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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Considerate

Character Trait Considerate

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. Considerate is a character trait that describes someone who takes the feelings and needs of others into account when making decisions or taking actions. A considerate person is empathetic, thoughtful, and mindful of the impact of their words and actions on those around them. They prioritize fairness and kindness in their interactions with others and are often seen as compassionate and respectful individuals. Being considerate is an admirable quality that can help build stronger relationships and foster a more positive and supportive community.

  1. Possible causes of being considerate
  2. Behaviors associated with being considerate
  3. Attitudes associated with being considerate
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being considerate
  5. Emotions associated with being considerate
  6. Facial expressions associated with being considerate
  7. Body language associated with being considerate
  8. Behaviors associated with being considerate
  9. Growth and evolution of considerate characters
  10. Stereotypes of considerate characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being considerate
  12. Positives of being considerate
  13. Verbal expressions of considerate characters
  14. Relationships of considerate characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are considerate
  16. Writing exercises for writing considerate characters

Possible causes of being considerate

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Understanding the importance of building strong and healthy relationships with others
  • Being taught to treat others the way they would like to be treated
  • Recognizing the value of being considerate as a key component of emotional intelligence
  • A desire to create a positive impact on the world and make it a better place for everyone
  • An innate sense of empathy and sensitivity towards others
  • Growing up in an environment where kindness and empathy were highly valued
  • Personal experiences of feeling the impact of being treated inconsiderately or unkindly
  • Being inspired by role models who exhibited considerate behavior

For detailed feedback on considerate characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's literary analysis software.

Behaviors associated with being considerate

You may be able to show your character's trait of considerate by using these.

  • Being patient and tolerant towards differences
  • Offering help or support when needed
  • Thinking before acting or speaking to avoid hurting others
  • Listening actively to others' needs and concerns
  • Expressing gratitude and appreciation for others' efforts and contributions
  • Respecting others' time, space, and opinions
  • Showing empathy and understanding towards others
  • Being polite and using good manners
  • Being mindful of the impact of your actions on others

Attitudes associated with being considerate

You may be able to show considerate through their attitudes.

  • Willingness to compromise and find mutually beneficial solutions
  • Empathy towards others
  • Kindness and generosity in interactions with others
  • Respect for others' time and boundaries
  • Acknowledgment of other people's perspectives and experiences
  • Sensitivity to other people's feelings
  • Openness to feedback and willingness to adjust behavior for others' benefit
  • Thoughtfulness in actions and words

Thoughts and struggles associated with being considerate

Here are some ideas for things your considerate character may think or struggle with.

  • They may feel guilty or anxious when they perceive that they have let someone down or caused them harm.
  • A considerate character may often worry about how their actions and words will affect others.
  • They may have a strong sense of empathy and be able to understand and relate to the perspectives of others.
  • They may second-guess their decisions and constantly seek approval from those around them.
  • They may find it difficult to say "no" or to confront others when they feel mistreated.
  • They may be highly attuned to social cues and be skilled at navigating complex social situations.
  • They may struggle to assert themselves and set boundaries, often prioritizing the needs and feelings of others over their own.
  • They may have a tendency to take on other people's problems and try to solve them, even at the expense of their own well-being.

Emotions associated with being considerate

Here are some ideas for emotions your considerate character may experience.

  • Selflessness
  • Kindness
  • Compassion
  • Tactfulness
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Politeness
  • Empathy
  • Respectfulness
  • Generosity

Facial expressions associated with being considerate

Here are some facial expressions your considerate character may exhibit.

  • Lips slightly pursed in contemplation
  • Eye contact with a caring gaze
  • Touching the face or chin thoughtfully
  • A calm and relaxed facial expression
  • A gentle smile
  • Nodding head in agreement
  • A slight furrow of the forehead when thinking about how to help others
  • Tilting head slightly to show interest
  • Softened eyebrows

Body language associated with being considerate

Here is some body language your considerate character may exhibit.

  • Leaning towards the person to show interest
  • Taking responsibility for one's actions and their impact on others
  • Making eye contact while listening
  • Nodding and smiling to show understanding and support
  • Avoiding interrupting while someone is speaking
  • Apologizing sincerely for mistakes or inconveniences caused to others
  • Using a calm and patient tone of voice
  • Offering assistance or help without being asked
  • Holding doors open for others or letting others go first

For detailed feedback on considerate characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's literary analysis software.

Behaviors associated with being considerate

Here are some behaviors your considerate character may exhibit.

  • Being patient and tolerant towards differences
  • Offering help or support when needed
  • Being polite and using good manners
  • Being mindful of the impact of your actions on others
  • Thinking before acting or speaking to avoid hurting others
  • Respecting others' time, space, and opinions
  • Showing empathy and understanding towards others
  • Expressing gratitude and appreciation for others' efforts and contributions
  • Listening actively to others' needs and concerns

Growth and evolution of considerate characters

Here are some ways that your considerate character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Become more patient and understanding towards those who may not be considerate
  • Learn to forgive and let go of grudges, showing consideration towards those who have wronged them
  • Become more empathetic towards others
  • Realize the importance of boundaries and respecting others' boundaries
  • Develop a stronger sense of responsibility towards their actions and their impact on others
  • Learn to balance their own needs with the needs of others
  • Develop better communication skills to express their consideration effectively
  • Become more open-minded and accepting of diversity in all forms
  • Learn to actively listen and consider other perspectives

Stereotypes of considerate characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical considerate character like these examples.

  • Avoid making your Considerate character a pushover who always says yes to everything and everyone.
  • Avoid making your Considerate character a martyr who sacrifices their own needs and desires for the sake of others.
  • Avoid making your Considerate character a doormat who allows others to walk all over them without standing up for themselves.
  • Avoid making your Considerate character a one-dimensional "nice guy/girl" who has no flaws or complexities.

Negatives of being considerate

Here are some potential negatives of being considerate. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • It can lead to people pleasing and avoiding conflict, which can be detrimental in certain situations
  • It can lead to sacrificing one's own needs and desires in order to please others
  • Being considerate can sometimes result in indecisiveness and difficulty making tough choices
  • Being overly considerate can result in being taken advantage of by others

Positives of being considerate

Here are some potential positives of being considerate. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • They are good listeners and pay attention to the needs and feelings of those around them.
  • They are polite and courteous in their interactions with others.
  • They are open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives and opinions.
  • Considerate individuals are respectful towards others and their boundaries.
  • Considerate people are thoughtful and take the time to consider the impact of their actions on others.
  • Considerate people are compassionate and empathetic towards others.
  • They often go out of their way to help others and make them feel comfortable.

Verbal expressions of considerate characters

Here are some potential expressions used by considerate characters.

  • "Excuse me"
  • "Thank you"
  • "Let's hear everyone's opinion"
  • "What do you think?"
  • "I'm sorry"
  • "How can I make things easier for you?"
  • "I don't want to inconvenience you"
  • "I appreciate your input"
  • "Is there anything I can do to assist you?"
  • "Would you like some help?"
  • "After you"
  • "I'll wait for you"
  • "Please"
  • "I understand how you feel"
  • "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help"

Relationships of considerate characters

Here are some ways that being considerate could affect your character's relationships.

  • They tend to be patient and kind, even in difficult situations.
  • They are respectful and mindful of other people's boundaries and feelings.
  • Considerate people tend to be empathetic and understanding towards others.
  • They are open-minded and non-judgmental, accepting people for who they are.
  • They value communication and strive to maintain healthy relationships with clear and honest communication.
  • They are good listeners and often put other people's needs before their own.
  • Considerate people are often reliable and trustworthy, as they prioritize their commitments to others.

Examples from books of characters who are considerate

  • Samwise Gamgee from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Hermione Granger from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Augustus Waters from "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green
  • Charlotte from "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White
  • Mr. Darcy from "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
  • Mary Lennox from "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • Jean Valjean from "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo
  • Ponyboy Curtis from "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton

Writing exercises for writing considerate characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write considerate characters.

  • Create a scenario where your character is faced with a difficult decision between doing what's right and what's easy, and have them choose the morally considerate option.
  • Create a scenario where your character stands up for someone who is being mistreated or bullied.
  • Have your character show gratitude and appreciation towards others for their kindness or support.
  • Write a scene where your character goes out of their way to help someone in need, even if it inconveniences them.
  • Have your character prioritize the needs and feelings of others over their own, even if it means sacrificing something important to them.
  • Write a scene where your character shows empathy towards someone who is struggling or going through a tough time.
  • Write a scene where your character takes the time to understand and respect someone else's cultural or personal differences.
  • Describe a moment where your character takes responsibility for their actions and apologizes sincerely for any harm they may have caused.
  • Describe a moment where your character actively listens to someone else's perspective, even if they disagree with it.
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