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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Envious

Character Trait Envious

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. Envious is a character trait that describes a feeling of discontent and resentment towards someone else's possessions, qualities, or achievements. Envious people often desire what others have and may feel bitter or jealous when they can't attain it themselves. This trait can manifest in different ways, such as passive-aggressive behavior, gossiping, or sabotaging others' success. At its core, envy stems from a deep sense of insecurity and a lack of self-confidence.

  1. Possible causes of being envious
  2. Behaviors associated with being envious
  3. Attitudes associated with being envious
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being envious
  5. Emotions associated with being envious
  6. Facial expressions associated with being envious
  7. Body language associated with being envious
  8. Behaviors associated with being envious
  9. Growth and evolution of envious characters
  10. Stereotypes of envious characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being envious
  12. Positives of being envious
  13. Verbal expressions of envious characters
  14. Relationships of envious characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are envious
  16. Writing exercises for writing envious characters

Possible causes of being envious

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Childhood experiences: growing up in an environment where comparisons were often made, or where the child was constantly compared to others, may contribute to the development of envy.
  • Fear of missing out: the fear of not having experiences or opportunities that others have may contribute to feelings of envy.
  • Cultural or societal values: living in a society that values material wealth or social status may foster envy in individuals who feel they cannot attain these things.
  • Insecurity: feeling uncertain about one's abilities, attractiveness, or worth may lead to envy of those who appear to have these qualities more easily.
  • Low self-esteem: individuals who struggle with self-worth may feel envious of others who appear to have more success or happiness than they do.

Behaviors associated with being envious

You may be able to show your character's trait of envious by using these.

  • Being unable to appreciate or celebrate others' accomplishments without feeling jealous
  • Feeling resentful or bitter towards those who have what one desires
  • Gossiping or spreading rumors about others in order to make oneself feel superior
  • Constantly comparing oneself to others
  • Obsessing over what others have and feeling like it's unfair
  • Feeling a sense of inadequacy or insecurity
  • Secretly wishing for others to fail or lose what they have

Attitudes associated with being envious

You may be able to show envious through their attitudes.

  • Being overly competitive with others
  • Obsessing over what others have or achieve
  • Difficulty feeling happy for others' success
  • Feeling resentful towards those who have what one desires
  • Being possessive or jealous of what others have
  • Constantly comparing oneself to others
  • Feeling a sense of entitlement to what others have
  • Feeling inadequate or inferior in comparison to others

Thoughts and struggles associated with being envious

Here are some ideas for things your envious character may think or struggle with.

  • Feeling isolated and alone because they believe others have things they don't
  • Trying to hide their envy and putting on a façade of contentment
  • Feeling guilty for their envy and trying to suppress it
  • Feeling like they are always in competition with others
  • Desiring what others have and feeling like they deserve it more
  • Struggling with self-esteem and self-worth issues
  • Constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate
  • Sabotaging others or feeling tempted to do so in order to level the playing field
  • Feeling resentful of others' successes or possessions

Emotions associated with being envious

Here are some ideas for emotions your envious character may experience.

  • Insecurity
  • Hostility
  • Discontentment
  • Frustration
  • Bitterness
  • Resentment
  • Covetousness
  • Jealousy
  • Disappointment

Facial expressions associated with being envious

Here are some facial expressions your envious character may exhibit.

  • Raised eyebrows
  • Clenched jaw
  • Narrowed eyes
  • Flared nostrils
  • Glaring or staring intensely
  • Frowning or scowling
  • Sneering or curling the lip
  • Biting or pursing lips

Body language associated with being envious

Here is some body language your envious character may exhibit.

  • Fidgeting or restlessness while in the presence of the desired object or person
  • Leaning forward or making aggressive movements towards the desired object
  • Narrowed or squinted eyes while looking at the object of envy
  • A fake smile or insincere compliments towards the person who possesses what is envied
  • Clenched fists or jaw
  • Tension in the face, neck, or shoulders
  • Avoiding eye contact or looking away while discussing the object of envy

Behaviors associated with being envious

Here are some behaviors your envious character may exhibit.

  • Feeling resentful or bitter towards those who have what one desires
  • Feeling a sense of inadequacy or insecurity
  • Being unable to appreciate or celebrate others' accomplishments without feeling jealous
  • Obsessing over what others have and feeling like it's unfair
  • Constantly comparing oneself to others
  • Secretly wishing for others to fail or lose what they have
  • Gossiping or spreading rumors about others in order to make oneself feel superior

Growth and evolution of envious characters

Here are some ways that your envious character may grow and evolve over time.

  • Practice gratitude: One way for an envious character to grow is to focus on gratitude. By practicing gratitude, they can shift their focus from what they don't have to what they do have. This can help them to appreciate their life and the people in it.
  • Let go of comparison: Envious characters can grow by letting go of comparison. They need to focus on their own journey and not compare themselves to others. By letting go of comparison, they can focus on their own growth and development.
  • Identify the root cause of their envy: Once the character recognizes their envy, they need to identify the root cause of it. This can help them understand why they feel this way and help them to work through those feelings.
  • Develop self-awareness: An envious character can grow by developing self-awareness. This means being aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how they impact others. By understanding their own emotions, they can better manage them and avoid negative behaviors.
  • Recognize and acknowledge their envy: The first step for an envious character to grow is to recognize and acknowledge that they have a problem with envy and jealousy. They need to accept that it is a problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Learn from others: Envious characters can grow by learning from others. They can learn from those they envy and try to understand how they achieved their success or happiness. This can help them to develop new skills and strategies to achieve their own goals.

Stereotypes of envious characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical envious character like these examples.

  • Instead, consider giving your character a complex backstory or motivation for their envy, such as past traumas or insecurities.
  • Avoid making your character's envy unrealistic or unfounded, as this can make them seem irrational or petty.
  • Avoid making your character constantly and openly jealous of others, as this can become tiresome for readers.
  • Avoid making your character excessively spiteful or malicious towards those they envy, as this can make them seem cruel and unlikable.
  • Avoid making your character's envy the sole motivating factor for their actions, as this can make them seem predictable and shallow.
  • Avoid making your envious character one-dimensional or solely defined by their envy.
  • Consider giving your character redeeming qualities or moments of self-reflection, to make them more relatable and sympathetic.

Negatives of being envious

Here are some potential negatives of being envious. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Obsessively comparing oneself to others
  • Constantly seeking validation and approval from others
  • Difficulty in forming and maintaining close relationships due to jealousy
  • Feeling unhappy and resentful when others achieve success or receive recognition
  • Inability to genuinely celebrate the success of others
  • Tendency to manipulate or sabotage others to ensure personal gain
  • Holding grudges against those who are perceived as having more or being better

Positives of being envious

Here are some potential positives of being envious. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Envy can be a powerful motivator, driving a character to work harder and achieve more.
  • Envy can serve as a reminder of what a character truly values, helping them to clarify their goals and desires.
  • Envy can be a catalyst for change, inspiring a character to seek out new experiences or take risks in pursuit of something they desire.
  • Envy can also be a signal that a character is feeling undervalued or overlooked, prompting them to advocate for themselves and assert their needs.

Verbal expressions of envious characters

Here are some potential expressions used by envious characters.

  • "I wish I had that."
  • "I can't stand seeing them happy when I'm not."
  • "I deserve that more than they do."
  • "It's not fair that they have that and I don't."
  • "I'll never be as good as they are."
  • "I'm so jealous of their success/relationships/possessions."
  • "Why do they get to have that and not me?"

Relationships of envious characters

Here are some ways that being envious could affect your character's relationships.

  • They might struggle to feel happy for others' successes or to celebrate with them.
  • They might have difficulty forming close friendships or relationships, as their envy can make them feel insecure or distrustful of others.
  • They might engage in gossip or negative talk about others, especially those who have something they desire.
  • They might feel threatened by others' success or good fortune, leading to resentment and bitterness.
  • They might try to undermine or sabotage others' achievements or relationships out of envy.
  • They might feel a sense of competition or rivalry with others, even if there is no actual competition.
  • They might feel a need to constantly compare themselves to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.
  • They might seek validation or attention through envy, hoping to get others to notice them or praise them for their accomplishments.

Examples from books of characters who are envious

  • Becky Sharp from "Vanity Fair" by William Makepeace Thackeray
  • Catherine Earnshaw from "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte
  • Iago from "Othello" by William Shakespeare
  • Amy Dunne from "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn
  • Regina George from "Mean Girls" by Rosalind Wiseman
  • Tom Buchanan from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Gollum from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Dudley Dursley from "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
  • Miss Havisham from "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

Writing exercises for writing envious characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write envious characters.

  • Write a scene in which your character is envious of someone's talents or skills. How does this affect their own pursuit of those talents or skills?
  • Create a character who is envious of someone's personality traits. Write a scene in which the character tries to emulate those traits but ultimately fails.
  • Create a character who is envious of someone else's success. Write a scene in which this character sabotages the other person in some way.
  • Create a character who is envious of someone's social status. Write a scene in which the character tries to climb the social ladder at any cost.
  • Write a scene in which your character is envious of someone's possessions. How does this affect their relationship with that person?
  • Write a scene in which your character experiences envy towards a close friend or family member. How does this affect their relationship?
  • Think of a time when you felt envious. Write a scene in which your character experiences a similar situation and shows envy.
  • Create a character who is envious of someone's physical appearance. Write a scene in which the character takes drastic measures to change their own appearance.
  • Write a scene in which your character is jealous of someone else's relationship. How does this jealousy manifest in their behavior?
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