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Grammar Writing Techniques 6 min2023-07-24 00:00

600+ Words That Start With M

words that start with M

Having a wide vocabulary is one of the most important tools for writers because you’ll be able to create unique, engaging sentences that keep your readers interested. Learning some words that start with M is a great way to build on your vocabulary.

There are thousands of M words you could choose to learn, but it can be better to focus on words from different categories, as the connotations and connections can make them easier to remember.

In this article, we’ll give you over 600 words that start with M in different categories, such as nouns, positive words, funny words, and simple words.

Things That Start With M

Words that are used for people, things, and places are called nouns and pronouns. There are many nouns that start with the letter M, which you can use in your sentences as either the subject or the object.

Sentences require a subject and verb to be complete, and they can contain more nouns as objects to add more details. For example, you could write a sentence as, “Martin was marching,” but if you wanted to add an object to the sentence, it could be, “Martin was marching in the market square.”

Here’s a list of things that start with M:

  • Macaroni

  • Machinery

  • Madhouse

  • Magic

  • Magma

  • Magnate

  • Magnificence

  • Magnum

  • Maid

  • Maiden

  • Mailer

  • Mainland

  • Mainstream

  • Maintenance

  • Malamute

  • Malevolence

  • Malice

  • Management

  • Manager

  • Mandible

  • Mange

  • Maniac

  • Manifestation

  • Manifesto

  • Manifold

  • Mantle

  • Manual

  • Manufacturer

  • Manure

  • Marginality

  • Marina

  • Market

  • Marksman

  • Marmalade

  • Marquis

  • Marriage

  • Marzipan

  • Masking

  • Masonry

  • Master

  • Masterclass

  • Mastiff

  • Matrix

  • Matthew

  • Mauve

  • Maverick

  • Maxwell

  • Mayor

  • Measure

  • Meat

  • Mechanic

  • Medication

  • Medicine

  • Mediocrity

  • Melodrama

  • Melody

  • Member

  • Memento

  • Memo

  • Memory

  • Meningitis

  • Mention

  • Mercenary

  • Merchant

  • Merry-go-round

  • Metamorphosis

  • Meteorology

  • Metro

  • Metronome

  • Microprocessor

  • Microwave

  • Midday

  • Midline

  • Midmorning

  • Midriff

  • Midshipman

  • Midweek

  • Militant

  • Mill

  • Mimic

  • Mimicry

  • Mind

  • Miner

  • Minimalism

  • Ministry

  • Minter

  • Miracle

  • Missile

  • Missing

  • Missionary

  • Mistaking

  • Modification

  • Mollusk

  • Mom

  • Monarch

  • Monarchy

  • Mongrel

  • Monogram

  • Monologue

  • Monotone

  • Morgue

  • Morrow

  • Mortality

  • Mortar

  • Moth

  • Motivation

  • Motive

  • Motor

  • Motorcyclist

  • Mount

  • Mouse

  • Mousetrap

  • Mouth

  • Move

  • Moving

  • Mucus

  • Mug

  • Multiplication

  • Murmur

  • Mush

  • Musical

  • Musicality

  • Must

  • Mutant

  • Mutter

  • Mutton

  • Myrrh

  • Mystic

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Positive Words That Start With M

When you’re working on a writing project and you need to create a positive tone or you want to write about something good, you can use a positive word that starts with M.

You can also use alliteration with positive words to create a fun sentence that makes you smile. Alliteration is the repetition of the consonant sound at the beginning of consecutive words. For example, you could write, “The majestic monkey meditated his mellow mind.”

Here’s a list of positive words that start with M:

  • Magic

  • Magical

  • Magnanimous

  • Magnetic

  • Magnetize

  • Magnificent

  • Magnify

  • Magnitude

  • Majestic

  • Major

  • Manageable

  • Manifestation

  • Manipulate

  • Manner

  • Mantra

  • Many

  • March

  • Marinate

  • Mark

  • Market

  • Marketability

  • Marketable

  • Marry

  • Marvelous

  • Marvelousness

  • Masculine

  • Mastermind

  • Mastery

  • Maternal

  • Matured

  • Maturity

  • Maximize

  • Meaning

  • Meaningful

  • Measure

  • Mediate

  • Mediating

  • Mediator

  • Meditate

  • Mega

  • Mellow

  • Melodic

  • Melody

  • Melt

  • Memorialize

  • Mend

  • Merge

  • Merit

  • Merriness

  • Merry

  • Mesmerize

  • Metaphysical

  • Meticulous

  • Might

  • Migrate

  • Mileage

  • Milestone

  • Mindful

  • Mindset

  • Mingle

  • Minimize

  • Mint

  • Minute

  • Miracle

  • Miraculous

  • Mirror

  • Mirthful

  • Mischievous

  • Model

  • Moderation

  • Modesty

  • Modify

  • Momentous

  • Monitor

  • Monument

  • Monumental

  • Moral

  • Moralistic

  • Mosaic

  • Motherly

  • Motion

  • Motivate

  • Mouthwatering

  • Move

  • Mover

  • Multicultural

  • Multiply

  • Multitude

  • Musical

  • Must

  • Mutual

  • Myriad

  • Mystery

  • Mystic

words that start with M list

Nice Words That Start With M

Nice words can either sound nice when you say them, or they can describe something nice.

If you’re writing a story and you need to describe a nice secondary character, there are hundreds of words that start with M you could use. For example, a nice person could be “magical” or “majestic.” If you want to describe a nice man, he could be “magnetic” or “muscular.”

Here’s a list of words that start with M that can describe something nice:

  • Magical

  • Magnetic

  • Maiden

  • Main

  • Majestic

  • Major

  • Manageable

  • Manicured

  • Many

  • Marvelous

  • Masculine

  • Masterful

  • Maternal

  • Maximal

  • Meaningful

  • Mediate

  • Medicinal

  • Mellow

  • Melodic

  • Melodious

  • Merciful

  • Methodical

  • Meticulous

  • Mighty

  • Miniature

  • Mint

  • Miraculous

  • Mixed

  • Model

  • Moderate

  • Modernistic

  • Modified

  • Momentous

  • Monumental

  • Moral

  • More

  • Motherly

  • Motivating

  • Moving

  • Multitalented

  • Multicultural

  • Multidisciplined

  • Multipurpose

  • Muscular

  • Musical

  • Must

  • Mutual

  • Myriad

Funny Words That Start With M

Funny words are usually classified by their sound, definition, or connotations. You can use funny words to make people laugh, which keeps them engaged in your writing. There are also words that are synonyms for funny, such as “mirthful” and “merry.”

Some funny words that start with M don’t sound real because of how bizarre they sound. For example, words like “magnetron,” “megalomania,” and “mumblecore” are all funny words that don’t sound real, but they are.

If you want to check a funny-sounding word you don’t think is real, try using the ProWritingAid Word Explorer on the ProWritingAid website. Just enter the word, and press enter on your keyboard to see the definition and synonyms.

Here’s a list of funny words that start with M:

  • Macadamia

  • Macaroni

  • Macaronic

  • Machismo

  • Madhouse

  • Magenta

  • Magnetron

  • Magnificent

  • Malapropism

  • Manatee

  • Mandolin

  • Manicotti

  • Manure

  • Maracas

  • Marmalade

  • Maroon

  • Marzipan

  • Mascara

  • Mascot

  • Matchmaker

  • Mayhem

  • Mayonnaise

  • Meander

  • Meatloaf

  • Megalomania

  • Megaphone

  • Merry

  • Mime

  • Minivan

  • Mink

  • Mirth

  • Mirthful

  • Misadventure

  • Mischief

  • Mischievous

  • Misfire

  • Misfit

  • Misplace

  • Mispronunciation

  • Misspelled

  • Misunderstood

  • Mixtape

  • Mockumentary

  • Molar

  • Monarch

  • Monkey

  • Monstrous

  • Moonbeam

  • Moonstruck

  • Moonwalk

  • Mop

  • Mop bucket

  • Moron

  • Mortified

  • Motley

  • Motorized

  • Mozzarella

  • Mudskipper

  • Muffler

  • Mug

  • Mugshot

  • Mullet

  • Mumblecore

  • Mumbo jumbo

  • Mummy

  • Munch

  • Munchies

  • Muppet

  • Muscles

  • Mutton

Simple Words Starting With M

If you want to start with some easier M words to broaden your vocabulary, try learning some new words from our list of simple words.

Most simple words have one straightforward definition, which makes them easier to learn and use in your writing.

Here’s a list of simple words that start with M:

  • Macaroni

  • Macaw

  • Machine

  • Made

  • Magazine

  • Magic

  • Magpie

  • Mail

  • Make

  • Makeup

  • Mall

  • Man

  • Manatee

  • Mansion

  • Manta ray

  • Map

  • Maple syrup

  • March

  • Mare

  • Margin

  • Mark

  • Market

  • Marmot

  • Mask

  • Mat

  • Match

  • Matchstick

  • Mature

  • May

  • Mayo

  • Maze

  • Meal

  • Medal

  • Medicine

  • Meerkat

  • Melt

  • Menu

  • Meow

  • Merry

  • Mesh

  • Metal

  • Mic

  • Microwave

  • Middle

  • Milk

  • Milkshake

  • Mill

  • Mine

  • Mink

  • Mint

  • Mirror

  • Miss

  • Mist

  • Mittens

  • Mix

  • Mobile

  • Model

  • Mole

  • Molehill

  • Mom

  • Money

  • Mongoose

  • Monkey

  • Month

  • Moon

  • Moose

  • Mop

  • More

  • Mosquito

  • Moth

  • Mountain

  • Mouse

  • Movie

  • Mud

  • Muddy

  • Muffins

  • Mug

  • Mule

  • Museum

  • My

  • Myself

Best M Words for Scrabble

If you’re a fan of writing and words, you might also be a fan of Scrabble. If so, we’ve got a list of words that start with M for you to use when playing games of Scrabble with family and friends.

Remember, the highest-scoring Scrabble tiles are Z (10), Q (10), X (8), and J (8), so you’ll want to use words including those tiles if you’re lucky enough to pick them from the bag. Scrabble games typically have only one of each Z, Q, X, and J tiles, so you can’t make any words that contain double of these letters.

Here’s a list of the highest-scoring Scrabble words that start with M:

  • Macaque (20)

  • Machzor (23)

  • Mahzors (21)

  • Mailbox (18)

  • Majesty (19)

  • Majored (17)

  • Majorly (19)

  • Manques (18)

  • Maquila (18)

  • Marquee (18)

  • Marques (18)

  • Marquis (18)

  • Masjids (17)

  • Masquer (18)

  • Masques (18)

  • Matzahs (21)

  • Matzohs (21)

  • Matzoth (21)

  • Maxilla (16)

  • Maximal (18)

  • Maximin (18)

  • Maximum (20)

  • Maxwell (19)

  • Mazards (19)

  • Mazedly (22)

  • Maziest (18)

  • Mazumas (20)

  • Mazurka (22)

  • Menazon (18)

  • Mesquit (18)

  • Methoxy (22)

  • Mezails (18)

  • Milieux (16)

  • Minimax (18)

  • Minxish (19)

  • Misjoin (16)

  • Mitzvah (24)

  • Mixable (18)

  • Mixedly (20)

  • Mixtape (18)

  • Mixture (16)

  • Mizunas (18)

  • Mojarra (16)

  • Mosques (18)

  • Moujiks (20)

  • Mozetta (18)

  • Muezzin (27)

  • Muntjac (18)

  • Muntjak (20)

  • Murexes (16)

  • Muzhiks (25)

  • Muzjiks (29)

  • Myxomas (21)

Now you’ve seen all of our words that start with M, you’ll be ready to add more M words to your writing. Alternatively, you can use them to win word games, such as Wordle, Scrabble, and Words With Friends.

Don’t forget to use the ProWritingAid Word Explorer to check the definitions of any words you’re not sure of. You can also see rhyming words, which are perfect for poetry writing. 

We hope our lists of words starting with M will help you with your writing projects and word games.

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