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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Disciplined

Character Trait Disciplined

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "Disciplined" refers to an individual who has the ability to control their behavior and impulses, and to consistently follow through with their responsibilities and commitments. A disciplined person is organized, focused, and dedicated to achieving their goals, even in the face of obstacles or distractions. They are self-motivated and able to resist temptations or distractions that might interfere with their progress. This trait can be applied to a wide range of areas, including personal habits, work habits, and relationships.

  1. Possible causes of being disciplined
  2. Behaviors associated with being disciplined
  3. Attitudes associated with being disciplined
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being disciplined
  5. Emotions associated with being disciplined
  6. Facial expressions associated with being disciplined
  7. Body language associated with being disciplined
  8. Behaviors associated with being disciplined
  9. Growth and evolution of disciplined characters
  10. Stereotypes of disciplined characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being disciplined
  12. Positives of being disciplined
  13. Verbal expressions of disciplined characters
  14. Relationships of disciplined characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are disciplined
  16. Writing exercises for writing disciplined characters

Possible causes of being disciplined

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Personal experiences of the benefits of discipline, such as improved health or academic performance
  • A desire for achievement or success
  • Exposure to role models who embody discipline and self-control
  • A desire for order and predictability in life
  • A structured upbringing or education
  • A belief in the importance of self-control and self-discipline
  • A strong sense of purpose or mission in life
  • A focus on long-term goals rather than immediate gratification

Behaviors associated with being disciplined

You may be able to show your character's trait of disciplined by using these.

  • Holding oneself accountable for one's actions
  • Persisting in the face of difficulties or setbacks
  • Avoiding distractions and staying focused
  • Following through on commitments and deadlines
  • Continually learning and improving
  • Establishing a routine and sticking to it
  • Practicing self-control and delaying gratification
  • Planning ahead and being organized
  • Setting clear goals and priorities

Attitudes associated with being disciplined

You may be able to show disciplined through their attitudes.

  • Self-controlled
  • Consistent
  • Punctual
  • Determined
  • Organized
  • Diligent
  • Responsible
  • Focused
  • Committed

Thoughts and struggles associated with being disciplined

Here are some ideas for things your disciplined character may think or struggle with.

  • They may struggle with balancing their personal goals and desires with their obligations to others.
  • They may have a tendency to be perfectionists and struggle with accepting mistakes or failure.
  • They may have a strong sense of responsibility and duty, which can lead to feelings of guilt or anxiety if they don't follow through on their commitments.
  • They may struggle with feeling like they are missing out on experiences or opportunities because of their disciplined lifestyle.
  • They may have a fear of losing control or appearing weak.
  • They may have a strong work ethic and find it difficult to relax or take breaks.
  • A disciplined character may constantly battle with self-control and the desire for immediate gratification.

Emotions associated with being disciplined

Here are some ideas for emotions your disciplined character may experience.

  • Diligence
  • Commitment
  • Willpower
  • Determination
  • Self-control
  • Perseverance
  • Focus
  • Patience
  • Responsibility

Facial expressions associated with being disciplined

Here are some facial expressions your disciplined character may exhibit.

  • A calm demeanor, even in stressful situations
  • A straight, upright posture
  • A serious or stern expression
  • A lack of fidgeting or excessive movements
  • A focused gaze
  • A firm jawline
  • Tightly pressed lips
  • Raised eyebrows (often indicating attentive listening)

Body language associated with being disciplined

Here is some body language your disciplined character may exhibit.

  • Maintaining a calm and controlled demeanor
  • Using purposeful and deliberate hand gestures
  • Avoiding fidgeting or excessive movement
  • Displaying confidence in physical movements
  • Standing up straight with shoulders back and head held high
  • Speaking in a clear and measured tone
  • Sitting up straight with feet firmly planted on the ground
  • Maintaining eye contact during conversation

Behaviors associated with being disciplined

Here are some behaviors your disciplined character may exhibit.

  • Following through on commitments and deadlines
  • Planning ahead and being organized
  • Practicing self-control and delaying gratification
  • Establishing a routine and sticking to it
  • Holding oneself accountable for one's actions
  • Avoiding distractions and staying focused
  • Continually learning and improving
  • Persisting in the face of difficulties or setbacks
  • Setting clear goals and priorities

Growth and evolution of disciplined characters

Here are some ways that your disciplined character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Becoming more mindful and present in their daily life
  • Becoming more efficient and productive
  • Learning to prioritize tasks and responsibilities effectively
  • Learning to work effectively with others and follow rules and guidelines
  • Learning to cope with setbacks and challenges in a constructive manner
  • Developing a sense of self-control and self-mastery
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Developing resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity
  • Developing a stronger sense of purpose and direction in life

Stereotypes of disciplined characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical disciplined character like these examples.

  • Avoid portraying the disciplined character as emotionless or lacking in empathy.
  • Avoid making the disciplined character overly rigid or inflexible in their thinking.
  • Avoid making the disciplined character too perfect or flawless, as this can make them less relatable to readers.
  • Avoid portraying the disciplined character as being overly harsh or critical of themselves and others.

Negatives of being disciplined

Here are some potential negatives of being disciplined. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Can lead to rigid thinking and behavior
  • May cause inflexibility in certain situations
  • Can make it challenging to connect with others if discipline takes priority over socializing
  • May lead to burnout or exhaustion if discipline is taken too far
  • Can create feelings of guilt or shame when unable to maintain discipline

Positives of being disciplined

Here are some potential positives of being disciplined. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Helps to achieve goals and objectives
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Increases creativity and inspiration
  • Increases productivity and efficiency
  • Promotes a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction
  • Improves time management skills
  • Builds self-control and self-esteem
  • Develops good habits and routines

Verbal expressions of disciplined characters

Here are some potential expressions used by disciplined characters.

  • "I am focused on my goals."
  • "I don't procrastinate."
  • "I have a strict routine."
  • "I am committed to my work."
  • "I follow through on my commitments."
  • "I prioritize my tasks."
  • "I am accountable for my actions."
  • "I am consistent."
  • "I don't make excuses."
  • "I push through challenges."
  • "I stick to a schedule."
  • "I am self-motivated."
  • "I am organized."
  • "I am reliable."

Relationships of disciplined characters

Here are some ways that being disciplined could affect your character's relationships.

  • They may have a tendency to be strict or rigid in their approach to rules or expectations, which could potentially create tension in relationships where flexibility is needed.
  • They tend to be organized and structured in their approach to tasks, which can help them prioritize their time and commitments.
  • They are often self-motivated and goal-oriented, which can inspire others around them to strive for success.
  • They are reliable and follow through on commitments, which can build trust in their relationships.

Examples from books of characters who are disciplined

  • Captain Ahab from "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
  • Hermione Granger from the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Elinor Dashwood from "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen
  • Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" trilogy by Suzanne Collins
  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Sherlock Holmes from the series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Lisbeth Salander from "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson
  • Clarice Starling from "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris
  • Winston Smith from "1984" by George Orwell

Writing exercises for writing disciplined characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write disciplined characters.

  • Have your character reflect on their discipline and how it has benefited them in their life. Write a scene where they share their insights with another character.
  • Write a scene where your disciplined character has to make sacrifices to achieve their goals, such as giving up leisure time or personal relationships.
  • Create a character who struggles with discipline and write a scene where your disciplined character serves as a mentor or role model for the undisciplined character.
  • Start by creating a detailed backstory for your character, including their upbringing, education, and life experiences that have shaped their discipline.
  • Write a scene where your disciplined character has to persevere through a challenging situation, such as a grueling physical task, a demanding deadline, or a tough emotional situation.
  • Write a scene in which your character successfully resists temptation or distraction to achieve a goal.
  • Write a scene where your character is in a leadership position, demonstrating their discipline by setting clear goals and expectations for themselves and others.
  • Imagine a scenario in which your character faces a difficult ethical decision that challenges their sense of discipline. Write how they approach and resolve the situation.
  • Create a checklist or routine that your character follows each day, and write a scene where they stick to it despite outside distractions or obstacles.
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