • Empathy

  • Emperor

  • Empires

  • Employs

  • Empower

  • Emptied

  • Emptier

  • Empties

  • Emulate

  • Emulous

  • Enacted

  • Enactor

  • Enamors

  • Encamps

  • Enchain

  • Enchant

  • Enclave

  • Enclose

  • Encored

  • Encores

  • Encorer

  • Encored

  • Encrust

  • Encrypt

  • Encyclo

  • Endgame

  • Endings

  • Endited

  • Endites

  • Endless

  • Endmost

  • Endnote

  • Endogen

  • Endorse

  • Endower

  • Enduing

  • Endways

  • Endwise

  • Enemata

  • Enemies

  • Enfaced

  • Enfaces

  • Enfeoff

  • Enfever

  • Enflame

  • Enfolds

  • Enforce

  • Enjoyed

  • Enteric

  • Episode

  • Epistle

  • Epitome

  • Equable

  • Equated

  • Equator

  • Equinox

  • Erasure

  • Erected

  • Erelong

  • Erosive

  • Errable

  • Erratic

  • Escaped

  • Escapee

  • Escaper

  • Escapes

  • Esquire

  • Espouse

  • Etamine

  • Etchers

  • Etching

  • Eternal

  • Ethanol

  • Eugenic

  • Eunuchs

  • Evacuee

  • Evading

  • Evasion

  • Evicted

  • Exacted

  • Examine

  • Exceeds

  • Excerpt

  • Exhumes

  • Exiling

  • Exogen

Power Verbs That Start With E

Power verbs are action words that are strong and vivid. They’re great for creative writing and making your resume stand out. Choose from this list of power verbs that start with E.

  • Earn

  • Ease

  • Eat

  • Eccentric

  • Echo

  • Economize

  • Edify

  • Edit

  • Educate

  • Effect

  • Effort

  • Ejaculate

  • Eject

  • Elaborate

  • Electrify

  • Elevate

  • Eliminate

  • Embalm

  • Embark

  • Embarrass

  • Embellish

  • Embody

  • Embrace

  • Embroil

  • Emerge

  • Empathize

  • Empower

  • Empty

  • Enact

  • Enamel

  • Encapsulate

  • Enchant

  • Encircle

  • Encourage

  • Encrypt

  • Endanger

  • Endear

  • Endorse

  • Endow

  • Energize

  • Enforce

  • Engage

  • Engender

  • Enhance

  • Enjoy

  • Enlarge

  • Enlighten

  • Enliven

  • Enrage

  • Enrich

  • Ensure

  • Entangle

  • Entertain

  • Entice

  • Entrust

  • Enumerate

  • Enunciate

  • Envelop

  • Envision

  • Epitomize

  • Equalize

  • Equip

  • Eradicate

  • Erase

  • Erode

  • Erupt

  • Escalate

  • Escape

  • Escort

  • Establish

  • Esteem

  • Estimate

  • Eulogize

  • Evacuate

  • Evaluate

  • Evade

  • Evangelize

  • Even

  • Eventuate

  • Evidence

  • Evince

  • Evoke

  • Evolve

  • Exacerbate

  • Exaggerate

  • Exalt

  • Exceed

  • Examine

  • Exasperate

  • Excavate

  • Excel

  • Exceed

  • Exchange

  • Excite

  • Exclaim

  • Exclude

  • Excommunicate

  • Excoriate

  • Excuse

  • Execute

  • Exemplify

  • Exempt

  • Exercise

  • Exert

  • Exhaust

  • Exhibit

  • Exhilarate

  • Exhume

  • Exile

  • Exist

  • Exit

  • Expand

  • Expedite

  • Expel

  • Experience

  • Experiment

  • Expiate

  • Expire

  • Explain

  • Explode

  • Exploit

  • Explore

  • Expose

  • Express

  • Expropriate

  • Extend

  • Extenuate

  • Exterminate

  • Externalize

  • Extol

  • Extract

  • Extrapolate

  • Extricate

  • Exult

  • Eye

Descriptive Words That Start With E

Adjectives are words that describe a noun, and adverbs are words that describe a verb, adjective, or other adverb. This list includes both positive and negative adjectives and adverbs, as well as some neutral words so you can find the perfect descriptor.

  • Eager

  • Eagerly

  • Eagle-eyed

  • Early

  • Earlier

  • Earliest

  • Earnest

  • Earnestly

  • Earthly

  • Earthen

  • Earthy

  • Easier

  • Easiest

  • Easy

  • Easygoing

  • Eatable

  • Ebony

  • Eccentric

  • Echelon

  • Echoing

  • Ecliptic

  • Economic

  • Economical

  • Economically

  • Ecstatic

  • Edible

  • Edited

  • Educational

  • Eerie

  • Eerier

  • Eeriest

  • Effective

  • Effectively

  • Effectual

  • Effervescent

  • Efficient

  • Efficiently

  • Effortful

  • Effortless

  • Effulgent

  • Egocentric

  • Egoistic

  • Egotistic

  • Egotistical

  • Egregious

  • Egyptian

  • Eighteenth

  • Eighth

  • Eightieth

  • Elaborate

  • Elaborately

  • Elastic

  • Elated

  • Elder

  • Elderly

  • Electric

  • Electrical

  • Electronic

  • Elegant

  • Elegantly

  • Elemental

  • Elementary

  • Elevated

  • Elevating

  • Elfin

  • Elicit

  • Eligible

  • Elliptical

  • Eloquent

  • Eloquently

  • Elusive

  • Eluvial

  • Elysian

  • Emancipated

  • Embarrassed

  • Embarrassing

  • Embryonic

  • Emerald

  • Emergent

  • Emeritus

  • Eminent

  • Emotional

  • Empathetic

  • Empathic

  • Empirical

  • Empty

  • Enamored

  • Encyclopedic

  • Endearing

  • Endemic

  • Endless

  • Endmost

  • Enduring

  • Energetic

  • Energizing

  • Engaged

  • Engaging

  • English

  • Enigmatic

  • Enjoyable

  • Enlightened

  • Enlightening

  • Enormous

  • Enraptured

  • Ensnaring

  • Entertaining

  • Enthusiastic

  • Enticing

  • Entire

  • Environmental

  • Envious

  • Ephemeral

  • Epic

  • Epicurean

  • Epigrammatic

  • Episcopal

  • Episcopalian

  • Episodic

  • Equal

  • Equanimous

  • Equatorial

  • Equitable

  • Equivalent

  • Erasable

  • Erect

  • Ergonomic

  • Erosive

  • Erratic

  • Erudite

  • Eruptive

  • Erythematic

  • Essential

  • Established

  • Esteemed

  • Estimable

  • Estimated

  • Estonian

  • Eternal

  • Eternally

  • Ethereal

  • Ethical

  • Ethically

  • Ethnic

  • Etiological

  • Etruscan

  • Euphemistic

  • Euphonic

  • Euphoric

  • European

  • Evangelical

  • Evasive

  • Evenhanded

  • Eventual

  • Evergreen

  • Everlasting

  • Evocative

  • Evolved

  • Exact

  • Exacting

  • Exactly

  • Exaggerated

  • Excellent

  • Exceptional

  • Exceptionally

  • Excess

  • Excessive

  • Excitable

  • Excited

  • Exciting

  • Exclusive

  • Exclusively

  • Excruciating

  • Exculpatory

  • Exemplary

  • Exhaustive

  • Exhilarating

  • Existential

  • Exogenic

  • Exotic

  • Expandable

  • Expanded

  • Expansive

  • Expectant

  • Expensive

  • Experienced

  • Experimental

  • Experimentally

  • Expert

  • Expertly

  • Explicit

  • Explicitly

  • Exploratory

  • Expressive

  • Exquisite

  • Exquisitely

  • Extemporaneous

  • Extended

  • Extensible

  • Extensive

  • Extensively

  • External

  • Extra

  • Extractive

  • Extradimensional

  • Extraordinary

  • Extravagant

  • Extreme

  • Eye-catching

  • Eye-opening

The Best E Words for Scrabble

Scrabble is the ultimate competitive word game. If you need words that start with E for the perfect Scrabble move, here are some of our favorites.

Keep in mind that Scrabble words may vary depending on the region you’re living in. You can use the official Scrabble dictionary for your region, or you can use any dictionary everybody playing agrees on.

We’ve added the Scrabble scores for these words. Of course, if you land on a double word score or triple letter spot, these numbers will only go up!

  • Eczema (19)

  • Eelgrass (9)

  • Effendi (14)

  • Efflux (19)

  • Effulge (14)

  • Egested (9)

  • Egghead (13)

  • Eikons (10)

  • Elapine (9)

  • Elastin (7)

  • Elderly (11)

  • Electee (9)

  • Elegant (8)

  • Element (9)

  • Elevation (12)

  • Elision (7)

  • Elite (5)

  • Elixir (13)

  • Ellagic (10)

  • Ellipse (10)

  • Elusive (10)

  • Embargo (12)

  • Embayed (15)

  • Emblem (12)

  • Embolic (13)

  • Embowel (14)

  • Embrace (13)

  • Emerald (10)

  • Emerged (11)

  • Emoting (10)

  • Empaled (12)

  • Empanada (13)

  • Empathy (17)

  • Empires (11)

  • Employee (15)

  • Emulate (9)

  • Enacted (10)

  • Enamine (9)

  • Encamps (13)

  • Enchain (12)

  • Encinal (9)

  • Enclave (12)

  • Encored (10)

  • Endarch (13)

  • Endleaf (11)

  • Endlong (9)

  • Endmost (10)

  • Endogen (9)

  • Endorse (8)

  • Endower (11)

We hope this extremely elaborate list of words that start with E is everything you need to write or win.

Don’t forget that ProWritingAid’s built-in thesaurus and Word Explorer can help you find the perfect words while you write. Sign up today to give it a try.

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.