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Grammar Writing Techniques 7 min2023-08-21 00:00

1,000+ Words That Start With R

words that start with R

 So, you’re looking for words that start with R.

You can use R words to teach kids the alphabet, play word games like Scrabble, and improve your own writing skills.

In this article, we’ll give you 1,000+ words that start with R.

Positive Words That Start With R

Let’s start with a list of positive words that begin with R. These words have optimistic connotations that are sure to make your writing happier. Some of my favorites are “refreshing” and “regal.”

  • Radiance

  • Radiant

  • Radiate

  • Rainbow

  • Rally

  • Ramble

  • Rapture

  • Rarity

  • Rational

  • Rationality

  • Rationalize

  • Reach

  • Read

  • Readiness

  • Readjust

  • Ready

  • Real

  • Realign

  • Realism

  • Realize

  • Reanimate

  • Reason

  • Reasonable

  • Reassurance

  • Reassure

  • Reassuring

  • Reawaken

  • Rebel

  • Rebirth

  • Rebound

  • Rebuild

  • Recall

  • Receive

  • Reception

  • Receptive

  • Recharge

  • Reciprocate

  • Reclaim

  • Recognition

  • Recognizable

  • Recognize

  • Recommend

  • Recommendation

  • Reconcile

  • Reconciliation

  • Reconnect

  • Reconstruct

  • Record

  • Recover

  • Recovery

  • Recreate

  • Recreation

  • Recruit

  • Rectify

  • Rectitude

  • Redeem

  • Redefine

  • Redemption

  • Redesign

  • Redirect

  • Reenact

  • Re-energize

  • Re-establish

  • Refine

  • Refined

  • Refinement

  • Reflect

  • Reflection

  • Reform

  • Refresh

  • Refreshing

  • Refreshment

  • Refuel

  • Refuge

  • Refurbish

  • Regain

  • Regal

  • Regale

  • Regard

  • Regenerate

  • Regeneration

  • Regularity

  • Regularize

  • Rehabilitate

  • Reign

  • Reignite

  • Re-imagine

  • Reinforce

  • Rejoice

  • Rejoicing

  • Rejuvenate

  • Rejuvenation

  • Rekindle

  • Relate

  • Relax

  • Relaxation

  • Relaxed

  • Release

  • Reliable

  • Reliance

  • Relief

  • Relieve

  • Relinquish

  • Relish

  • Reload

  • Remain

  • Remarkable

  • Remedy

  • Remember

  • Remembrance

  • Remind

  • Renascence

  • Renew

  • Renewal

  • Renewed

  • Renounce

  • Renovation

  • Renown

  • Reorganize

  • Repair

  • Replenish

  • Replenishment

  • Replicate

  • Report

  • Repose

  • Reposition

  • Represent

  • Representation

  • Reprieve

  • Reproduce

  • Reputable

  • Request

  • Rescue

  • Research

  • Resemble

  • Reside

  • Resign

  • Resilience

  • Resilient

  • Resist

  • Resolute

  • Resolution

  • Resolve

  • Resonate

  • Resource

  • Resourceful

  • Resourcefulness

  • Respect

  • Respected

  • Respectful

  • Resplendent

  • Respond

  • Responsibility

  • Responsible

  • Responsive

  • Rest

  • Restful

  • Restoration

  • Restore

  • Restructure

  • Result

  • Resume

  • Resurrect

  • Retain

  • Retell

  • Retrieve

  • Return

  • Reunite

  • Revamp

  • Reveal

  • Revel

  • Revelation

  • Reverberate

  • Revere

  • Reverence

  • Reverent

  • Reverse

  • Revise

  • Revitalization

  • Revitalize

  • Revival

  • Revive

  • Reward

  • Rewarding

  • Rework

  • Rhythm

  • Rich

  • Richness

  • Ride

  • Riffle

  • Right

  • Righteous

  • Righteousness

  • Ripen

  • Ripple

  • Rise

  • Roam

  • Roar

  • Robust

  • Robustness

  • Rock

  • Roll

  • Romance

  • Romantic

  • Root

  • Rosiness

  • Rosy

  • Rotate

  • Roundness

  • Rouse

  • Rousing

  • Royal

  • Royalty

  • Rub

  • Rugged

  • Ruggedness

  • Rule

  • Run

  • Rustic

R words list

Nice Words That Start With R

If you’re teaching kids the alphabet, you might want to start with some simple words that are easy to understand. Here are some nice, simple words that start with R.

  • Rabbit

  • Raccoon

  • Race

  • Racket

  • Radar

  • Radical

  • Radio

  • Radish

  • Radius

  • Rafael

  • Raff

  • Raffle

  • Raft

  • Raging

  • Rail

  • Railroad

  • Railway

  • Rain

  • Rainbow

  • Raindrops

  • Raise

  • Raisin

  • Rally

  • Ralph

  • Ram

  • Ramble

  • Ramp

  • Rampage

  • Ranch

  • Random

  • Range

  • Rank

  • Rap

  • Rapid

  • Rapidly

  • Rapture

  • Rare

  • Rascal

  • Rash

  • Raspberry

  • Rat

  • Rate

  • Rather

  • Ratio

  • Ration

  • Rational

  • Rattle

  • Ravage

  • Raw

  • Ray

  • Rayon

  • Reach

  • React

  • Reactivate

  • Read

  • Reader

  • Readily

  • Reading

  • Readjust

  • Ready

  • Real

  • Reality

  • Realize

  • Really

  • Rear

  • Reasoning

  • Reassign

  • Rebalance

  • Rebel

  • Rebellion

  • Rebirth

  • Reborn

  • Rebound

  • Rebuild

  • Rebuke

  • Recall

  • Recast

  • Receipt

  • Receive

  • Recent

  • Recess

  • Recharge

  • Recipe

  • Recital

  • Recite

  • Recline

  • Recognize

  • Recoil

  • Recollect

  • Reconcile

  • Record

  • Recorder

  • Recount

  • Recourse

  • Recover

  • Recreate

  • Recreation

  • Recruit

  • Rectangle

  • Rectangular

  • Recycle

  • Red

  • Redder

  • Redo

  • Redouble

  • Redraw

  • Reduce

  • Reducing

  • Reduction

  • Reed

  • Reek

  • Refer

  • Reference

  • Refill

  • Refine

  • Reflect

  • Reflection

  • Reflex

  • Reform

  • Reformation

  • Reformer

  • Refraction

  • Refrain

  • Refresh

  • Refresher

  • Refrigerator

  • Refuge

  • Refugee

  • Refund

  • Refusal

  • Refuse

  • Refuser

  • Refute

  • Regain

  • Regal

  • Regan

  • Regard

  • Regarding

  • Regent

  • Region

  • Regional

  • Register

  • Regret

  • Regular

  • Regulate

  • Rehearsal

  • Reign

  • Rein

  • Reindeer

  • Reject

  • Rejection

  • Rejoice

  • Rejoin

  • Rekindle

  • Relapse

  • Relate

  • Relation

  • Relationship

  • Relative

  • Relatively

  • Relax

  • Relaxation

  • Relay

  • Release

  • Relevant

  • Relevantly

  • Reliability

  • Reliable

  • Reliably

  • Reliance

  • Relief

  • Relieve

  • Religion

  • Reload

  • Reluctance

  • Reluctant

  • Remain

  • Remainder

  • Remark

  • Remedial

  • Remedy

  • Remembers

  • Remind

  • Reminder

  • Remission

  • Remit

  • Remodel

  • Remorse

  • Remote

  • Remoter

  • Removable

  • Removal

  • Remove

  • Rend

  • Render

  • Renew

  • Renewable

  • Renounce

  • Renovation

  • Rent

  • Rental

  • Rented

  • Reopen

  • Reorganize

  • Repair

  • Repeal

  • Repeat

  • Repeater

  • Repel

  • Repelled

  • Replace

  • Replacing

  • Replete

  • Replicate

  • Reply

  • Report

  • Repose

  • Represent

  • Repress

  • Reproach

  • Reproduce

  • Reprove

  • Reptile

  • Republic

  • Repulse

  • Repulsion

  • Request

  • Require

  • Reread

  • Rescue

  • Rescuer

  • Research

  • Resemble

  • Reserve

  • Reset

  • Reside

  • Resident

  • Residue

  • Resign

  • Resist

  • Resistance

  • Resistant

  • Resolute

  • Resolution

  • Resolve

  • Resonance

  • Resonant

  • Resort

  • Resource

  • Respect

  • Respite

  • Respond

  • Response

  • Responsible

  • Rest

  • Restaurant

  • Restful

  • Restore

  • Restrain

  • Restraint

  • Restrict

  • Result

  • Resume

  • Retail

  • Retain

  • Retire

  • Retirement

  • Retort

  • Retrace

  • Retrain

  • Retreat

  • Retro

  • Return

  • Reveal

  • Revel

  • Revenge

  • Review

  • Revise

  • Revolt

  • Revolution

  • Revolve

  • Reward

  • Rewrite

  • Rhyme

  • Rhyming

  • Rib

  • Ribbon

  • Rice

  • Rich

  • Ride

  • Ridiculous

  • Rift

  • Right

  • Rigid

  • Ring

  • Ripe

  • Rise

  • Risk

  • Rite

  • Ritual

  • River

  • Road

  • Roam

  • Roar

  • Roast

  • Rob

  • Robber

  • Robin

  • Robot

  • Rock

  • Rockets

  • Rocky

  • Rod

  • Romance

  • Romantic

  • Roof

  • Room

  • Root

  • Rope

  • Rose

  • Rosy

  • Rotate

  • Rotation

  • Rote

  • Rough

  • Round

  • Route

  • Routine

  • Row

  • Royal

  • Rubber

  • Ruble

  • Ruby

  • Rude

  • Ruff

  • Ruffle

  • Rule

  • Ruler

  • Run

  • Runway

  • Rural

  • Rush

  • Rust

  • Rustle

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

6-Letter Words Starting With R

When you’re playing word games like Scrabble, you might need to know words that contain a specific number of letters.

So, here are some six-letter words that begin with R.

  • Rabbis

  • Rabbit

  • Rabble

  • Racial

  • Racier

  • Racism

  • Radial

  • Radios

  • Radius

  • Raffle

  • Raging

  • Raised

  • Rakish

  • Ramona

  • Ramped

  • Ramrod

  • Rancid

  • Rancor

  • Random

  • Ranger

  • Rappel

  • Rarely

  • Rarity

  • Rascal

  • Rather

  • Rating

  • Ration

  • Ratios

  • Ravage

  • Rawest

  • Reader

  • Really

  • Reaper

  • Reared

  • Reason

  • Rebate

  • Rebels

  • Reborn

  • Rebuke

  • Recall

  • Recent

  • Recipe

  • Reckon

  • Record

  • Recuse

  • Redeem

  • Reduce

  • Refile

  • Refine

  • Reflex

  • Reform

  • Refuge

  • Refund

  • Refuse

  • Regain

  • Regard

  • Regent

  • Regime

  • Region

  • Regret

  • Reigns

  • Reined

  • Reject

  • Relate

  • Relief

  • Relish

  • Relive

  • Remain

  • Remark

  • Remedy

  • Remind

  • Remote

  • Remove

  • Render

  • Rental

  • Rented

  • Reopen

  • Repaid

  • Repair

  • Repeal

  • Repeat

  • Replay

  • Replot

  • Report

  • Resaid

  • Resale

  • Rescue

  • Reseal

  • Reseda

  • Resell

  • Resend

  • Resent

  • Reside

  • Resign

  • Resist

  • Resort

  • Result

  • Resume

  • Retail

  • Retain

  • Retell

  • Retire

  • Return

  • Reused

  • Reveal

  • Revert

  • Review

  • Revise

  • Revive

  • Revolt

  • Revote

  • Reward

  • Rhythm

  • Ribbon

  • Riches

  • Rictus

  • Ridden

  • Riding

  • Ridley

  • Rigors

  • Ripens

  • Ripped

  • Rising

  • Ritual

  • Roadie

  • Robust

  • Rocket

  • Rodman

  • Roller

  • Rookie

  • Rosary

  • Roster

  • Rotary

  • Rotate

  • Rotten

  • Rouges

  • Router

  • Royals

  • Rubber

  • Rubble

  • Rugged

  • Ruling

  • Runner

  • Runway

7-Letter Words That Begin With R

Next, let’s look at some seven-letter words that begin with R.

  • Rabbits

  • Rabidly

  • Raceway

  • Racists

  • Radiant

  • Radiate

  • Radical

  • Raggedy

  • Ragweed

  • Railway

  • Rainbow

  • Rambler

  • Rampant

  • Ranking

  • Rapiers

  • Rappels

  • Rapport

  • Ratatat

  • Raucous

  • Ravioli

  • Rawhide

  • Razored

  • Reactor

  • Readily

  • Reading

  • Readout

  • Reaffix

  • Realism

  • Realist

  • Reality

  • Realize

  • Reapply

  • Rebirth

  • Rebound

  • Rebuild

  • Receipt

  • Receive

  • Recheck

  • Recipes

  • Recital

  • Reclaim

  • Recline

  • Recount

  • Recover

  • Recruit

  • Rectify

  • Recycle

  • Redneck

  • Redoubt

  • Redress

  • Reduced

  • Redwood

  • Reeling

  • Reenact

  • Referee

  • Refined

  • Reflect

  • Refrain

  • Reframe

  • Refresh

  • Refugee

  • Refusal

  • Regalia

  • Regency

  • Regimen

  • Regroup

  • Regular

  • Relapse

  • Related

  • Relaxed

  • Release

  • Reliant

  • Relieve

  • Remains

  • Remixed

  • Remorse

  • Removal

  • Removed

  • Reneged

  • Renewal

  • Reorder

  • Repaper

  • Replace

  • Replica

  • Repress

  • Reprint

  • Reputed

  • Request

  • Require

  • Reroute

  • Reserve

  • Reshape

  • Residue

  • Resolve

  • Resound

  • Respect

  • Respite

  • Respond

  • Restart

  • Restate

  • Resting

  • Restore

  • Retaken

  • Rethink

  • Retired

  • Retiree

  • Retreat

  • Reunion

  • Revenge

  • Revenue

  • Reverse

  • Revival

  • Revoked

  • Revolve

  • Rewoven

  • Rewrite

  • Rewrote

  • Rhenium

  • Rheumic

  • Rhizoid

  • Rhyming

  • Rickety

  • Rightly

  • Ringlet

  • Ripping

  • Riptide

  • Rivaled

  • Rivalry

  • Riveted

  • Rivulet

  • Roadway

  • Roaring

  • Roaster

  • Robbery

  • Rocking

  • Roebuck

  • Roiling

  • Rollout

  • Romance

  • Romping

  • Roofing

  • Roomful

  • Ropiest

  • Rosacea

  • Rosebud

  • Rosehip

  • Rotates

  • Rotguts

  • Rotunda

  • Roughen

  • Roughly

  • Rounded

  • Rousing

  • Rousted

  • Routine

  • Rowdily

  • Royally

  • Royalty

  • Rubbing

  • Rubbish

  • Rummage

  • Runaway

  • Running

  • Runways

  • Rupture

8-Letter Words That Start With R

Finally, here are eight-letter words that begin with R.

  • Racially

  • Radiator

  • Raggedly

  • Railroad

  • Raincoat

  • Raindrop

  • Rainfall

  • Rambling

  • Rampaged

  • Ransomed

  • Raptured

  • Ratified

  • Rational

  • Rationed

  • Rattling

  • Ravished

  • Rawboned

  • Razoring

  • Reabsorb

  • Reaction

  • Reactive

  • Readable

  • Reaffirm

  • Realists

  • Realized

  • Reappear

  • Reassess

  • Reassure

  • Reawoken

  • Rebooted

  • Rebuking

  • Rebuttal

  • Received

  • Receiver

  • Receptor

  • Recharge

  • Rechosen

  • Reckless

  • Recodify

  • Recorder

  • Recourse

  • Recovery

  • Recreate

  • Redeemed

  • Redefine

  • Redesign

  • Redirect

  • Redshift

  • Redshirt

  • Reexpose

  • Referent

  • Refinery

  • Reforest

  • Reformed

  • Regiment

  • Regional

  • Register

  • Registry

  • Regnancy

  • Regulate

  • Rehearse

  • Reindeer

  • Reinfect

  • Reinjury

  • Relation

  • Relative

  • Relevant

  • Reliable

  • Reliance

  • Reliever

  • Religion

  • Relocate

  • Remedial

  • Remember

  • Renegade

  • Renounce

  • Renovate

  • Renowned

  • Repartee

  • Repeated

  • Reporter

  • Reposing

  • Reprieve

  • Reproach

  • Republic

  • Required

  • Research

  • Resemble

  • Reserved

  • Resident

  • Residual

  • Resigned

  • Resistor

  • Resolute

  • Resonant

  • Resonate

  • Resource

  • Response

  • Restless

  • Restrain

  • Restrict

  • Restroom

  • Retainer

  • Reticent

  • Retinue

  • Retiring

  • Retrieve

  • Retrofit

  • Reverend

  • Reversal

  • Reviewer

  • Revision

  • Revolver

  • Rewiring

  • Reworded

  • Rhetoric

  • Rhubarbs

  • Rhythmic

  • Ribosome

  • Ribozyme

  • Rickshaw

  • Ridicule

  • Rifleman

  • Riflemen

  • Rightful

  • Rigidity

  • Rigorous

  • Ringbone

  • Ringtail

  • Ringworm

  • Ripeness

  • Ripening

  • Riskless

  • Risottos

  • Rivaling

  • Riverbed

  • Riveting

  • Rivieras

  • Rivulets

  • Roadshow

  • Roadside

  • Roadster

  • Robotics

  • Rockabye

  • Rockaway

  • Rollback

  • Romantic

  • Roomiest

  • Roommate

  • Rootless

  • Rootlike

  • Rosaries

  • Rosemary

  • Rosewood

  • Rotation

  • Rotatory

  • Roulette

  • Roundest

  • Royalism

  • Royalist

  • Rudeness

  • Ruffians

  • Rugelach

  • Ruminate

  • Rummaged

  • Runabout

  • Runaways

  • Ruptured

  • Rutabaga

  • Ruthless

Best R Words for Scrabble

If you’re looking for good words to use in Scrabble, you want to try words that include rare letters like Z and X.

Here are some of the highest-scoring Scrabble words that begin with R, all of which are worth 20 points or more.

  • Racemize (21)

  • Rackwork (21)

  • Reaffix (20)

  • Reflexly (21)

  • Refreeze (20)

  • Refrozen (20)

  • Rejacket (21)

  • Revivify (20)

  • Rhizobia (22)

  • Rhizoid (20)

  • Rhizoids (21)

  • Rhizoma (21)

  • Rhizome (21)

  • Rhizomes (22)

  • Rhizomic (24)

  • Rhizopi (21)

  • Rhizopod (23)

  • Rhizopus (22)

  • Rhythmic (21)

  • Ribozyme (24)

  • Rickrack (20)

  • Rickshaw (20)

  • Rockaway (20)

  • Rockfish (20)

  • Rockwork (21)

  • Rucksack (20)

There you have it: our comprehensive list of words that start with R.

If you’re using these words for writing, don’t forget to run your work through ProWritingAid to check for weaknesses and errors. The Word Explorer can help you make sure you’re using the best R words possible.

Good luck, and happy writing!

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.