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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-02 00:00

Character Trait: Broad-minded

Character Trait Broad-minded

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. Broad-mindedness is a character trait that refers to a person's ability to be open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives without judgment. It involves being tolerant, flexible, and willing to consider different viewpoints, even those that may challenge one's own beliefs or values. A broad-minded person is able to approach people and situations with an open and accepting attitude, which can lead to greater understanding and harmony in relationships and society as a whole.

  1. Possible causes of being broad-minded
  2. Behaviors associated with being broad-minded
  3. Attitudes associated with being broad-minded
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being broad-minded
  5. Emotions associated with being broad-minded
  6. Facial expressions associated with being broad-minded
  7. Body language associated with being broad-minded
  8. Behaviors associated with being broad-minded
  9. Growth and evolution of broad-minded characters
  10. Stereotypes of broad-minded characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being broad-minded
  12. Positives of being broad-minded
  13. Verbal expressions of broad-minded characters
  14. Relationships of broad-minded characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are broad-minded
  16. Writing exercises for writing broad-minded characters

Possible causes of being broad-minded

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Exposure to diverse cultures, ideas, and lifestyles.
  • Being receptive to different perspectives and opinions.
  • Being willing to challenge one's own beliefs and biases.
  • Having a curious and inquisitive mind.
  • Being open to new experiences and trying different things.
  • Having a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others.
  • Having a high tolerance for complexity and nuance.
  • Being comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty.
  • Having a growth-oriented mindset that values learning and personal development.

For detailed feedback on broad-minded characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's writing style analysis.

Behaviors associated with being broad-minded

You may be able to show your character's trait of broad-minded by using these.

  • Willingness to consider different perspectives and ideas
  • Being curious and inquisitive about the world and its complexities
  • Tendency to listen more than speak and seek out diverse opinions
  • Ability to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty without feeling threatened or anxious
  • Being adaptable and flexible in one's thinking and approach to life
  • Ability to admit when wrong and learn from mistakes
  • Capacity to empathize with others and understand their perspectives
  • Openness to new experiences and ways of thinking
  • Being able to see beyond personal biases and prejudices

Attitudes associated with being broad-minded

You may be able to show broad-minded through their attitudes.

  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty
  • Openness to new ideas and experiences
  • Willingness to consider different perspectives and viewpoints
  • Ability to think critically and objectively
  • Curiosity and a desire to learn
  • Empathy and understanding towards diverse individuals and groups
  • Appreciation for diversity and cultural differences

Thoughts and struggles associated with being broad-minded

Here are some ideas for things your broad-minded character may think or struggle with.

  • They may be curious and eager to learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and beliefs, but may also feel overwhelmed or uncertain when faced with too much diversity or complexity.
  • They may struggle with finding a balance between being open-minded and being critical, and may sometimes feel frustrated or conflicted when they encounter ideas that challenge their own worldview.
  • They may be interested in exploring alternative ways of thinking and living, but may also feel a sense of responsibility or obligation to their own community or culture.
  • They may be motivated by a desire for personal growth and self-discovery, but may also feel a sense of moral or ethical obligation to promote social justice or equality.
  • They may be empathetic and understanding of others, but may also struggle with setting boundaries or asserting their own needs and opinions.
  • A broad-minded character is open to new ideas and perspectives, but may struggle with maintaining their own beliefs and values in the face of differing opinions.
  • They may often find themselves questioning their own assumptions and biases, and may be uncomfortable with certainty or dogma.

Emotions associated with being broad-minded

Here are some ideas for emotions your broad-minded character may experience.

  • Empathy and understanding towards others
  • Tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Openness to new ideas and experiences
  • Ability to think critically and independently
  • Lack of prejudice or bias
  • Curiosity and inquisitiveness
  • Willingness to consider different perspectives

Facial expressions associated with being broad-minded

Here are some facial expressions your broad-minded character may exhibit.

  • A nodding head, indicating agreement or acknowledgment
  • A slight smile, showing a willingness to listen and understand
  • Slightly raised eyebrows, indicating curiosity and interest
  • Eye contact that is focused and engaged
  • A relaxed and open facial expression

Body language associated with being broad-minded

Here is some body language your broad-minded character may exhibit.

  • Nodding and smiling to show interest and agreement
  • Maintaining good eye contact
  • Open and relaxed posture, with arms uncrossed and legs slightly apart
  • Being receptive to different opinions and viewpoints
  • Asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of others' perspectives
  • Leaning forward when engaged in conversation
  • Using expansive hand gestures to emphasize points
  • Taking deep breaths and pausing before responding to give thoughtful answers

For detailed feedback on broad-minded characters and other aspects of your writing, try ProWritingAid's writing style analysis.

Behaviors associated with being broad-minded

Here are some behaviors your broad-minded character may exhibit.

  • Willingness to consider different perspectives and ideas
  • Being adaptable and flexible in one's thinking and approach to life
  • Ability to admit when wrong and learn from mistakes
  • Ability to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty without feeling threatened or anxious
  • Capacity to empathize with others and understand their perspectives
  • Being curious and inquisitive about the world and its complexities
  • Tendency to listen more than speak and seek out diverse opinions
  • Being able to see beyond personal biases and prejudices
  • Openness to new experiences and ways of thinking

Growth and evolution of broad-minded characters

Here are some ways that your broad-minded character may grow and evolve over time.

  • The character may become more empathetic towards others and develop stronger relationships as a result.
  • The Broad-minded character may become more adaptable and flexible in their thinking and decision-making.
  • They may become more willing to take risks and try new things.
  • They may learn to appreciate diversity in all its forms, whether it be cultural, socioeconomic, or otherwise.
  • They may become less judgmental and more open-minded towards different lifestyles and choices.
  • The Broad-minded character may become more accepting of different perspectives and opinions.

Stereotypes of broad-minded characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical broad-minded character like these examples.

  • Avoid portraying Broad-minded characters as naive or ignorant about the negative aspects of the world, as this can make them seem unrealistic or detached from reality.
  • Avoid making Broad-minded characters overly preachy or judgmental towards those who don't share their beliefs or values.
  • Avoid making Broad-minded characters too passive or indecisive, as this can make them appear wishy-washy or ineffective.
  • Avoid portraying Broad-minded characters as perfect or flawless individuals who always make the right decisions and never experience inner conflicts.

Negatives of being broad-minded

Here are some potential negatives of being broad-minded. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • May be seen as wishy-washy or indecisive by others
  • May struggle with making decisions or taking action due to considering too many perspectives
  • May struggle with staying focused on one idea or project due to being open to exploring multiple options
  • May be more likely to experience overwhelm or anxiety due to being highly receptive to external stimuli and ideas

Positives of being broad-minded

Here are some potential positives of being broad-minded. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Willingness to consider different viewpoints
  • Tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty
  • Eagerness to learn and grow
  • Ability to think outside the box
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Openness to new ideas and perspectives
  • Acceptance of diversity and differences
  • Flexibility and adaptability in changing situations

Verbal expressions of broad-minded characters

Here are some potential expressions used by broad-minded characters.

  • Appreciating complexity and nuance in situations
  • Embracing diversity and inclusivity
  • Willing to consider opposing viewpoints
  • Recognizing personal biases and challenging them
  • Avoiding snap judgments or stereotypes
  • Encouraging respectful dialogue and debate
  • Willing to learn and grow from new experiences
  • Open to different perspectives and ideas
  • Being flexible and adaptable in changing circumstances

Relationships of broad-minded characters

Here are some ways that being broad-minded could affect your character's relationships.

  • Openness to new ideas and experiences.
  • Willingness to challenge their own beliefs and biases.
  • Ability to adapt to changing circumstances and situations.
  • Willingness to compromise and find common ground.
  • Willingness to listen to and consider different perspectives.
  • Desire to promote equality and fairness.
  • Ability to communicate effectively and respectfully.
  • Tendency to be non-judgmental and accepting of others.
  • Interest in learning about different cultures and ways of life.

Examples from books of characters who are broad-minded

  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Dumbledore from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Gandalf from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Tyrion Lannister from "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin
  • Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
  • Sherlock Holmes from the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
  • Scout from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Huckleberry Finn from "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain

Writing exercises for writing broad-minded characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write broad-minded characters.

  • Write a scene where your character is challenged to step out of their comfort zone and try something new or unfamiliar. How do they respond to this challenge? Are they open and receptive, or do they resist and close themselves off?
  • Write a scene where your character encounters someone who has a different perspective or belief system than them. How do they react and respond to this person? Do they listen and try to understand, or do they immediately shut them down?
  • Create a scenario where your character is faced with a moral dilemma. Do they stick to their own beliefs and principles, or do they consider other options and possibilities?
  • Imagine a situation where your character is in a position of power or authority. Do they use this power to help and support others, or do they exploit and manipulate them for their own gain?
  • Have your character engage in a conversation with someone who is from a different culture or background. How do they navigate this interaction? Do they show respect and curiosity, or do they make assumptions and stereotypes?
  • Have your character encounter a problem or issue that doesn't have a clear-cut solution. How do they approach this situation? Do they consider all perspectives and possibilities, or do they jump to conclusions and make hasty decisions?
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