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Inspiration Decks Character Traits 2023-12-06 00:00

Character Trait: Fanatical

Character Trait Fanatical

To engage your reader, it's important to always show not tell the traits of your characters. The character trait "fanatical" refers to a person who is excessively enthusiastic or dedicated to a particular cause or belief. This trait can manifest in different ways, such as a person who is obsessively devoted to a hobby, a sports team, a political ideology, or a religious belief. A fanatical character tends to be single-minded and intense in their pursuit of their passion, often to the point of irrationality or extremism. This trait can add depth and complexity to a character, but it can also make them unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

  1. Possible causes of being fanatical
  2. Behaviors associated with being fanatical
  3. Attitudes associated with being fanatical
  4. Thoughts and struggles associated with being fanatical
  5. Emotions associated with being fanatical
  6. Facial expressions associated with being fanatical
  7. Body language associated with being fanatical
  8. Behaviors associated with being fanatical
  9. Growth and evolution of fanatical characters
  10. Stereotypes of fanatical characters to avoid
  11. Negatives of being fanatical
  12. Positives of being fanatical
  13. Verbal expressions of fanatical characters
  14. Relationships of fanatical characters
  15. Examples from books of characters who are fanatical
  16. Writing exercises for writing fanatical characters

Possible causes of being fanatical

You might want to weave these into your character's back story to build a more believable character.

  • Trauma or past experiences that led to extreme beliefs or actions
  • Mental health issues such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or paranoia
  • Fear of uncertainty or change
  • Desire for control and power
  • Influence of a charismatic leader or group
  • Strong belief in a certain ideology or religion
  • Lack of critical thinking skills or exposure to diverse perspectives

Behaviors associated with being fanatical

You may be able to show your character's trait of fanatical by using these.

  • Being willing to sacrifice personal relationships or well-being for one's beliefs
  • Being highly emotional and passionate about a certain cause or belief
  • Being unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints or opinions
  • Believing that one's beliefs or values are the only correct ones
  • Engaging in extreme or risky behaviors to further one's cause or belief
  • Seeing the world in black and white terms, without shades of gray or nuance
  • Obsessively pursuing a particular interest or goal to an extreme extent
  • Refusing to compromise or negotiate on certain issues

Attitudes associated with being fanatical

You may be able to show fanatical through their attitudes.

  • Single-minded focus and obsession with the subject of their fanaticism
  • Willingness to make sacrifices and endure hardships in pursuit of their goals
  • Extreme and unwavering dedication to a particular goal or objective
  • Refusal to consider opposing viewpoints or alternative approaches
  • Need for validation and recognition from others who share their beliefs
  • Tendency to become defensive or confrontational when challenged
  • Strong emotional attachment to the subject of their fanaticism
  • Willingness to go to great lengths to achieve the desired outcome
  • Intense passion and devotion to a specific cause or belief

Thoughts and struggles associated with being fanatical

Here are some ideas for things your fanatical character may think or struggle with.

  • They may struggle with feelings of guilt or doubt, but ultimately justify their behavior as necessary for the greater good.
  • Their fanatical beliefs may lead them to reject alternative perspectives or information that contradicts their worldview.
  • They may become defensive or hostile when their beliefs are challenged or questioned.
  • They may see the world in black and white terms, with little room for nuance or compromise.
  • Their intense focus on their cause can make them blind to the consequences of their actions.
  • A fanatical character is deeply devoted to a cause, belief, or person.
  • They may feel a sense of superiority or righteousness, viewing themselves as a chosen or special group.

Emotions associated with being fanatical

Here are some ideas for emotions your fanatical character may experience.

  • Extreme passion and enthusiasm towards a particular cause or belief
  • Extreme emotional reactions to anything that challenges or contradicts their beliefs
  • Unwavering loyalty and commitment to a cause or belief, regardless of opposing opinions or evidence
  • Intense devotion and dedication to a person, idea, or group
  • Narrow-mindedness and inability to consider alternative perspectives
  • Irrational thinking and behavior, often leading to extreme actions or decisions
  • Intolerance towards anyone who disagrees with them or holds different beliefs

Facial expressions associated with being fanatical

Here are some facial expressions your fanatical character may exhibit.

  • Raised eyebrows or furrowed brow
  • Pursed lips or clenched jaw
  • A tense or strained facial expression
  • A fixed or rigid smile
  • Flared nostrils
  • Tightened facial muscles
  • Intense and wide-eyed gaze

Body language associated with being fanatical

Here is some body language your fanatical character may exhibit.

  • Hyper-focused attention on a particular topic or idea
  • Sweating or trembling
  • Raised voice or speaking very loudly
  • Pacing or fidgeting
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • Redness in the face or neck
  • Clenched fists or tight body posture
  • Intense eye contact, often unblinking
  • Pointing or gesturing aggressively

Behaviors associated with being fanatical

Here are some behaviors your fanatical character may exhibit.

  • Believing that one's beliefs or values are the only correct ones
  • Engaging in extreme or risky behaviors to further one's cause or belief
  • Being highly emotional and passionate about a certain cause or belief
  • Obsessively pursuing a particular interest or goal to an extreme extent
  • Being unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints or opinions
  • Seeing the world in black and white terms, without shades of gray or nuance
  • Being willing to sacrifice personal relationships or well-being for one's beliefs
  • Refusing to compromise or negotiate on certain issues

Growth and evolution of fanatical characters

Here are some ways that your fanatical character may grow and evolve over time.

  • The character may become more extreme in their beliefs and actions, leading to a potential downfall or conflict with others.
  • They could realize that their fanaticism is causing them to miss out on important aspects of life, such as relationships or personal growth, and strive to find a balance.
  • They could undergo a traumatic event or experience that challenges their fanaticism and forces them to re-evaluate their beliefs and actions.
  • They may begin to question their fanaticism and start to see the flaws in their thinking, leading to a shift in their beliefs and actions.
  • The character may encounter someone with opposing beliefs who challenges their fanaticism and forces them to consider other perspectives.
  • The character may come to realize the negative effects of their fanaticism on others and try to make amends or seek redemption.

Stereotypes of fanatical characters to avoid

Try to avoid writing stereotypical fanatical character like these examples.

  • Avoid making your Fanatical character a villain or antagonist without any redeeming qualities.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character preachy or condescending towards others.
  • Avoid portraying your Fanatical character as irrational or delusional.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character violent or aggressive towards those who don't share their beliefs.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character overly emotional or hysterical in their beliefs and actions.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character a caricature or parody of a real-world fanatic.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character blindly follow a leader or authority figure without questioning their actions or beliefs.
  • Avoid making your Fanatical character one-dimensional and solely focused on their beliefs.

Negatives of being fanatical

Here are some potential negatives of being fanatical. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as positives depending on the context.

  • Narrow-mindedness and intolerance towards opposing viewpoints
  • Inability to compromise or consider alternative perspectives
  • Alienation from society or social groups due to the intensity of the fanaticism
  • Tendency to prioritize the object of fanaticism over personal relationships and responsibilities
  • Extreme behavior and actions, such as violence or self-harm, to defend or promote the object of fanaticism
  • Blindly following a belief or ideology without questioning its validity or morality
  • Difficulty in adapting to change or accepting new ideas that challenge the belief system

Positives of being fanatical

Here are some potential positives of being fanatical. Note: These are subjective and some might also be seen as negatives depending on the context.

  • Fanatics are often highly disciplined and focused, which can lead to increased productivity and success.
  • Fanatics often possess a deep knowledge and understanding of their chosen subject matter.
  • Fanatics are highly motivated and passionate about their beliefs or interests.
  • Fanatics are often willing to go above and beyond to achieve their goals.
  • They tend to have a clear sense of purpose and direction in life.
  • They can be highly creative and innovative in their pursuit of excellence.
  • They are not easily deterred by setbacks or obstacles, and are willing to persevere in the face of adversity.
  • They can inspire others and create a sense of community around their shared passion.

Verbal expressions of fanatical characters

Here are some potential expressions used by fanatical characters.

  • "I'm addicted to it"
  • "I'll never give it up"
  • "I'm obsessed with it"
  • "It's my whole world"
  • "I can't live without it"
  • "It's the only thing that matters"
  • "I'll do anything for it"
  • "I can't get enough of it"
  • "It's the best thing ever"

Relationships of fanatical characters

Here are some ways that being fanatical could affect your character's relationships.

  • They may become emotionally invested in their relationships, viewing others as either allies or enemies based on their level of agreement.
  • Fanatical people may struggle to form close relationships with those who do not share their beliefs or values.
  • Fanatics may seek out relationships with others who share their beliefs and passions, creating an echo chamber of reinforcement.
  • Fanatics may be prone to forming cult-like relationships with charismatic leaders who reinforce their beliefs.
  • They may be dismissive or hostile towards those who hold opposing views.

Examples from books of characters who are fanatical

  • Elizabeth Bennet from "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
  • Dracula from "Dracula" by Bram Stoker
  • Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
  • Jay Gatsby from "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris
  • Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
  • Sherlock Holmes from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

Writing exercises for writing fanatical characters

Here are some writing exercises you might try for learning to write fanatical characters.

  • Write a scene where the character's fanatical behavior causes conflict with other characters, such as a friend who tries to intervene and convince them to take a break from their obsession.
  • Start with a character who has a strong passion or obsession, such as a musician who is determined to become a world-famous rock star.
  • Write a scene where the character has a moment of self-reflection and realizes the impact of their fanatical behavior on themselves and others. Do they decide to change their ways or continue down the same path?
  • Consider the consequences of the character's fanatical behavior and how it affects their relationships and goals. Does their obsession ultimately lead to success or failure? Do they sacrifice other aspects of their life for their passion?
  • Explore the character's backstory to understand why they are so fanatical about their passion. Did they have a difficult childhood? Did they experience a traumatic event that sparked their obsession?
  • Write a scene where the character's obsession drives them to do something extreme or irrational, such as breaking into a music executive's office to play their demo tape.
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