Finding the perfect word to describe people or things can be difficult. When you’re writing, you may find yourself searching far and wide for the perfect adjective. Writers often choose a word based on its spelling because it helps with the flow or rhythm of their prose.
If you’re looking for the perfect adjectives that start with S, you’re in luck. We’ve compiled a list of positive and negative adjectives, as well as some personality traits, that all begin with S.
ProWritingAid’s Word Explorer can also help you find the right descriptive words. You can enter any word and see not only synonyms and definitions, but also alliterative words and rhymes.
If you’re searching for the right word by meaning, you can even access the reverse dictionary and contextually related words. You can access these options in the Word Explorer from the menu in the online editing tool.
But you can also peruse this huge list of common adjectives starting with S. We’ve compiled over 500 adjectives that start with the letter S, so you can find the perfect description.
Positive Adjectives that Start with S
Words have tones and connotations attached to them that might not be part of their definitions. It’s important to find words that fit the feeling you’re going for.
For example, there’s a notable difference between smile and smirk, even though they are synonyms. And look and leer are synonyms with very different connotations.
When you’re searching for adjectives that start with S, you want them to help set the mood of your writing. If you’re writing a happy scene, you want to use positive adjectives.
Below is a list of some positive adjectives starting with S.
- Sagacious
- Sage
- Saintly
- Salubrious
- Salutary
- Sated
- Satiated
- Satisfactory
- Satisfied
- Satisfying
- Savvy
- Scintillating
- Scrumptious
- Scrupulous
- Seasonable
- Secure
- Seemly
- Sellable
- Sensational
- Sensible
- Sensuous
- Sentimental
- Seraphic
- Serendipitous
- Serene
- Shapely
- Shimmering
- Shining
- Shiny
- Shrewd
- Significant
- Silky
- Sincere
- Singular
- Sisterly
- Sizzling
- Skilled
- Sleek
- Slinky
- Smashing
- Smiley
- Smiling
- Smoldering
- Smooth
- Snug
- Soaring
- Soft
- Soothing
- Sophisticated
- Sought-after
- Soulful
- Spacious
- Sparkly
- Special
- Spectacular
- Speedy
- Spellbinding
- Spicy
- Spiffy
- Spirited
- Splashy
- Splendid
- Springy
- Spry
- Staggering
- Stately
- Statuesque
- Steady
- Steamy
- Stimulating
- Stirring
- Stout
- Strapping
- Striking
- Strong
- Studied
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Sturdy
- Stylish
- Suave
- Sublime
- Substantial
- Subtle
- Successful
- Succulent
- Sugary
- Suggestive
- Suitable
- Sumptuous
- Sunkissed
- Sunny
- Super
- Superb
- Superhuman
- Superior
- Supple
- Supreme
- Sure-footed
- Svelte
- Swaggering
- Swanky
- Sweet
- Swift
- Swishing
- Swooping
Negative Adjectives that Start with S
Sometimes, what you’re writing isn’t so positive. You might need an adjective that is gloomy, dark, angry, or otherwise negative.
Now it’s time for a list of negative adjectives that start with S. Some of the S adjectives listed below might be more fitting for a person, a setting, or an item. Hopefully, you’ll find the exact descriptive word you need.
- Saccharine
- Sacrilegious
- Sad
- Sagging
- Saggy
- Sallow
- Sanctimonious
- Savage
- Scabbed
- Scandalous
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scorching
- Scornful
- Scraggly
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screeching
- Scummy
- Scurrilous
- Seditious
- Seedy
- Seething
- Senseless
- Severe
- Shabby
- Shaggy
- Shaky
- Shamefaced
- Sheepish
- Shifty
- Shocking
- Shoddy
- Short-lived
- Showy
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Shriveled
- Sickly
- Simpering
- Simplistic
- Sinful
- Sinister
- Sisyphean
- Skeletal
- Sketchy
- Skimpy
- Slanderous
- Slimy
- Sloppy
- Sluggish
- Smarmy
- Smelly
- Smoggy
- Smothering
- Smug
- Snaggle-toothed
- Snaky
- Snarling
- Sneering
- Snide
- Sniffling
- Snippy
- Snoopy
- Snooty
- Snotty
- Soggy
- Solemn
- Solicitous
- Somber
- Sordid
- Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Soulless
- Sour
- Sparse
- Spectral
- Spiky
- Spine-chilling
- Spiritless
- Spiteful
- Splotchy
- Spoiled
- Spooky
- Spurious
- Squalid
- Squashed
- Squat
- Squawking
- Squealing
- Squinty
- Squished
- Stagnant
- Stained
- Stale
- Star-crossed
- Stark
- Starving
- Stealth
- Steely
- Stereotypical
- Stiff
- Stifled
- Stifling
- Stigmatic
- Stilted
- Stinging
- Stinking
- Stinky
- Stodgy
- Stony
- Stormy
- Straggly
- Strange
- Stringent
- Stringy
- Stubby
- Stuffy
- Stumbling
- Stumpy
- Stuttering
- Stygian
- Subdued
- Subpar
- Subservient
- Subversive
- Suffering
- Sulky
- Sunken
- Suppressive
- Surly
- Suspect
- Suspicious
- Sweltering
- Swinish
- Swollen
Character Traits that Start with S
While some of the adjectives beginning with S listed above can describe a person, they aren’t necessarily character traits.
Descriptive words for personality traits are crucial when creating characters in your writing. You want to provide your readers with an accurate description.
We’ve compiled a list of some adjectives that start with S to describe a person based on their personality. Some of these are positive adjectives, while others are negative or neutral.
This letter S list focuses on adjectives that address a character’s personality. The next section features some S adjectives for physical traits.
- Sadistic
- Sane
- Sanguine
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sassy
- Saucy
- Scatterbrained
- Scattered
- Scholarly
- Scrappy
- Secretive
- Seductive
- Selective
- Self-absorbed
- Self-centered
- Self-confident
- Self-destructive
- Self-effacing
- Self-indulgent
- Self-reliant
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Shallow
- Shameless
- Sheltered
- Short-tempered
- Shortsighted
- Shrewd
- Shy
- Silly
- Simple-minded
- Skeptical
- Skillful
- Sleazy
- Sly
- Small-minded
- Smart
- Snappish
- Sneaky
- Snobbish
- Sober
- Sociable
- Social
- Soft-hearted
- Soldierly
- Solipsistic
- Spacy
- Speculative
- Spendthrift
- Spineless
- Spiritual
- Sporting
- Sporty
- Spunky
- Squirrelly
- Standoffish
- Staunch
- Steadfast
- Stealthy
- Stern
- Stingy
- Stoic
- Stolid
- Straightforward
- Strategic
- Stubborn
- Studious
- Submissive
- Sullen
- Supercilious
- Superficial
- Superstitious
- Supportive
Full List of Adjectives that Start with S
Finally, some adjectives starting with S don’t fit into any category.
Some adjectives are neutral, while some can be positive or negative, depending on the other descriptive words. The S adjectives below also include descriptors like colors, shapes, and ethnicities.
Here is a list of adjectives that start with S that can describe just about anything.
- Safe
- Saffron
- Sagittal
- Salmon
- Salted
- Salty
- Salvadorean
- Salvageable
- Same
- Samoan
- Sandy
- Sanitary
- Sapphic
- Sapphire
- Sappy
- Satin
- Saudi Arabian
- Savory
- Scalding
- Scaly
- Scant
- Scarce
- Scared
- Scarlet
- Scenic
- Scented
- Scheduled
- Scientific
- Scottish
- Scratched
- Scruffy
- Sculpted
- Sea Green
- Sealed
- Seamless
- Searching
- Seasonal
- Secluded
- Second-hand
- Secondary
- Secular
- Semi-precious
- Senile
- Sentient
- Separate
- Sepia
- Sequential
- Serbian
- Serpentine
- Serrated
- Seventh
- Shaded
- Shady
- Shaped
- Sharp
- Sharpy
- Shaved
- Sheer
- Shivering
- Shocked
- Short
- Sickly
- Silent
- Silky
- Silver
- Similar
- Simple
- Simplified
- Simultaneous
- Sinewy
- Single
- Sinuous
- Sixth
- Sizable
- Skinny
- Sky-blue
- Slanted
- Slate-gray
- Sleepless
- Sleepy
- Slender
- Slick
- Slight
- Slim
- Slippery
- Sloped
- Sloping
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Slow
- Slumberous
- Slumped
- Small-scale
- Smoked
- Smoky
- Smutty
- Snell
- Snow-white
- Snowy
- Soaking
- Socialist
- Solar
- Sole
- Solid
- Solitary
- Somali
- Somatic
- Somnial
- Sore
- Soundless
- South African
- South American
- South-eastern
- Southern
- South-western
- Spaced-out
- Spanish
- Spare
- Spattered
- Specific
- Speckled
- Speechless
- Speedy
- Sphenoid
- Spherical
- Spicy
- Spindly
- Spiraled
- Splattered
- Split
- Spoken
- Sporadic
- Spotless
- Spotty
- Spread-out
- Square
- Squeezable
- Squirmy
- Stable
- Stackable
- Stacked
- Standard
- Standardized
- Starched
- Startling
- Static
- Staticky
- Statistical
- Statutory
- Steaming
- Steel
- Steep
- Sterile
- Sticky
- Still
- Stocky
- Stooped
- Straight
- Straining
- Straw-like
- Streaked
- Strenuous
- Stretched
- Stretchy
- Striped
- Structural
- Stuffed
- Stunned
- Styled
- Subconscious
- Subjective
- Subliminal
- Subordinate
- Subsequent
- Substitute
- Subterranean
- Successive
- Sudanese
- Sudden
- Sufficient
- Sultry
- Sunspotted
- Sunburned
- Superlative
- Supernatural
- Supersonic
- Supposed
- Sure
- Surgical
- Surmountable
- Surprised
- Surprising
- Surreal
- Survivable
- Susceptible
- Suspected
- Sustainable
- Swaying
- Swazi
- Sweaty
- Swedish
- Sweeping
- Swishing
- Swiss
- Swollen
- Symbiotic
- Symbolic
- Symmetrical
- Symptomatic
- Synonymous
- Synthetic
- Syrian
- Systematic
That concludes our superb, sensational list of adjectives starting with S. With over 500 S adjectives to choose from, your writing is sure to be spectacular!